Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Week Two Without a Sling...

Monday, June 17th, the very hot weather begins with high humidity. Clearly a time for recovering surgery patients to stay inside with a grateful heart for air-conditioning. My goal this day was to do laundry and work some on my laptop. I am happy to report, I accomplished both goals. 

In the evening while watching television, I looked out the back door and spotted a yard full of fireflies. I love these little guys. The light flashes are a product of selecting a mate. They are delightful to watch.
I was happy this day to find I could type now with both hands when using my laptop. I need to be sure my arm stays in the same general location. That muscle or whatever that helps me lift my arm straight up does not work. So. trying to lift my right arm puts a strain on the surgery location that I am not supposed to do at present. But, if I carefully place my arm in the correct position, I can now type on my laptop with both hands. Sooooo much faster!

The other things I could do for the first time since prior to surgery, was file the fingernails on my right hand. They had gotten very long. Using my left hand, I could try to file them but that movement on my right hand sent sharp pains up my right arm. I was able this day to finally file down the fingernails on my right hand. 

These seem like things I wouldn't even give notice too a few months ago. Now, they are steps of healing that give me huge joy. Perspective. Perspective.

Tuesday, June 18th, such a sleepy feel to this day. And a very achy arm. Claude and I did a few things at our respective laptops and then settled in to watch Psych. This was interspersed with two phone calls. I don't get lots of phone call action on my cellphone. That is okay. Betty Dixon called during the afternoon. She has made her move to Iowa and if getting settled in. Very happy to hear she is doing okay. Katelyn Roper, my granddaughter, called in the evening from some input from an older lady. I qualify for that! Very nice chat with KTNickles. 

Wednesday, June 19th, was my first day of physical therapy to get my arm going again. The visit was almost two hours long. They are usually about one hour. This first one they take measurements and figure out the right program for you based on your doctor's orders and your current ability. They moved my arm in careful ways that it hasn't moved for over a month. While it really stretched my use of my arm, it also felt so good to know I can move it that way and it will get better over time. Grateful for Scott County Physical Therapy. Art saw me first and then spread the joy of therapy with some of the other workers. 

Claude did grocery and pharmacy run while I was in PT. When we got home, I iced my shoulder and then took a much-needed nap. 

New PT for home was done in the evening. 

Thursday, June 20th, was a slow day. I even took a nap. Naps have happened more often during recovery from surgery. I am, generally speaking, not a napper. If I nap, there is a greater chance I will not sleep well that night. I have enjoyed my naps during recovery but anticipate they will lessen as I heal. 

I have PT to do at home between sessions at Scott County Physical Therapy. To help with that, I purchased an inexpensive pulley that hangs from the top of a door. My is now attached to the door to the bathroom for guests. I am so happy I purchased this little tool. It really is helping with my arm exercises. 

Friday, June 21st, I had my second PT appointment. It felt so good to have my shoulder move in ways I have taken care not to move it. They put heat on my shoulder for 15 minutes when I arrive. While my shoulder is warming up, I do some exercises with my hand and wrist. When the heat is finished, I do other exercises they have on a list provided by Art, one of the owners. After finishing these exercises, one of the physical therapists does stretching exercises on my shoulder. These can hurt a great deal because they are moving the shoulder joint in ways it hasn't moved for a very longs time (since February 27th). I know they are not moving it in ways it should not be moved but preparing it to move on its on and helping so I can get it to extend further own straight and raise on its own. It is a fascinating process to go through. 

In the late afternoon, Claude determined we should go on a proper dinner date to Olive Garden. It was delightful. We both had all you can eat soup, salad and bread. Well, I had salad and bread while Claude had that and the soup. We both really love Olive Garden salads. Yum!

Saturday, June 22nd, was a nice day at home. Our temperatures have been getting into the 90's with no rain. Hot and very humid. So, a day inside with air-conditioning is not a bad thing. 

