Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Did You Know???

That Claude and Sandi live on a VERY steep hill in Sadieville. Ask little Hayden as he hikes up it in Gram"Pa" Claude's bucket hat.
That Memorial Day weekend in Kentucky there are "ripe" Marx children ready for the pickin'. But you need a big strong guy like Uncle Jake to reach up and get them. (They are really filling the bird feeders Papa made for us when we moved here in 2004.)
That it is really warm enough to fill a huge wading pool and have some water madness all weekend. (Bailey and Hayden)
That crafts always abound on the hill in Sadieville and that Bailey is a 'drum' painter and prefers 2 paint brushes at one time. (This was Bailey's first time to do a painting project. Hayden goes for green (his favorite color).
That Hayden loves to cuddle and share is scrapbook about his first year at St. John's Pre-school. (Claude and Papa)
That Bailey loves to ride a push toy and play with Wild Thing.
That food is an important part of every visit to that hill in Sadieville. Hayden loves to dip foods in chocolate and Bailey and Uncle Jake have a great time sharing potato chips. (Claude also smoked a brisket and BBQ'd chicken on the grill.)
That when you cannot hear the mini-Marx's you might find them in a corner of Grampa's office reading story books.
That Gramma Sandi deliberately did not plant flowers in the 2 planter boxes on the back porch so Hayden and Bailey would each have a spot of dirt in which to play. They were using the whiskey barrels which now have Grampa Claude's tomato plants and needed a new patch of dirt. Bailey was given left over silk flowers and fixed quite a nice planter with them.
This was a wonderful weekend. Jake surprised us with a visit. His coming was much enjoyed and appreciated. Jake and I made a trip to Buffalo Trace on Saturday for more candles, pancake mix, another 1/2 barrel for the lower deck, and of course more root beer. Sunday morning Hayden gave us a little scare with a very high fever and lots of hurling. We were never so happy to hear his vocabulary come back full force in the afternoon signaling a potential recovery. Sunday Papa came for the afternoon and evening with Tiny. Michael referreed soccer games in Lexington all weekend. Monday every one headed for home in the evening. Whew!!! It was a full, fun weekend.


  1. Thanks for yet another wonderful visit and for loving the MiniMarx's!

  2. You know, the tour guide who recognized you the first time you took me to the distillery was just finishing up a tour. But I don't think he spotted you NOT buying bourbon AGAIN. Close call!
