Monday, July 1, 2024

And the Healing Goes On...

Wednesday, June 26th, I tried my hand at weeding again. This is very difficult as I must bend from the waist for long periods of time. I can only use my left hand and arm. We have had precious little rain so the soil is hard. Claude watered the beds the night before hoping that would help. I was able to get the front bed under that bathroom window and around the corner of the house. It looked like I had ground cover growing there with the clover and other weeds. The last time it was weeded was before my surgery. Felt good to get that bit done. Claude would put new dirt at the base of the two azalea bushes we have growing there. Now, it looks great!

Sweet Raelyn wanted to video chat. I did contact Katelyn to be sure it was okay. Sometimes this little nugget will try to do this when she is supposed to be cleaning or resting. It took a bit to get the connection but we chatted for a bit. 

We finally got a bit of rain in the late afternoon. A bit, but we'll take a bit right now.

Thursday, June 27th, Art turned up my PT a notch. He added some weight exercises and some more strenuous exercises. At the end, they always do stretching on the shoulder. Art did that stretching. He really gives my shoulder (and by extension, me) a work out. Art was watching me throughout all my exercises that day. He believes I have 'turned a corner'. He is very happy with my ability to move as much as I am. All this is very heartening. Honestly, I went home and iced my shoulder and sat for the afternoon. It is a workout. 

I did walk my treadmill another day. This is also baby steps but it is steps and they are in a forward motion. I would walk for 5 minutes every day at 3mph. Not anything like before our trip to Italy but I really need to do this. One of the difficult things about this is holding my right arm out straight for long periods of time. I'll get there.

Friday, June 28th, a day that didn't quite turn out like we originally planned. 

Claude had to go into Lexington for some Communication Council service at God's Pantry. The plan was for him go take care of this while I did my morning PT and walk. Then he would come home and pick me up and we would drive to Morehead to do the Turtle Walk. They have painted turtles like the painted horses in Lexington. We would go and find these and take pictures. Then have a nice dinner together.

Claude went to Lexington. Did his errand. Came back by Bojangles to get me a biscuit. Alas, the elderly gentleman in the drive-thru in front of him did not seem to know how to work a drive-thru. He went right past where you place the order, past the first window where you pay and to the pick-up window. They had to take his order there. Not really a huge problem. However, when they asked him to pull into a spot and they would bring the order out to him, he refused and waited at the window for the order to be prepared. Eventually, Claude made it to the pickup window and get his order. When he got home, it was not at all what he ordered. He got blueberry biscuits with sausage on them. Oh my goodness. I like a blueberry biscuit on occasion but they are very sweet and covered in a sugar glaze. Adding a sausage patty to that made them over-the-top for a breakfast food. We know we will never order that for ourselves again. Wondering if the elderly gentleman got our order instead. 

Claude was ready for us to have a date. So, we revamped our plans for this day. Claude wanted to dine at BD Mongolian Grill. Yum. He also wanted to see the Mike Rowe movie "Something to Stand For". I got tickets at the Regal Cinema in Hamburg Pavillion for the 7:15 showing. We had our dinner and then drove to the theater. I had the tickets on my cellphone. We went in for the 'gatekeeper' to scan them. They would not work. He said I needed to talk to the man in the booth. It seems I had tickets for Saturday and not Friday. It also seems there was no showing of "Something to Stand For" on Friday. We would have to come back on Saturday. Geez!! 

We went back to Chick-fil-A in Georgetown and got a peach shake instead. 

The lesson this day was to be flexible. 

Saturday, June 29th, would be a clean-the-house kind of day. I really can't push the vacuum or work the Swiffer sweeper or mop. I could clean the bathroom counters and swish the toilets while Claude did the floors. I washed all the throw rugs in the bathrooms and kitchen. Yeah us!! It is always fun when we are both working together. 

We did go to Lexington for a second date! This time we tried a new restaurant to us, Local Taco. It was pretty good and we would go back. Then we went to see "Something to Stand For" with Mike Rowe. It was excellent. Not political at all. It was like listening to Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story". Claude and I don't go to movies very often. This was excellent and to see it at the 4th of July timeframe was great. Highly recommend this movie.
Sunday, June 30th, I woke early and my arm was feeling like it was hugely swollen. It was not. It was like it was on fire. Like when you have a fever and you can't stand for anything to touch your skin. I really wanted to go to sacrament meeting. I did my morning PT. Then curled up by Claude and rested a bit. Then we got ready and went to Sacrament Meeting. Aubrey and Raul Garrido blessed their baby girl, Claire. This is always a nice experience.

We left after sacrament meeting. Came home and I put on a loose fitting t-shirt and took a nap. I have learned that rest is imperative to good healing from this type of surgery. We got up and went to 5-Guys for a burger for our meal-or-the-day. Then back home to watch Psych. I would do one more round of PT in the evening.

I had an Ah-Ha moment when I tried to raise my right arm. You see, I haven't been able to do that since surgery without help from my left arm. I took this brief video to share my progress with my family.
Sunday was also Drew's birthday. I posted this to Facebook: "See the guy on the left? That is our grand son-in-law, Drew Roper. Today is his Happy Birthday.  Please join me in sharing your birthday wishes to this ice hockey loving dad of 4 of our great grandmonsters and hubby to our eldest grandmonster. Happy Birthday  Drew!! We Love Ya Bunches!!"
It has been a good week of healing. More outings that strengthen me and give variety to life. Life is good.

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