Monday, September 2, 2024

Odds & Ends...

Tuesday, August 27th, I started my day by waking really early. I went ahead and got up, did my morning PT, read while I iced my shoulder, then went right back to finish my sleep. Being retired is good to one that way.

I finished reading my book about Greek mythology in preparation for our cruise next year around the Greek islands. This was a very short book but it gives me a good overview and will be a good reference when on our trip.

I accumulated all my backup to get reimbursement for the Exotic Car Ride I purchased Claude for his Christmas present. I was so happy about this unique gift. I bought the Groupon for the discount. In January, I set up with the Dream Car people the date, time and purchased a picture package, insurance, paid Kentucky Speedway taxes, etc. With a big trip coming next month, I thought I should confirm all these arrangements one more time before going away and not having laptop access. I called the Dream Car people and got a voice message stating they were out-of-business. They suggested I contact the credit card company and any third-party vendors to get reimbursement. They left an eMail address to contact them. UGH!! I gathered my Groupon confirmation, my Dream Car confirmation, the bank statement proving the transaction happened, my phone records for calling them, etc. I contacted Group and did a chat with them over the Internet. I sent an eMail to the Dream Car people. Now to keep working it to get our reimbursements. 

Wednesday, August 28th, I know I had PT but really can't remember much else about that day. Some days office PT is harder on me than other days. Those harder days, I tend to not get much more out of my day.

Thursday, August 29th, Claude worked on the flower beds on the side of the house. It was in the high 90's and not a good day to be doing this. He came in two times to sit and hydrate. But he got the rock work done that was important to him to do. 

I got the laundry done and the Relief Society Newsletter out for September.

In the evening, we went to see Cirque du Soliel: OVO at Rupp Arena. That experience is its own Blog post.

Friday, August 30th, after talking with several people at office PT, it was determined I should go ahead and schedule an appointment for the cortisone shot. I will do that Tuesday, September 3rd, as Monday is a holiday. 

We would get Bailey and have her through Sunday afternoon. That is in the Big Blue Nation Blog post. While driving to LaGrange, the thermometer in the car told us how hot it was outside. Yike!!
Saturday, August 31st, we put netting over Claude's tomato plants. It appears that, as soon as they start to turn red, the birds, chipmunks and squirrels are ready to feast. Hopefully this will allow Claude to get some of his tomatoes. 
Sunday, September 1st, when we dropped Bailey at home, she gave us a magnet with the new Louisville Youth Orchestra logo on it for our fridge.

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