I was able to finish my PowerPoint and notes to teach the Relief Society lesson on Sunday. Claude was able to get the backyard cut. It really grows fast. The front yard he cut the over a week ago and it still doesn't need to be cut. 

Sunday, June 23rd, we had the most interesting Sacrament Meeting. We have the sacrament passed every Sunday. We use bread and water. It seems no one brought the bread. Instead of starting with the sacrament after the opening hymn and announcements. We had the first two talks by youth who attended FSY (For the Strength of Youth). Someone ran for bread and returned with a loaf for the sacrament. After the two youth speakers, we sang the sacrament hymn and then the Aaronic Priesthood passed the bread. 

Then everything stopped. Sis. Linares' mother who is in her 90's, passed out on their bench. Fortunately, a doctor was sitting on the row behind and he quickly came around to help, another doctor was there and an EMT that is in or ward were also helping. They were able to get her awake again and helped her walk out to the foyer. She has done this before. It is syncope. The blood pressure drops to nothing and the person passes out. Papa did this many times before his passing. I found this experience very emotional. If felt tears come to the surface as I remembered the time this happened with Papa on our patio. I also thought it moving and profound that it happened during the sacrament while we are thinking about the Savior's Atonement. I am constantly aware of how many times that effects of the Atonement are needed and seen in our lives. After the Linares family left the chapel, the Aaronic Priesthood passed the water. 

After the sacrament, the final three talks were given and we moved to the closing hymn. Our chorister, Sis. Majackey, has the beginnings of Alzheimer's. She still loves to be chorister. When she is there, she goes to the stand and sits to lead each hymn. When she is not there, we have a young woman who is called to come up and fill in for her. Sis. Majackey is far enough along till she forgets what she is to do some of the time. Our organist played the introduction to the closing hymn. This is the cue for Sis. Majackey to stand to lead the hymn. She didn't stand. Elizabeth Christensen, the organist, stopped playing, leaned around to her. A counselor in the bishopric got up and opened her hymnbook so she could see where she was supposed to conduct. Elizabeth played the introduction again and we sang the closing hymn with Sis. Majakey leading. I love that we are trying to help her continue doing things as long as she can. It is a testament of our Father's love for each of His children.

I taught the Relief Society lesson about prayer. It covered three talks from April General Conference: Pres. Jeffrey R. Holland "Motion of a Hidden Fire", Pres. Susan H. Porter "Pray, He Is There", and Elder Taylor G. Godoy "Call, Don't Fall". It was a good thing I had my PowerPoint at the ready as I forgot my notes. Everyone participated well and we had a good lesson and discussion. 

Claude and I enjoyed lunch from Panera. 

In the evening, Emelia did a facetime call with me. So very cute. I answered and said, "Hi". Her first sentence to me was "Where is Grampa?" I explained he was out putting some water on our plants as we had not had any rain. I went outside and found him and he said hi to her. She was happy to see her great Grampa. She wanted to see Sandiland where she sleeps when she visits. I walked back and turned the phone so she could see Sandiland. She was very happy. How neat is it to have great grandparents to talk with? 

Claude would pick his first tomatos of the year. I always took a picture of this when we lived in Sadieville. I asked him to be sure to let me eknow so I could get my picture. I took pictures of the tomato harvest and posted them and some other pictures of our yard on Facebook: "Farmer Claude’s first tomato harvest in Georgetown. More to come from these two plants and 4 slicing tomato plants on the side of the house. It appears rabbits and chipmunks in Georgetown are not nearly as destructive as the deer in Sadieville! A few more pics of our yard this year."
This year we gave up the birdfeeder that hung here. The colorful turtle was given to me by Nissa, our daughter. Each patch has a solar light. The lantern has 3 flickering solar candles. And we gave up our hummingbird feeder. We replaced it with 2 solar flickering candle lanterns.
We had 3 bushes that succumbed to the ice. This year we planted 3 double azalea plants. Isn't that a great color? Please ignore the weeds. Having to wait a little more for healing in my shoulder replacement before I get to weed.
This is my Lucifer plant. I brought these from our home in Sadieville. This unique blossom and color captivated me when I went to Kroger several years ago.
Monday, June 24th, I was able to start my day like I was healthy. It felt so very good. I was up before Claude. I did my PT and iced my shoulder. While I was icing, Claude woke up. I asked if it seemed like a biscuit run day to him. He was happy to hear that. We went to Bojangles and enjoyed our beloved biscuits and soda for breakfast. 

