Monday, May 27, 2024

Week 1 & 2 of Recovery...

Claude says I should label these entries Day 1 - Pain, Day 2 - Pain, etc. We got a good laugh out of that accurate description.

First, let me say I refer a lot to my calendar, eMails and texts, and my Gratitude Journal when it has been a while since I updated my Blog. I have tried to write in my Gratitude Journal every day. Since my surgery, I have very little use of my right hand and arm. With it being encased in this sling, holding a pen is difficult. My handwriting is almost legible! We set a small spiral notebook on the kitchen counter to record when I did PT and when and what meds were taken. The first week Nissa and Claude dispensed meds and did all recording. The second week, I started doing this for myself sometimes. I have used my left hand for this writing. It is hilarious to try and read. With that background and the few pictures I have taken, I will try and record my first two weeks of recovery.

Monday, May 13th, was surgery day. I recorded that in my previous Blog post. Our sweet Daughter, Nissa, brought me a treasure of a gift. This turtle has solar powered lights in the center of each flower. I love turtles. This would be a welcome treasure in our backyard.
Tuesday, May 14th, we realized my right hand was green. Later we learned my entire right arm and shoulder were green. I am sure it is was something to with fighting infection. I took this picture but the green really only shows well around my thumb nail. 
This day we started with a biscuit run. We wanted Nissa to experience some of the things her aging parents enjoy. I purchased a box with four 500-piece puzzles in it. I invited Nissa to help. I was able to be up and work for a few minutes and then rest. Nissa was hooked. She stayed with the puzzle and finished it. She kept apologizing for keeping at it when I was resting. I kept telling her if anyone understood the compulsive need to finish a puzzle, it was her mother! We both agreed there were 3 other puzzles for after she left!
We started this week with an oxycodoin every night before bed. I was given plenty to also take through the day, but I do not like taking narcotics. Through the day I had the pain pump and Tylenol. 

Wednesday, May 15th, was a pain day for the records. 

Thursday, May 16th, would be Nissa's last day with us. She did the laundry and cut Claude's hair. Bless his heart, the last time he had a haircut was just before we went to Italy. We were getting close to a ponytail or man-bun! I felt a little better this day.

Friday, May 17th, Nissa left for the long drive home. Claude went to Dan Cummins to get an oil change and tires rotated on the Jeep. This was my first time alone since surgery. I spent this precious time sleeping in my chair! Claude came home in the Courtesy Car from Dan Cummins. It seems that oil change and tire rotation was not all the Jeep needed. Our cars are now 7-years old. The Jeep has over 100,000 miles on it. Time to expect some extra service. The expense was WAY over what Claude was expecting for the oil change and tire rotation. He waited till Dan Cummins came back to pick him up to get his Jeep. 

In the afternoon, I found the Hobbits on TV and started to watch that. Claude would join me for a Hobbit-fest.

My Kindle decided it was full of humidity again. Ugh! It was to be a major form of entertainment during recuperation. I can't charge it when it thinks there is moisture in it. I played on it till the battery was in the 20's. Then it took a charge as long as I played. It was good to have my Kindle back.

Saturday, May 18th, I started the second puzzle. Claude and I watched some movies and I took naps.

Sunday, May 19th, was Stake Conference. We had a Zoom link so we could watch from home. That is definitely a blessing of technology. It was very soothing to curl up in my chair, watch conference and the trees outside blowing in the breeze.
This day the pain pump ran out of fluid. It was supposed to have lasted about three days. It lasted from Monday till Sunday morning. Claude pulled the catheter out of my neck and boxed it up to be returned. Now I would experience that 60% of pain it had been relieving me of! 
With the pain pump catherter out of my shoulder, I could finally take a real shower. My last real shower was Monday morning of my surgery. Cleansing with baby wipes was helpful. But nothing feels as good as standing under a shower head sending warm water over an aching body. I must give accolades to my good Hubby and caregiver. Without the use of my right arm and the need to support that arm with my left hand most of the time, showering would be impossible. Just having his strong arm to get in and out to assure I would not fall and ruin this surgery, was a huge blessing. Being clean was like a gift from heaven.

This night I finished my puzzle.
Monday, May 20th, I was itching in earnest. It started a bit Sunday evening. By Monday I was in search of cortizone cream. By the afternoon, I was covered in a rash everywhere the sling covered my arm. I thought I was allergic to the fabric inside the sling. We got one of Claude's white handkerchiefs and wrapped it around my arm so it was not touching the sleeve anywhere. I took antihistime to help with the itching and to knock me out so I could sleep that night.

Claude cut the grass during the morning. Then we got smoothies to cool off. We would spend the afternoon and evening watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. 

During the day, I moved my solar turtle out to get its first rays of sun.
Tuesday, May 21st, would bw the most full day since surgery. My recliner was delivered by 9am. Hallelujah!! 
Then Claude headed back to Dan Cummins. This time he took my Buick for an oil change and tire rotation. Fortunately, that was all the Buick required.

At 3:30, we were sitting in Dr. Sajadi's office for my 1 week checkup. Dr. Cowan is who we would see. He removed the bandage over the incision. This was so much less painful than Claude trying to remove the pain pack catheter bandage which was attached to the hair on my neck. Dr. Cowan said everything looked good and I was progressing well. He deyermined I had a heat rash. We decided we would cut the sleeves out of one of Claude's old white long-sleeved shirts. I would pull his sleeve up over my shoulder and then only wear cotton t-shirts. This has worked wonderfully. Cool washcloths a couple of times each day and air drying have complimented Claude's long sleeve. So happy it wasn't an allergy. X-rays of my shoulder were taken to ensure all was healing as it should. I will go back in 3 weeks where it is anticipated the sling will come off for the final time and I will be referred to physical therapy.

In the evening, I took this picture of my incision. It is not as long as Claude and I thought it would be. 
My turtle lite up with the sun it got this day. I took this picture for Nissa to see the turtle and my puzzle.
Wednesday, May 22nd, was a very itchy day. The only entry in my gratitude journal was 'antihistimine for itching'.

Thursday, May 23rd, I finally returned to my laptop to begin catching up on picture labeling and blogging. I couldn't do it all at once. It would be a slow process using only my left hand and no mouse. Patience is a virtue!

Claude went to see Dr. Lyon for his annual physical. He got a good report. Dr. Lyon and Claude spoke about my shoulder. Claude wanted to be sure he knew about the surgery. Dr. Lyon did know and described my shoulder before surgery as 'trashed'. He was happy we chose the surgery.

In the evening, we started to watch the Third Rock television series. 

Friday, May 24th, I tried sitting on the patio in the afternoon. While I found it perfectly delightful, my Kindle decided it had moisture inside it...again. Oh bother!

In the evening, I noticed a lump in my arm at the base of the incision. This area had a big bruise there after the surgery. 

Saturday, May 25th, I taught Claude how to do laundry. He did great. 

I had Claude take this picture of me and my best friend, The Sling. We are together 24/7. Yes, it is cumbersome. But, on this day I was almost to the halfway point!
Sunday, May 26th, was a quiet day at home. I would spend most of my day in my comfortable recliner. In the evening we experienced a very powerful storm. Horrible winds. Lots of damage to homes in the area but our little home stood firm.

Monday, May 27th, is Memorial Day. Claude smoked a pork butt yesterday and baked beans today for a combined ward picnic. We would not attend. Not interested in doing anything to encourage the return of the heat rash. Claude we make bacon burgers for us tonight. We will watch a little more Third Rock after Claude finishes watching Patton. We will have had a good day.

This finishes the first two weeks of recovery. We are officially at the halfway point. Yeah!!

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