Monday, September 8, 2014

Mustache Mania...

Primary Sharing Time was just plain fun Sunday, August 31st.  Amber Marcum our chorister prepared a singing time using the current fade "I Mustache You a Question".  She had her jar of questions with a big mustache on the front.  The answers to the questions were found in phrases in the eight songs the children have learned this year for their program.  The children were asked to select a question, when they all got the answer they sang that phrase to the song.  I personally loved that it focused on the meaning of the words in each song.  Kids love to sing and will remember these songs throughout their lives.  How much better if they know what the words mean they are singing.  By the end of each singing time (Junior and Senior Primary) each child had a mustache.  I got pictures of as many of the kids as I could and posted them on Facebook for the parents to enjoy.  It is just fun for them to see what their kids are doing in Primary.  Here is Amber, followed by a few of the children sporting their cute mustaches. Can't you just see their fun personalities in these pictures?
This was also a fifth Sunday.  On a fifth Sunday, we ask a member of the Bishopric to teach the Sharing Time lesson.  I give them all the information about what we have used for Sharing Time through the month.  They may review any or all they feel prompted to teach or they may pick a topic the Bishopric feels the children need.  In August we focused on family activities that make our families strong.  Richard Risher, 1st Counselor in the Bishopric, was the teacher this time.  He chose to focus on serving other members in our family.  He used a pantomime activity.  He also just happened to have a container with a mustache on it.  Happy coincidence.  The children drew out of the container a way they could serve members of their family. Bro. Risher then helped them think of some way to pantomime that service for the Primary children. Often he helped with the pantomime.  Then the other Primary children tried to guess the service by watching the pantomime.  It was great fun for the children.  They were very good a doing the pantomimes and guessing what was being pantomimed.  These pictures are of Junior Primary enjoying this activity and lesson.  The first picture is the Sunbeam Class (3 year olds) and the second picture is CTR 5 (5 year olds) class.  Such little ones learning to participate gives my heart a thrill. These are big steps for little ones.

As a side note, just so I remember, this last Sunday was Fast Sunday at church.  The members are given the opportunity to bear their testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This Sunday Isaac Alexander bore his testimony.  He is 8 years old.  He simply stood and recited the 8th Article of Faith.  My heart swelled as he did this.  We focus on learning all 13 Articles of Faith in Primary.  I was so pleased with Isaac for doing that.  Then he said, "I want to thank Sis. Christensen and Sis. Risher (his Primary teacher) for all they do for me."  I melted.  You just don't always know if all the work you do to make Primary happen is yielding the training you desire.  Once and a while, you are blessed with a glimpse of the affect Primary is having in children's lives.  This was one of those tender moments for me.

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