When we returned home, I gathered laundry and started that. Most of that is done with my left arm and I only use my right to help hold things to lay on top of the washer/dryer to fold. 

Then I headed outside with bucket in my left hand to weed. I would get the front flower bed weeded. It took three trips with breaks between, but I got the front bed weeded. The front side bed looks like I am trying to grow a ground cover. That is actually weeds. I will get those but on a day I don't have PT.

I came inside and worked at my laptop while continuing the laundry. Claude got his nap. When he finished, I did my afternoon PT exercises and that was the end of my productivity. But it was great getting that much done. I would have one load of laundry to fold in the evening. Yeah me!!

Tuesday, June 25th, I had my third PT appointment today. Art did the stretching part this time. I asked him how much use he anticipated me having with my right arm after finishing PT. The answer: I should be able to raise my right arm straight over my head to the same degree I can left my left arm. I will never have the same amount of strength in my right arm as in my left arm. So, that is the goal, to be able to lift my right arm on its own over my head like my left arm. Onward!!

I came home and iced my shoulder and rested through two episodes of Planet Earth III. Now I am finishing my Blog. I will work at my laptop until time for afternoon PT and then I will quit for today. Claude and I will spend the evening watching more of the Psych series.

I am going to post a few pictures of my grand and great grands. First, Bailey will be a senior this coming year. Time for senior portraits. These are some Andie took of the process.
Katelyn sent us these pictures of four of our great grandmonsters. The first is the three oldest sitting on their front steps writing or drawing the things they find in their front yard. The second is Kennedi wearing Joel's bucket hat. Aren't bucket hats fun?
The last is our youngest great grandmonsters, Phoebe. She is a healthy little critter.
It has been a good week. I feel progress with my arm. I love that I can write with my right hand for a while. I was able to get the July Relief Society birthday cards all ready to mail. I love that I can shower by myself now. I love that I bought that pulley and it helps so much with my home PT. I love that I can use my right hand and arm and mouse some when working with my laptop. Let's see what this next week brings. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Check-up, A Surgery & Healing...

Tuesday, June 11th, Claude drove me to Kentucky Bone & Joint Surgeons for my 4-week check-up. My appointment was with Greg L. Cowen, PA-C. For follow-up visits you always see a PA but Dr. Sajadi is in the office if there are any questions or concerns. I saw Greg Cowen for my 1-week check-up and was very happy with him. The sling was removed, and I would not need to wear it any longer. I had a concern about the lump at the bottome of my scar. He checked that and assured me all was fine. It is just a part of the process. I was told not to lift anything heavier than a coffee cup. This I found amusing. It is a great standard for almost everyone...but me. I don't drink coffee and rarely have a cup of hot chocolate. But I said nothing and understood the guidelines. I was given a prescription to begin PT and I can do that at Scott County Physical Therapy. An appointment was made to return in two months for one more check on the arm. Before writing this prescription, he checked my range of motion to date. My understanding is my PT will begin with some exercises and, after a while, will progress to strengthening exercises. Good visit and good report.
After this doctor visit, we went to Schlotzsky's for our lunch. Yum!

On the way home, we stopped at Scott County Physical Therapy and made me an appointment for Wednesday, June 19th, to begin my PT. Yeah!!

When we left to go to Lexington, my car's info panel alerted Claude to very low air pressure in the front driver's side tire. When we got home, Claude tried to put air in that tire. As Claude did that, he realized the sensors were telling him the wrong tire that needed air. Ugh. Claude wanted to get the grass cut one more time before his surgery. I called Tire Discounters to see if we needed an appointment. He assured me we could simply walk-in. Great. Claude cut the front yard. The we drove to Tire Discounters. They had us in and out in a few minutes. No charge as we purchased the tires from them. They made sure the sensors were set correctly for each tire. Hallelujah!

