Sunday, July 28, 2024

Short & Sweet Post...

Tuesday, July 22nd, was a great day. My shoulder was not hurting as much and that makes for better movement to do the things you would normally try to do. 

The night before I started sleeping with Claude again. Since a while after surgery when I found I could lay down with my head propped up to sleep rather than sleeping in a chair, I have been sleeping in the guest bedroom. My sleep while healing is not the best. I finally got to a point where I could sleep a little while on my right side. This is always my best sleep. I was also able to sleep better on my left side. We decided to try sleeping together again. I make it till about 6am and then I get up and move to another place to sleep or do my morning PT and ice up. It is nice to be sleeping together again. Another milestone in the healing. 

Our bishop, Bart Barber, called Claude to see if either of us had a key to the church. I have one to the outside doors so I can go in and practice the organ. He asked if he could come and borrow it for a bit. Claude assured him that was fine. When bishop arrived, he explained an entire hilarious series of events where he now has multiple keys locked in multiple rooms at the church. He simply wanted to be sure the outside doors were locked. He would be back on Wednesday nights with work with the Georgetown Ward to get into rooms to get the key situation straight. 

While he had my key (we live across the highway from the church), I saw clover growing again in the front flower bed. I thought I would pick that with my left hand while I waited for bishop. A mother and her daughter came along and waved as they walked past. The daughter came back and asked if I played the piano. Yes, I do. She wanted to know if I teach piano lessons. While I did that long ago, I no longer do that. It was a sweet interaction. 

We are now blessed with a 5 Guys burger restaurant in Georgetown. Claude would take me there for a nice dinner. I love that they can make me a regular sized burger with only bacon and extra BBQ sauce on it. YUM!! While we were eating, a man across the restaurant caught my eye. He smiled and waved. I acknowledge him. He and his friend finished their meal before Claude and me. When we went to our car after our meal, he and his friend were talking. He grinned at me again and said, "You look like that actress. She is really good." He was having trouble thinking of her name. I have great empathy for that. He mentioned something about a movie she was in. This is Claude area so I had Claude listen to the description of the movie and Claude was able to tell him the movie and that the actress was Kathy Bates. I love Kathy Bates. It was a fun chat about how good the Big Bang Theory was. We got there because Kathy Bates played the mother of Amy in the show. We said out goodbyes and wished each other well. Such a pleasant interchange. I mention this only because as a society we get tied in knots about it. This gentleman was black. I tend to talk to people I don't know. This conversation was so natural. I wonder that we think there is always tension between black people and white people. There does not need to be. He was friendly and outgoing. I appreciated his interaction. That is how I wish all of people were. There, that is my soap box for this day.

Wednesday, July 23rd, was a day at home clearing out things in Sandiland and on my laptop. 

Thursday, July 24th, I was back to driving myself. I drove to my PT appointment and then to Tropical Smoothie Cafe to get a treat for Claude and me. Yeah me!!

In the evening, Claude purchased us tickets to go to Florence, Kentucky to see the Ya'lls play baseball. It turned out to be a perfect night at the park. We always get seats on the third base side as the is where the shade come first as the sun sets. We enjoyed ballpark food and ice cream for dessert. They have built a new building at the stadium and moved their merchandise store to the end of that closest to the stadium seating. They have strung the protective net all the way down the third base line and that makes it so kids can't sit on the brick barrier to the field. They have moved the kids playthings to the first base side way at the end. They had a train that ran from the first base side to the third base side, turned around and went back to the first base side. It did this a couple of times during the evening. It was a great night at the park. The Ya'll won by a good margin. 
Claude has been watching the odometer in the Jeep. On the way home it turned over 100,000 miles. I tried to get a picture but my lame arm and the blue lights for the numbers were not cooperating very well. Nice milestone for Claude and his Jeep.
Friday, July 25th, was a have-your-meals-out kind of day. We started with breakfast biscuits from Bojangles and finished with a discount at Jimmy John's. Not bad. Not bad at all.

I was able to get tickets for Mannheim Steamroller in December. That is one Christmas date scheduled. 

I also got an appointment to get my driver's license renewed. 

We had a tender moment. Paul, our grandson, sent a message to Claude asking for prayers for him. Claude and he messaged back and forth a while. Then Claude sent a message to Paul suggesting he call him and they talk or Paul could call Claude. Paul really just needed the connection and to ask for our prayers. Claude was able to send him a really good message of hope. I love when the grand and great grandkids interact with Claude. Fills my heart.

Saturday, July 26th, we had another at home day. Claude cut the grass and took care of the yard. With us having so little rain, it has been a few weeks since he had to do that. While Claude cared for the yard, I tried my arm at dusting and sweeping. Look at us old people take care of business.

Once we had a rest inside after these bursts of energy, I pulled out my project of looking at timing for our Route 66 trip. I made a list of all our stops and the time it took to get from one to the other and included time for museums and things. We went over all of this, eliminated some things and saw a clearer picture of what we wanted to do versus time to do it. I will make corrected travel grids and we will work from them. Whew. This is a big trip.

Sunday, July 27th, has been a difficult day for me. I am sure of what some of the reasons are. Mostly, they are just one of those blue days. We went to church where I was grateful for the sacrament. One of the talks was about faith and that was so good to hear those truths I believe.

We had Burger King for lunch. Claude had a nap. I did my second PT for the day and iced up. Now I'm doing Blogging and some other things on the laptop. I will have a low key evening and get back on track. Blue days are just not any fun. Doing something that is right for that day and accomplishing a little bit helps so much. 

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