Monday, July 8, 2024

PT, A Movie, the 4th of July & a Renaissance Fair...

Monday, July 1st, was a day of nice accomplishments. I completed the Relief Society newsletter for July and posted it via eMail and Facebook to all the ladies in the Elkhorn Creek Ward. I sent all the upcoming Relief Society announcements to Amy Martin for the Sunday bulletins for July. I had a really good workout at PT. For me, getting just these things done is a big deal. 

Claude picked me up and brought me a soda. How sweet is that?! After a good workout at PT, a soda treat is just what a girl needs. 

Tuesday, July 2nd, during the morning I was able to get a little further with my research for our Route 66 trip this fall. Such a slow process of preparing.

In the afternoon we headed out for another date. Claude wanted to see the Kevin Costner movie "Horizon: An American Saga". Claude needed new shorts. I had a birthday Kohl's Cash of $5. We first went to Kohl's and found two pair of shorts to meet Claude's needs. Then over to Regal Cinemas in Hamburg to see the movie. 

The movie lasts for three hours. It was to begin at 2:10pm. However, after about 40 minutes of previews and advertisements, the movie began. I checked my cellphone for time. It was 2:47 when the movie began. Geez! Claude and I both enjoyed this movie. We went into it with the understanding that this first of the four part saga is made up of several story lines. They don't necessarily seem cohesive until later in the 3-hour block. As the future 3 episodes are shown, these plots will come together even more. Gorgeous setting for the movie. We will return in August for the second episode. 
We enjoyed dinner at Chipotle's after,

Wednesday, July 3rd, I visited Dr. Wilson, our dermatologist, for my annual check. No issues found. Well, he has one spot he is watching and pointed out to me on my nose so I will watch. Nothing yet but I am to call him if it changes at all. Made an appointment to return next July.

In the afternoon I had my second PT appointment for this week. With the 4th of July being Thursday, I would get all my office PT in before the holiday. That stretching at the end is excruciating but it is really loosening up my shoulder as it heals. I shall endure for the benefit it is and will give me in healing. 

I was able to get through Missouri in my Route 66 planning from my EZ Guidebook. Lots of things added to my grid.

Thursday, July 4th, we opted for a quiet celebration in our home. I was awake before Claude and watched our backyard for a bit. One of the chipmunks was playing in the flower bed. At times there are three of these little guys chasing around the back yard. I enjoy that we have a bit of wildlife out there.
For some reason, I had a very bloodshot right eye. Must have happened during the night because it was not like that when I went to bed. We decided it was a Robert Duvall kind of day. We watched our DVD's of Lonesome Dove, Open Range and Broken Trail. All excellent movies that we really enjoy. Claude fixed us barbequed chicken, potato salad and cucumber and tomato salad. We sat in our comfy little home with good food and good movies and were grateful for all these blessings on the 4th of July.

We live in Ward Hall Estates, a subdivision in Georgetown, Kentucky. Each year, the youth place flags at the base of each home's mailbox. I love this tradition. The street is lined with these flags waving in the breeze. Way cool!!
Friday, July 5th, during the day I got to Texas adding to the grid from my EZ Guidebook for Route 66. Progress. Slow progress.

In the evening, we were invited to Helen Gibson's 80th birthday party. We gave her a jar of homemade crabapple jelly with a card Claude colored. It was a nice party and we saw many old friends from out time here in Kentucky. 

This night I would try sleeping with Claude again. I have been sleeping in the guest bedroom as I must sleep in my back to roll out of the bed on my left side. I have a wall of pillows to support my right arm. I did try to sleep with Claude again, but really, who can sleep on their back and not snore at least a little. Ugh. Back to the guest bedroom for a few more weeks. 

Saturday, July 6th, we had two outside activities we wanted to attend. The first was a Blackberry Festival in Carlisle, Kentucky. We got up and got ready and drove over to Carlisle. That is where it because clear it was starting until the evening. Well, we had a nice 1-hour drive through beautiful Kentucky countryside.

Our second activity we were going to do the next week. Since the Blackberry Festival didn't happen, we drove to Eminence Kentucky to the Renaissance Fair. We have never been to one of these and it really piqued Claude's curiosity. This meant we would be there in the hot part of the afternoon. This is not a great time to do this. But a lot of the fair is paths through trees. This helped a lot. 
We found it pricey. To get tickets at the gate was $25 for each of us. We would purchase chili cheese fries and two big cups of lemonade. That was another $30. We didn't purchase anything from vendors. We watched two musical shows. We didn't watch any of the field events as they were out in an open field in the sun. The sun got to me as I try to build stamina. We headed back to our car and then home. I felt sick to my stomach and was pretty sure it was simply heat exhaustion. 

I went thinking of Renaissance as the classic period in history. Maybe powdered wigs and elegant dresses. However, that is simply not the case. This Renaissance Fair was based on Robert the Bruce in Scotland in the 1300's. Really, if you are a hardcore biker with lots of leathers, you can wear that and doll it up a bit. Most people are in costume. But you really don't have to be. Clearly, we weren't. If you are female with ample bosom, you can spill over and it is just fine. I didn't understand the colored fox tails that many women and men were wearing. Lots of ears like the hobbits and fairies in Lord of the Rings wear. It was delightful to see what people were wearing. I did take a picture of a lady with a red mushroom hat and a man that simply used what he could find in his kitchen for armor. There was human chess played on a grassy area. Made for an interesting afternoon. 
Sunday, July 7th, Saturday night's rest for Sunday was AWFUL. I woke up many times. I had vivid horrible dreams. Not sure where any of that came from. I was out of bed at 6:30am. I did my home PT and iced up. Then I fell asleep in my recliner. I got up from there at 9am to shower for church. Claude had a 7am Zoom meeting. When I saw him at 9am, I told him I did not feel well at all. I told him I was going to go back to bed. He went to church, and I went to bed and slept until noon!!! This really is not me at all. It may have been the heat from being out Saturday. Not sure but it really threw me a huge curve.

Claude came home from church with Panera salads for us for lunch. I had my salad and curled up in my recliner while Claude took his nap. I would stay in that recliner the rest of the day. Whew, I haven't had something like that hit me in a while. 

I call this a good week. Next week, I hope to begin driving again.

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