Andie was picking up Bailey at a Leadership Camp she was attending. They came to the house and spent the night. We had pizzas for dinner and settled in for the evening. 

Wednesday, June 12th, Andie, Claude and I were up early to take Claude to Lexington for his Moh's surgery with Dr. Renzi. I can begin driving as soon as I feel safe. Right now, neither Claude or I feel safe. I can't raise my right arm without using my left hand. Claude could have driven himself down but we weren't sure how extensive the surgery would be or what the bandaging would be for him to see to drive home. Hence, Andie came to our rescue. She drove us down and home. Then she stayed through the day. She and Claude each got a nap. Then Andie and I drove through Jimmy John's for something for dinner for all of us. Andie would leave Bailey to help us until Saturday.

Claude's Moh's surgery went very well. As Claude predicted, Dr. Renzi was able to get this cancer in one cutting, He will have a scar from near his right eye across the bridge of his nose. However, Claude wears glasses and they will cover that up. He was to rest for a week and not do any lifting. So grateful for Dr. Renzi. We are at that point in our lives where all the sun we enjoyed as teens and twenty's is coming back as cancers that need to be removed. I am sure we will see him again. He is such a good surgeon for these kinds of things. 
Andie would return home after dinner. She and Michael needed to go to Chicago on Thursday to pick up Hayden from school and bring him and his belongings home for the summer. 

We would start watching the Harry Potter movies with Bailey during her visit. She interspersed them with How I Met Your Mother reruns. 

Thursday, June 13th, we had a nice inside day. Bailey slept in. While she slept, I updated my Blog with the 3rd & 4th Weeks of Recovery. Watched more Harry Potter and How I Met Your Mother. Michael and Andie made the 5-hour drive to DePaul University, gathered Hayden and his things (which he had packed well), and drove the 5-hour return trip to LaGrange. 

Friday, June 14th, More sleeping in by Bailey. More watching of Harry Potter. Taco Bell was our meal of the day. While Bailey was with us, I slept on the sofa in the living room. Sleeping had bee rough with this shoulder. I am not to pull it or push with it. I have to sleep on my back propped up with pillows. This needs to be where I can use my legs to get up and out of bed or the sofa using my left arm as I can. It is truly not a pretty sight to watch me get up from a laying position. I had two of the best night's sleep since my surgery on the sofa in the living room. 

Claude was able to remove his dressing from his surgery. He did swell but he was really good to do the icing of the eye. He didn't look too bad after removing the bandage and cleaning the wound. He had a little black eye but not nearly as bad as we thought it could be. 
Saturday, June 15th, I purchased tickets to see Josh Gates at the Louisville Palace. This was prior to all this should replacement and Moh's surgery activity. I was now not sure we could attend because Claude has to drive and he might not be ready for that. I looked into selling or trading the tickets. After his surgery, Claude said to wait to see how he did because he felt like he would be able to drive. 

Bailey slept in. We went to Sonic to get out meal with her. Then we watched the final two Harry Potter movies. We left our home about 4pm to take Bailey home. We visited the Marx family for a short while, then we headed to Louisville. 

Michael suggested a place for us to eat right by the Louisville Palace, Safier Mediterranean Deli. I enjoyed falafel and Claude had a Greek salad with chicken that was heavily spiced. Delicious meal and it will probably be our go to spot to eat when going to something at the Louisville Palace. Yum!

