Friday, December 10, 2010

And The Diagnosis Is...

Last Saturday I began to feel really rotten. Felt like I was getting a bad cold. Now, I ususally have at least two colds each year. One comes in the winter and one in the spring. So getting a cold as the weather begins to change was not a surprise.

I found some medicine for aches and pains and took that. It seemed to take away all that aching and I was able to make it to the Saturday night meeting to lead the singing.

Sunday morning I was not any better. The medicine took away the aches and I made it to my Sunday morning meetings and choir practice. But I was ever so grateful for my home Sunday afternoon and the opportunity to just rest some. I did managed to get a few things done in preparation for the High Priest Christmas Social that will be at our home tonight.

By Sunday evening my throat was beginning to get very sore. Hmmm...not good. I was getting a bit concerned this was more than a cold.

Monday I woke with a very sore throat and the cold symtoms were getting epic now. I did manage to clean two of the three bathrooms upstairs and get a bunch of the Christmas stuff from the basement to the upstairs. Papa came over in the afternoon and we picked out music for Wednesday. My voice was a goner but, really, the people at the nursing home do not care. I also stayed up late and finish the trees for Hayden and Bailey. I slept on the sofa in the basement because the coughing was worse and poor Claude had not slept well for two night with my hacking and tossing and turning. One needs ones rest prior to an overnighter with the mini-Marx's.

Tuesday morning I had the cold with the stomach flu stuff. Good Grief!!! Claude headed out to the Family History Center and then to go to the Marx home to read in Hayden's school. He put on the grocery list to bring me cough syrup and some ache and pain medicine.

I continued putting up some Christmas stuff and getting some of my 'to do' list finished. I was as productive as I could be under the circumstances. The piano tuner came for his annual visit. I called my visiting teacher and told her not to come with her two wonderful little girls. I did go to bed at 10:30pm instead of my usual late-night-into-the-wee-small-hours-of-the-morning prowl that happens when Claude is not home.

At 2am I awoke with a very upset stomach. I headed to my bathroom and hurled big time. Then as my head hit my pillow again I knew it was time to see a doctor.

Tuesday morning I called my doctor and he had no appointment times. They asked if I would mind seeing another doctor in the office. I assured them it really didn't matter to me I just wanted to be sure I did not have strep. They gave me a 1:30pm appointment with Dr. Martin.

I'll just interject here, because this is my journal, that I'm not a person to go to the doctor on a whim. In fact, we've lived here 6 years and my family doctor would not know me if he saw me on the street. I only go when I'm really, really sure there is something wrong. I was pleasantly surprised with Dr. Martin. He took lots of time and actually covered a lot of things other than my immediate request about the possibility of strep. At one point in perusing my chart he asked about the last time I had blood work done. I assured him it was probably when I had the sacroculpoplexy surgery but I could tell him what they tested for or the results. I just knew they were pleased with everything before doing the surgery. He suggested I come in fasting and have some blood work done for various things. I told him that, in reality, I had not eaten that day. I had consume maybe half a can of Dr. Pepper but that was all. He said, "Well, let's do that blood work now."

Dr. Martin told me I had bronchitis. He prescribed the 'Z-Pack' and also some very strong cough syrup. Now, I had this same regime last January. I have a pattern forming here. I really had the same symptoms and things happening. I took my prescriptions, headed to Papa's to leave his pants I had hemmed and the words to a song he was looking for, then to the pharmacy to get my prescriptions filled, then to Sonic for a much needed corndog, then to Valories to drop off her birthday/Christmas gift and then to my lovely home in the hills of Sadieville to begin my med regime and rest.

Yesterday I kept taking the medicine but noticed that I had a bad headache eveytime I bent over. What in the world was that all about? Now I was spending my afternoon with some old and dear friends, my Christmas ornaments. Claude put the tree up on Monday morning and I'm the decorator. Thursday was the day to finally get that done. As the decorating wore on I realized my right ear was starting to hurt really bad. I managed to finally get the tree decorated, all the miscellaneous stuff out and the empty boxes back to the family room. I dusted the basement and then I just put my sweatshirt on with the hoody over my head and curled up on the love seat in the living room to rest. I was chilled and really in a bad way. Claude had a meeting Thursday morning and another one Thursday evening. He brought home dinner from Wendy's and some ear ache medicine the pharmacist assured him would not work against the lovely drugs I was already taking.

Claude put the drops in my ear and I slept on the love seat for an hour. Then before I went to bed at 11pm we put more drops in my ear. During the night I woke up and tried to put them in myself. I found myself amused by my attempt and very grateful that during the day I had a good hubby to assist me with this simple process.

This morning my ear ache is better, but I'm very dizzy. I'm on day 3 of my Z-Pack and that is a good thing. I have two bathrooms to clean and some vacuuming to do and the kitchen to pick up. Claude is home with me all day today and I'm sure he'll help with this as needed. Then we will have the mother-of-all High Priest Christmas socials tonight. Then I'll go back to bed for another wonderful bit of rest as this poor old tired body of mine continues what appears to be its annual bout with bronchitis. Good Grief!!

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