Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Papa Update...

And someone asked, "How is Papa doing?" 
Wednesday, March 2nd, I took him to see Dr. Thomas, his cardiologist. Papa had had no issues and so he was given a good go ahead with the only change being to reduce the amount of one of his meds. That is always good.

Since Dr. Weckman is in the building next door, we walked to Dr. Weckman's office for his INR to be done. This time it read 1.2. It should be between 2 and 3. This meant his blood was too thick. We were asked to return in a week. 

The very next morning at 6:30am I received a call from Papa. He had experienced what he thought may have been a heart attack. It didn't last very long but felt strong like the February heart attack. How ironic it would occur the day after seeing the cardiologist. Papa was feeling better but he felt I should know. 

One week later would have been the 9th of March. That afternoon I spent at Frank Shoop getting new brakes on my car. We did not get the INR done that day. Instead I took Papa on Friday, March 11th. This time his count was 1.6. Getting better but not quite right. I was told to keep his dosage of warfarin the same and bring him back in 2 weeks. 

This is where I messed up. I put the day for the next INR at one week instead of two. We were in Dr. Weckman's office waiting to go back for the INR when I realized my error. I was a week early. However,  On March 16th while Bonnie and Shannon were hear Papa called and was sure he was having a heart attack. I rushed in to find him much better. However, as I sat beside him while he was stretched out in his recliner, I noticed that his breathing is as irregular as his heart beat. When I felt his pulse after I arrived he would have 3 or 4 very strong heartbeats and then a pause like it skipped a beat. This is the AFib. When he slept, he would breathe really deep so that his belly rose way high with the breath getting continually more shallow and then I found myself looking to be sure he was still breathing for what should have been a breath or two. Very concerning and I'll mention this when we visit Dr. Weckman next. Because of this episode I asked Justin, the RN, if they would still check the INR to be sure his blood was not too think. Justin said he would surely do that. The little test read 3.8. That means Papa's blood is now too thin. Great. Dr. Weckman said to return in one week and leave the meds like they are. Justin asked me to actually return on the 24th (Thursday) as Dr. Weckman teaches classes on the 25th (Friday). I will try to get that right...except...

Papa has his 3 month check with Dr. Weckman on Wednesday the 23rd. I'm hoping Dr. Weckman will do the next INR then so I don't have to tramp Papa around the next day to the doctor's office. We'll see. 

In the meantime Papa thinks his hearing has improved!!!  He just got a Q-tip and cleaned his ears because he heard on his television set at 100 that most hearing problems are just wax in the ear. Sunday when I got to his apartment he assured me he was hearing so much better. I grinned and told him I was happy to hear that. Well, I yelled it because the television is really loud at 100. Then I sat and crocheted while we watched television and talked. I said something to him as I bent over to pull out more yarn. He assured me he couldn't hear me. I looked up and him and said, "Then I'm just not sure your hearing is that much better." He laughed and we went on with our conversation. Trust me, a little ear wax is not his hearing issue. 

We'll just keep on doing the best that we can for Papa. Life is what it is for him at this point. I'll try again this Friday to get him out for a drive in the country. That is truly his best medicine.

I also printed the 'Essays' they have posted at lds.org. He will enjoy reading them over the next little while and they will surely give us fodder for more discussions. That is also a good thing.

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