Josh Gates is an explorer/adventurer who had a show named Expedition Unknown on the Discovery Channel. I love watching Josh Gates. I would equate it to Claude's love of Alton Brown. I truly enjoy a good documentary and Josh follows stories that pique our interest. Lost treasure, hidden cities of the Maya, Egyptian archeology, Antarctica, lost gold, Stonehenge, etc. etc. etc. It was a delight for me to listen to him tell his story and answer questions from the audience. 
As we waited for the show to begin, these travel quotes were displayed on the screen. 
  • Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. ~~ Mark Twain
  • The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land. It is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. ~~ G. K. Chesterton
  • I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list. ~~ Susan Sontag
  • The journey not the arrival matters. ~~ T. S. Elliott
  • A ship in a harbor is safe...but that is not what ships are built for. ~~ John A. Shedd
  • The world is a book, and those who do not travel have only read one page. ~~ St. Augustine
  • The bad new is time flies. The good news is you are the pilot. ~~ Michael Althsuler
  • A skeptic is someone who hasn't had an experience yet. ~~ Jason Hawes
It was a very nice evening. We got home late and slept in the next morning. These experiences strengthen me but I also become really aware of how weak I am after this surgery recuperation.

Sunday, June 16th, was Father's Day. We opted to let this be the way Claude wanted it to be. We did not attend church. We stayed in and started watching Psych again. Jake called and he and Claude and a really good conversation. Claude decided he wanted ribs and wings for his Father's Day meal. Ribs are cooked on the smoker/grill outside of Kroger. We ventured out to get that. Then later in the evening, we went to Dairy Queen for a bit of ice cream. It was a very low-key day but very enjoyable.

I posted this on Facebook about Father's Day: "What picture to post? I love this one of Claude and me is Kruger National Park on 2019. Why this picture? Because today is Father's Day. From this happy union sprang 3 of the world's best kids. From that we have great son-in-laws and 5 wonderful grandmonsters who have blessed us with more great in-laws. And...6 great grandmonsters. That, my dear Family, is what Father's Day is all about. Happy Father's Day to Claude, my best sidekick and to all our family! We Love Ya Bunches!!"
We very much appreciated the help of Andie and Bailey to get us through the Moh's surgery recovery. Bailey was a delight as she got beverages and ice packs, picked up things and enjoyed the Harry Potter movies. We are now on our own and able to care for ourselves in a guarded way. But we are getting there. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Week 3 & 4 of Recovery...

These were the last two weeks of wearing the sling (if all goes well at the 4th week doctor checkup). Honestly, a lot of recuperation is sitting resting my arm. I should not, could not, and did not set the world on fire. Setting the world on fire while recuperating is picking one thing you want to accomplish and feeling great you got that thing done. In real life, I sometimes say, "I have no ambition." Then I choose to do nothing that day. Recovery is just the opposite. Every day is a day you should do nothing that doesn't facilitate healing, then you do one thing that would be of consequence when you are well and whole. This has been my biggest adjustment. Claude has been very surprised that I have been able to accommodate this change. He anticipated I would be trying to crochet or something. having no right arm has 'clipped my wing' in that regard. Turning the right arm can send sharp pains up my arm into my shoulder. Doesn't take many of those experiences before you learn the limits and learn patience as your arm heals. Having a reverse shoulder replacement is no small deal.

Here are the 3rd & 4th weeks of recovery. Not a lot of action. Now you know why.

Tuesday, May 28th, I finished a puzzle. I enjoyed my four puzzles. They have helped me build up strength but allowed me to take breaks when my arm and body needed to rest.
I also got the first cut of the June Relief Society Newsletter completed. I actually did the bulk of this before my surgery. I had pictures to add and a bit of editing to do. Very happy I did the heavy part of creating this newsletter before surgery. Using my laptop has been more of a struggle than I thought it would be. I use a mouse with my right hand. I can't use my right hand. When I tried to use the mouse with my left hand, there was absolutely no control. So I use my keyboard with only my left hand to hunt and peck, while feeling very grateful for a touch screen monitor. 

I refilled my pillbox for a week. See, little things are big accomplishments. Opening the top of the omeprazole means I have to ask Claude for help. That kind of twisting motion sends sharp pains thru my arm. I can do all the rest, but even this small task requires some help. Grateful I can do what I can do.

