Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Catchy Blog title, don't you think???

Yesterday I made a short to-do list that I felt I could actually plow my way through in one day. One item on the list was to make some burp pads to crochet a border around while we are driving this weekend.

I had two yards of baby fabric. One yard was blue and the other was pink. I cut out as many burp pads as I could out of the fabric. I like to stitch two pieces together and turn them so the burp pad is the same on both sides and a bit thicker. I ended up with seven potential burp pads from each yard of fabric.

Now, I knew I was not going to get 14 burp pads crocheted this weekend. My should hurts too much after a while to get anywhere near that many. So I stitched together two of the blue and two of the pink, picked out crochet thread I had on hand to do each of these and put all this in a 2-gallon zip lock bag as a kit to take on the car rides.

Then the lightbulb in my head went off. Our Countryside Homemaker's Club is going to set up a craft booth at Sadieville in September this September. We are each going to provide five items to be sold at the booth. The money raised will be used for the back pack program in the elementary school near us. This program fills back packs with food for under-privileged kids to take home so they have something to each over the weekends. Hmmm...What about selling some burp pads.

I looked through some of the trim possibilities and ended up make six burp pads to be sold for this worthy cause. I was quite happy to have that ready to go.
I'm sure I'll be making other things for this cause between now and Septemer, but it sure feels good to get that done with lace, rick-rack and piping that I had on hand.

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