Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One Perfect Moment...

Saturday, April 20th, I should have been in Lexington at 'Time Out for Sisters', a Stake Relief Society function (Church) for all the ladies in the Lexington North Stake.  However, our Friends of Sadieville, of which I am the Chair, always has a Clean-up Sadieville day the end of April. We calendared this last year and have used approximately this weekend for several years now. So I spent my morning in Sadieville instead of in Lexington. Sometimes choices must be made between two very good things.  I would truly have loved going to the Relief Society event but was happy to meet my obligation in Sadieville also.

Claude and I woke up at 7am and were in Sadieville ready to work at 8am. Our clean-up day was to be from 8am to Noon. When we arrived there were already several people there to help. I explained to everyone as they arrived what was going to happen and where people were already assigned. We had the Sadieville Christian Church youth coming to help. Detta would take them to the Pike Street park, then to the park across from the Rosenwald School and finally behind their church to pick-up trash in those areas. Judy headed to the Depot (City Hall) to clean the meeting room. There were two young men there to complete some community service hours for some infractions of the law. Bobbie, our policeman, was to come and shepherd their efforts. Since they were strapping young men about 17 years old, we had them help Judy and then begin walking the streets in Sadieville to pick up any trash they could find. Claude took his Jeep and headed out to clean Highway 32 as it comes into Sadieville. I went to weed the rain garden by City Hall. Omer, Virgil, Jo Carol and Cindy all set to weeding around Warring Pavilion, and around the overpass to the railroad tracks. Everyone worked dilgently and we were finished by 10:30am. Yeah us!!

Claude drove himself and me to Wendy's and we picked up something to eat at the drive-thru. Then headed home.

As we sat at our breakfast room table to have lunch together, I looked out across the back yard to the creek and up the hill on the other side. At that moment, having lunch with just me and Claude and beginning to feel the aches of the first weeding project for this summer, At that momen I felt that life was perfect. This was how it was supposed to be. Claude and me working together and then sitting down to a nice little meal together. That was what I envisioned retirement to be full of, moments of shared experience. Life was good.

After lunch we were both very tired. I had taken an antihistamine first thing Saturday morning since I have lovely pollen allergies and knew being out in the open air all morning would probably do me in. They always make me tired and combining that with the work effort I knew I was ready to try and rest. We both curled up and took a two hour nap. I'm not the best napper in the world and I must say that nap felt wonderful.

After my nap, I picked up my Kindle and started to read another chapter in my book. I was reading "The Secret Garden". I stayed reading until I finished that book. It is such a good book. I enjoyed it so much I would give it five stars. I sent Hayden an eMail suggesting he ask his mom to read it to him and Bailey.

Not wanting to waste this day that was going perfectly, I picked up my weeding bag filled with tools and gloves, put on my clunky working shoes and headed out to our front yard. I spent the remainder of my afternoon getting the flower beds weeded and ready for summer. The worst was the one around the water meter. My goodness that thing is awful in the spring. Those vines grow around and around and they are beautiful through the summer. In the winter the leaves fall off and the ends of the vines die. Spring then brings the need to cut all the dead ends of these runners and let the new growth begin again. I could see the little light purple flowers trying to come out and struggling under the weight of those vines. The vines were even starting to circle the base of the bed into the grass. That is a big no-no. I spent several hours working on this bed alone.

I couldn't help reflecting on the kids in their 'Secret Garden' and me in my very visible garden enjoying this feel and smell and work of Spring's arrival.

I finished as the sun was starting to set. I carried my gardening bag full of tools and gloves and my weary body inside for the night. It was the end of a perfect day. It is so very nice to have those every now and then.

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