Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Short Post...

Friday, September 13th, was a day to recover. Why? Well, I was dressed and ready to go to my Relief Society activity Thursday evening. I went to the ladies room one more time before leaving my home and promptly hurled. Why? I have absolutely NO idea. Whatever it was, I didn't feel I needed to go to the activity in case I really had some kind of bug. I sent a text to our Relief Society president telling her I couldn't make it and apologizing for not being there to help. Then I curled in my recliner for the evening.

Katelyn called Thursday evening asking for prayers for her and her girls. It seems there was a threat to their schools for Friday. It turns out there were also threats in Kentucky. Someone posted something on some social media outlet suggesting kids make a threat just for fun. Children all across the country were doing just that. It was on the news here in Kentucky. These children, when identified, will have felony charges brought against them. Goodness. 

Friday, I got this picture from Katelyn of our Raelyn. She was participating in the color run at her school as part of the school fundraiser. My, our little one is growing up. She had fun in the color run.
While sitting in my blue chair in Sandiland clearing off the DVR, I received a call from my sister, Junie. It was so pleasant talking with her for a while. We laughed and really enjoyed the conversation. I don't talk to my sisters a lot. This was very pleasant.

For dinner, my tummy was a little better. Claude suggested we try pizza for dinner. I said we could try MOD Pizza. He agreed as it may be the easiest on my healing tummy. I had my BBQ chicken pizza. Then I came home and ate 1/3 of my mango sorbet. It was soooooo good to taste real flavors again. My tummy handled it well. Yeah!!

Saturday, September 14th, we had some rain on Friday. This made for a good opportunity to weed. We have had so little rain, digging weeds out of bone-dry flower beds is not easy. I was able to top off my irises and Lucifer plants for winter and weed the side and front flower beds. I even used my favorite weeding tool is a dandelion weeding tool. Mine is much more worn than this one. I usually use my right arm to push it into the dirt and lift up the weed I'm trying to get root and all. This was the first time since my fall in February that tried using my right arm. It worked. I was very careful and did use my left arm some. It felt good to use my right arm in a new way. Yeah! Progress. 
Of course, I had to stop two times to rest before going back out to finish. It was getting up to 88 degrees and that is draining. I didn't get the back yard but will before our big trip.

While watching a documentary about The Foods that Built America, they went of Harlan Sanders and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) history. This only made Claude and I want KFC. In addition, Claude had something pop up on his phone about Krispy Kreme donuts. It seems they had a partnership with Dr. Pepper and were making donuts with Dr. Pepper icing. Our dinner plans were set. I checked the Lexington map and found there was a KFC across Richmond Road for Krispy Kreme. This could only mean the gods wanted us to do this for a quick date. We hoped in the Jeep and made a beeline for Richmond Road. Dinner at KFC was delicious. Across the highway we went after dinner for our dessert, a Dr. Pepper iced Krispy Kreme donut. We decided to go inside. I quick purview of the donuts on hand showed not one Dr. Pepper iced donut. I asked the poor boy behind the counter where the Dr. Pepper iced donuts were. He informed us that they no longer carried them. Guess what has replaced them??? Barbie themed donuts. Can you believe that? Barbie. For pity sakes. We got glazed donuts instead. None of that Barbie donut stuff for us. We tried and had a good time in the trying.

I found myself grateful for the ability to call CVS and get a prescription refilled. For me, it is one of the modern-day miracles. We are about to go on a big trip. We need to be sure any medications that are prescription, we have sufficient before we go. Over-the-counter things can easily be replaced. I only had one and a quick call to CVS and a talk with the computer voice started the refill process. It was only a few minutes before I received the text saying the prescription was ready. To me, this is a blessing and a little modern-day miracle.

Sunday, September 15th, has been a good day. Church was good. We had a good Sunday School lesson this week. I remembered to take our big orange cooler for the service project this coming Saturday. Claude and I have other meetings and can't attend that but we can loan our orange cooler. I also remembered to take the birthday cards that need to be mailed while we are traveling to Jessie Rayburn. Her boys love putting them in the mailbox. Lunch was at Jimmy John's. Yum. Claude got a nap while I did PT and cleared the DVR of some more shows. Claude has gone to the Stake Center for a General Priesthood Meeting and I am catching up on some laptop work. 

Doing this, I just realized I forgot to pick up my prescription!! Silly Moi!!

This is a short post but it puts me back on track for my Sunday blogging time. Yeah me!!

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