Wednesday, May 29th, I was able to get the Relief Society newsletter sent out via eMail. I got it scanned and posted to Facebook. 

Andie called to check on us. She is finishing up this teaching year, 

Claude had an appointment with Dr. Richardson, our ophthalmologist. He got great results. Then Claude came home and trimmed the hedges. This has been weighing on him for a while. I know he was happy to get it accomplished.
This day we both noticed an improvement in PT. A little progress each day.

Thursday, May 30th, was the first day since surgery I woke feeling ready to do things. I woke up at 6am and went straight to my laptop. 

When Claude woke up, I told him we were going to get me scrubbed up and we were going out for dinner that afternoon. Claude was very happy. We had a great meal at McCalister's followed by ice cream at Dairy Queen. Yeah us!! We have been getting in the car and going thru a drive-thru. We have not been dining in at all. 

I also finished another puzzle.
Friday, May 31st, I was exhausted and my arm was sore. I pretty much sat in my chair all day and took it easy.

Saturday, June 1st, was another great day. I was up and ready at 6am. I cleaned out my eMails. It seems like every time you interact with any business, they send you a survey. I ignored all of these from doctors, hospital, ordering presents and clothing items for my healing time, delivery of furniture and car servicing. Mind you, I have no issues with deleting this survey requests. However, some of these I really wanted to respond to. After getting thru the eMails, I cleaned out text messages.

We are in the middle of adding two recliners to our living room. Mine is in place. Claude's is still being made. We were ready to give away the red rocking chair we purchased for our home in Sadieville. Claude opened the shed and I got pictures of it to post on Facebook to be given away to someone who could pick it up. It has been a much-loved piece of furniture. The Hale family were the first to respond. This is a wonderful family and this chair will be taken care of and enjoyed. The Hale boys, Porter and Payton, would come Tuesday to take the chair and help Claude get the big leather chair out to the shed.
As I was returning into our home from the shed, I realized my trailing petunia was beginning to bloom. How pretty is this?
The first was Michael and Andie's wedding anniversary. I posted this on our family Facebook page: "Happy Anniversary to our middle-born daughter and her most-excellent hubby! Andie & Michael reached their 27th anniversary this year (if I figured correctly). Wow! Hope you two have a great year! Love Ya Bunches!!"
Sunday, June 2nd, I had a groggy start to my day. I had thought about going to church this Sunday but realized it was not going to happen. 

Our habit is to go thru a drive-thru after church and bring something home for our meal-of-the-day. This day we drove thru Jimmy John's. I actually placed the order on my app on my cellphone. I don't find this as easy as one would think. But I do want points for a free sandwich! Sometimes, just maybe, greed is good. We sat in the car and ate our sandwiches.

Then we headed to McDonald's for dessert. Hayden sent me a text a day or two before about a Gramma McFlurry at McDonald's. I would order one and text Hayden a picture to thank him for alerting me to this treat. It kind of has a butterscotch flavor and is full of candy pieces. Very, very sweet.
The cute thing this day was one of the little rabbits that visits our yard. Claude was standing at the back door. He called to me.
This is a picture I took of our back yard to use as a screen saver. Look at the two Adirondack chairs. Between them is a little table with an ivy in a big flowerpot. Our little rabbit friend must have jumped up on the chair and then jumped up on that little table. He (or she) was sitting on the table enjoying a tasty meal of the vines of ivy hanging from the sides of the flowerpot. we have lived here 3 years and have never seen any creature do this and we have squirrels and chipmunks. We have created a wonderful playland for these creatures.

This day I decided to start another puzzle. The first puzzle I started was when Nissa was with us. She had so much fun putting that puzzle together. It gave me great joy watching her do something she doesn't get to do very often. I decided to make that puzzle by myself before I closed up all these fun puzzles.

Monday, June 3rd, I had a haircut appointment. Hallelujah!! Claude has Moh's surgery on the 12th. He has been shampooing my hair for me. I may need to figure out how to do this myself after his surgery. Having that extra inch off will really help.

