Saturday, May 30, 2009

And Now For Something Silly...

Last night Claude and I stayed up and watched the final Tonight Show with Jay Leno. We are usually in bed by 11:30pm at the latest and don't watch Jay but over the years we have watched and enjoyed his version of the Tonight Show on occasion. I especially liked the "Headline" bit on Monday nights where he showed headlines from newspaper articles or advertisements that were worded in a particularly funny manner. Jay also started a bit called "Jay Walking". This is where he takes a microphone and a camera person and they just go out on the streets armed with a very simple question that most people should know the answer to. He gets the most amazing answers. Often he'll ask the question at a graduation and still get answers that are unbelievably silly. Last night he played some of the clips of the funniest of these silly answers to very simple questions. The one that sent Claude and I rolling in laughter with tears running down our faces from laughing so hard was this: Jay: What do the letters DC stand for in Washington, DC? Answer: "Da Capital??" Okay people, that is just silly and side splitting funny. The real answer is District of Columbia (just in case you didn't know).

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed taking in Jay’s final Tonight Show broadcast too. Say what you want about this host or that host, but Jay has a good heart, and it’s always shown through in the show.
