Monday, August 12, 2024

A Week Almost Without Pictures!!

Monday, August 5th, Claude and I started our day with yard work. It was a scorcher of a day. Even in the morning. Especially if you were working in the sun. My goal was to weed as many of the flower beds as I could. My problem doing this is not the pulling of the weeds, it is the bending over to do it. I can't scoot around on the ground as in former days. So, I bend over for a while and pull as many weeds as I can, then I straighten up for a bit. I am now able to use my right arm to help a bit. Yeah!! I did not get all the flower beds weeded. I did get almost all of them weeded. Bottom line for me is that I love working in the yard while Claude is working in the yard. There is something good about the two of working together to get this yard in shape for another week. 

I decided it might be a good idea to get my thumb drive with music to sing along in order before our big trip. This opened the can of worms that is my music files. Thought it would be easy. It is not. I took all of CD's and ripped them on Claude's old laptop. They all reside there. I am going through them to be sure I have them on my thumb drives for backup so I can delete them off Claude's old laptop. It feels good to get this done. Found a few that might not be on my thumb drive backups!!

Tuesday, August 6th, I started my office PT with a sore arm. I made it through. It takes a LOT of work to get this arm back in good working order.

At home, I started working on my talk for August 25th in Sacrament Meeting. We will have a meeting focused on music, especially the new hymns. I had a prompting to go through the current hymnbook and pick out phrases in the hymns that speak to me. It was fun to do this. I know I won't use all of that information, but it helps me remember why I love our hymns so much.

Wednesday, August 7th, was my day to spend the morning out and about on my own. The first thing was to get my driver's license renewed. I got the RealID licenses for eight years. Kentucky now has regional centers where you can get this done. There is one across Ironworks Pike from the Kentucky Horse Park. All went well and I should have my license in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, my old license is stapled to a paper verifying I have applied for and am waiting for the new license. If feels good to be legal!

My hubby said it was time and I was assigned to replace the towels, washcloths and face towels in our bathroom and the cup towels in the kitchen. I went to Kohl's with my 20% discount in hand and found all these items. Yeah me!! I came home and cut the tags off of all of them and started the first wash of them before they are used. 

Thursday, August 8th, Claude and I both had appointments with our respective surgeons for follow-up visits. Mine was first. I got an "all is good" with my shoulder healing. I got a prescription to take to Scott County Physical Therapy for 6 more weeks of PT, 2 times each week. I asked about my ring finger on my right hand. As I began to explain my concerns, Greg Cowen knew immediately the issue. My finger will not bend some times. It will click into place sometimes. It is always sore and a bit swollen, so my rings are tight. Sometimes I have to work with it to get it to move. The is usually in the morning but can be any time of day. I have 'Trigger Finger". Greg gave me a great explanation of what had happened and suggested I use Voltaren arthritis cream on it three times a day. He wrote on my PT prescription to have them look at it and suggest some exercises that might be helpful. 

When I got to our car, I Googled trigger finger and got the great picture that perfectly shows me what I am dealing with. It also had a brief, easy-to-understand explanation of what a trigger finger is.
"Trigger finger happens when the tendon that controls that finger can't glide smoothly in the sheath that surrounds it. This may occur if part of the tendon sheath becomes swollen or if a small lump forms. This lump is called a nodule."

We try this cream and exercise for a while. The next step is cortisone injections. Greg says this is extremely painful but very effective. In the majority of patients, his experience is one injection cures the situation. The final step is surgery. I will happily use the cream and see about exercise first.

Off to Claude's surgeon who has given him a clean bill of health and back to annual exams. 

We enjoyed lunch at City Barbecue, which is near Dr. Slabaugh's office. 

Our final thing to do in Lexington was to check out Castlewood Park. The Relief Society (I am the secretary) has been asked to find a service project our entire ward can be involved in. Jenessa Dymock, out president, has worked with the city of Lexington and found we can help with Castlewood Park. I was going to get a picture of the park and see what Claude and I thought might need to be done. I took several pictures and posted them to our Relief Society presidency's text thread. I will only post one here. It is a very nice park tucked into a neighborhood. There is an old home that has the front used by the Lexington Art League and the back is a Community Centenr. There is a nice playground, tennis courts, baseball diamond and a swimming pool. 
Friday, August 9th, my PT appointment started with me giving them the new prescription. Basically, it gives them carte blanche to move along as quickly as I can go. I am now allowed to use my arm as much as I want while being reasonable about how it reacts and feels. Definitely felt like we were moving into the next phase of recovery. 

Claude had to pick up a prescription. I asked if I could ride along. Now, usually when I ride anywhere with Claude, it is inferred we will get some kind of treat while we are out. I can decline this if I want, but really, who declines a treat!? Claude pointed the car toward Dairy Queen. As we got close, I said, "What about a peach shake a Chick-fil-A? They are only there for a limited time." Quickly Claude got into the turn lane and we got and enjoyed peach shakes. Yum!!

Saturday, August 10th, by this day I had been using the Voltaren on my trigger finger for a couple of days. I can already tell a difference. I am very hopeful this will work.

Hayden joined us in the evening for pizza and to begin our Star Wars moviefest. We would watch the six original movies. Saturday night we watched the first two.

Sunday, August 11th, we were off to church in the morning. As we walked toward the building, I felt a pop in my shoe. I looked down and noted that my sandal-style heel had a strap break on the left foot. I quickly got inside and sat down. No way to fix this problem. I made it through church. When we got home, I took my shoes off and dropped them into the garbage can in the garage before going inside. Really, really liked that style of shoe. 

Hayden was awake when we got home. He picked Zaxby's for lunch. Claude and I like Zaxby's and there is not one close to where Hayden lives. We had a good lunch together and then home we went. We would finish the other four Star Wars original movies this day.

Monday, August 12th, Claude and I went to Frank's for donuts for our breakfast and to have for Hayden when he would wake up. He sleeps a LONG time. I am catching up on my Blog while Claude does desk work. When Hayden wakes up, we will watch the two Dune movies back-to-back. Hayden has wanted us to do this for a long time. His place of choice to eat today is Chick-fil-A. We will introduce him to peach shakes for dessert. 

There you have it, an almost picture free week. Unreal. I usually take tons of pictures. 

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