This was another morning I woke up ready to do things. It feels good to start having those kinds of mornings. 

I finished the puzzle. I failed to take a picture of it. It is the snowy puzzle on my previous blog entry.

Tuesday, June 4th, I woke up wanting donuts for breakfast. Claude and I drove to Frank's and brought donuts home for our breakfast. He does humor me about these things.

My big thing to accomplish was trying to do laundry again. Claude was close by to call for help with anything that I couldn't do. It took me all day to do three loads. The washer has no agitator allowing me to turn it easily so clothes are close to take out and move to the dryer. Folding is a challenge with only a left arm. My habit is to fold and put away each load as it comes out of the dryer. Things could be spread out on top of the washer/dryer with my left hand, then folded with my left hand. Usually, I grab the entire load of folded clothes and put them away. Now, I had to take at least 5 trips to put one load away with only my left hand. I was very happy when I completed this chore. Now I know I can ensure we have clean clothes while Claude heals from his surgery next week.

Wednesday, June 5th, found me worn out. I find my gratitude journal has several entries about gratitude for being able to stop and rest as needed. This is such a blessing.

Claude and I have both noticed an improvement in my abilities when doing PT. Here is a little video of one exercise that I can now do with my right arm only. When I came home from the hospital, I could not lift my right arm at all without help. To do this exercise, it was my left hand raising my right hand. Now it can be done with just my right arm. I still lift my right arm with my left and am extremely careful to not let the right arm drop down at all on its own. This exercise gives me great hope for the future.
Thursday, June 6th, was Joel's birthday. I posted this on our family Facebook page: "It's birthday time!! Joel "The Potato" Roper officially leaves the Terrible 2's behind and marches into the Terrifying 3's. He is a Charmer. Happy Birthday, Joel! We Love Ya Bunches!!"
In the evening, we received this cute picture of Joel playing with his birthday gift from Claude and me.
We would have a full day. Claude had a meeting in Lexington in the morning. I spent this time labeling pictures and working on my Blog. When Claude returned home, I did PT and then iced my shoulder while Claude took a nap. I enjoyed watching the Fixer Upper: Castle episodes I had DVR'd and the first two Fixer Upper: The Lakehouse I had DVR'd. 

We left for Louisville at 5pm. The plan was to attend the University of Louisville 2024 Wind Band Institute. Bailey had been staying on campus and participating in this since Sunday. We would see the concert at the end. We have missed at least three concerts Bailey was since my surgery. Time to challenge myself with a big, long outing. Recording of any of the music was prohibited. But, honestly, I could not have held my cellphone up that long! Andie got a few candid shots and Claude brought the program home and I scanned the pages that pertain to Bailey. 
Our plan was to stop in Frankfort for a Cook burger on the was to the concert. We ran into a big traffic jam and got off I-64 to take a back road to Hwy 460. Doing all this took time off our scheduled arrival for a 7pm concert. Once in Frankfort, we gave up on stopping for dinner, found our was back to I-64 and headed to duPont Manual High School. We found the correct parking lot and were inside just before start time. Yea us!! We enjoyed the concert and visiting with Andie, Michael and Bailey. Then we made our way back to I-64 with a stop at Wendy's in Simpsonville for dinner and a stop at Waddy for gasoline. We were home about 9:30p. That was a 4 1/2 hour outing for this old girl. I did PT and iced my shoulder before we hit the hay a little after 11pm.

Friday, June 7th, we watched a Bizarre Foods, Delicious Destinations with Andrew Zimmern. This episode featured foods in and around Louisville, Kentucky. One restaurant featured was Morris Deli, Liquor & Catering. In particular, the Country Ham was on their menu. Country Ham is a heavily salted ham that is preserved by curing (sometimes smoking). It is hung for 3 months to 3 years to cure. My mother's parents had a smoke house. I distinctly remember going in this little square building with a smoke pit in the middle and meats hanging from beams. I looked at Claude and said we should go and try Country Hams sandwiches from Morris' on Friday. Claude agreed. Friday afternoon we drove just over an hour away to Taylorsville Road and found Morris'. This is a small store front. They did have 2 tables with chairs. We ordered our sandwiches and sat at the end of one table while a little family of three were preparing to leave the other end of the table. I had a fun conversation with them. Our sandwiches were very good. Indicative of my lack of use of my right arm, I took not one picture. The one I should have taken was the hall tree with a plethora of Country Hams for purchase.

We opted for a drive through the back roads to get home. It was a lovely day and a great outing.

Saturday, June 8th, I was exhausted after my two days of adventures. My shoulder was sore. I am blessed to be able to stop and rest. I did my PT and iced my shoulder several times. But other than that, I spent most of my day in my comfy recliner watching Harry Potter movies. Claude worked at his desk and then joined me and the Harry Potter movies.

Sunday, June 9th, I was determined to make it to church. We missed two Sundays with my recuperation. Claude had a 7am Zoom Stake Council meeting. I set an alarm for 6:15am for his wake-up call. I got up and moved to the living room. Claude's meeting was over at 8:30am. We rested till 9am then proceeded to get me scrubbed up for church.

I very much enjoyed taking the sacrament again. As I have dealt with all the stages from hurting my arm when I fell to surgery to healing, I am constantly aware of my Savior's Atonement and how important that is to my healing. When I have been hurting, I was reminded of His suffering. He knows and understands my pain. That gives me strength to endure well this little trial. I have two favorite phrases I think of when I reflect on the blessings for me of the Atonement. They are: 1) Tender mercies and 2) Enabling power. I have felt both of these blessings every day during this process from fall to healing. A gentle caregiver, a favorite soda when nothing seemed good to eat, the arrival of my recliner, a morning biscuit run, watching critters in our backyard, great documentaries to occupy my mind are a few of the tender mercies. Enabling power has been felt as I continue to increase my strength and learn to do things slowly and with the patience that slowness takes to accomplish a little more for and by myself each day. I do see the blessings of the Savior's Atonement all day, every day in my life. So, Sunday I wanted to partake of His Sacrament again. To remember covenants made and blessings received because of livings those covenants with Him. I had to be humble and use my left hand to partake of the bread and water, but I know He understood that and loves that I needed and wanted the blessings of the Sacrament in my life.

We came home after Sacrament Meeting. James Hollen and David Bennett, Sr. came over after church and gave Claude a priesthood blessing in preparation for his surgery Wednesday. James stayed after and visited for a while. He is such a good man. 

After James left, we drove to KFC to get some dinner. We brought it home and ate. Then we each took a much needed nap. I am just not sleeping well. 

When I woke up, I headed to the bathroom where I hurled all my dinner. After sitting for a bit, I went back and hurled more. Not sure where that came from. Spent the rest of my evening in my recliner doing PT and icing my shoulder.

Monday, June 10th, was our final full day to prepare for my sling removal and Claude's Moh's surgery. I opted to do laundry so Claude could focus on a final grocery run. To begin this day correctly, we went on a biscuit run. Then home to start on chores.

We paused at 1pm for a Zoom meeting with Strategic Wealth Design. New person to work with. Claude and I were impressed with him. Had a good meeting for about 1 hour. Claude took a nap and I kept up with laundry. I did much better with laundry this time. It still takes forever as I only use my left arm. But I had a handle on how to fold those t-shirt and things. Felt good to be a contributor to the running of our home instead of just needing care myself. 

In the evening we opted for dinner at McCalister's. With me not driving and Claude having surgery and probably not driving for a bit, we wanted to have a nice dinner out. McCalister's is always a good choice. 

This finished four weeks since my surgery. The first two weeks seemed to go very slowly. The second two weeks seem to have flown by. On Tuesday, we go for the 4-week checkup. Anxious for what they will say. Concerned about the hardness down and at the bottom of the scar. Still having sharp pains when moving my shoulder in certain directions. But happy with improvements in other movements.