Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mini's in Motion...

Friday, March 14th, found Claude and I headed to LaGrange. Claude had a meeting in Louisville. He would drop me off at Buckner Elementary so I could watch Bailey's school assembly. Then he would go to his meeting.

Bailey is in 1st Grade and all the 1st Grade classes performed for the school in an assembly. They did Aesop's Fables.  The kids would take turns holding up the folder with the name of the fable on it, then a child would tell the story, then the 1st graders would sing a song that fit with that story, then a child would tell the moral of that particular fable. When the kids sang a song, there were always lots of hand motions to fit the words. The performance lasted about 25 minutes. I held my video camera up that entire 25 minutes. It got a little wobbly at times but I got it all on video. When they were done, the music teacher had them perform with the entire school the Buckner Bear theme song "Bear Essentials".  It was a delightful performance. Bailey is in the center of each of these pictures in a pink/purple long sleeved t-shirt.
Hayden was getting ready for the Wax Museum thing they do in school nowadays. The character he chose was Leonardo DaVinci, or as Andie calls him, Haydenardo DaVinci. This is him in costume.  I did get a video of him practicing his performance in costume for us. Michael sent me one of him actually doing it in school. He had it all memorized. Hayden did great.  Lots of arm flourishes and a bit of an Italian accent.
The family was given their treasures from our trip to Egypt.  Bailey had the most fun with the scarf we bought to go with my outfit. I just knew with all those dangling coin-like objects she would love that scarf. She wore it both days we were with them. At one point she was doing Egyptian poses without any music. She would move that long little neck of hers back and forth and side to side. It was hysterical.  Claude started singing Steve Martin's "King Tut".  Bailey quickly found that rhythm and moved in time, then eventually started singing the words 'King Tut' over and over.  Cute moment.
Friday evening we took the Mini's to Dairy Queen for dinner while Michael and Andie enjoyed a real date. We were a few days before Andie's birthday but it still gave them a night out and about.

Saturday morning Hayden woke me up at 6:30am to go to the basement with him. He has his own video game set up that he saved and bought with his money down there.  He loves to take us down to play it with him. So he and I had some quiet time before anyone else awoke.  I took my crocheting and he showed me YouTube videos of the tricks to playing his new Mario Brothers game. He is quite good at these games.  His mind just works that way.  I am so slow but he tries to be patient when we play.

Bailey joined us about 7:30am. So we captured the moment in a 'selfie'.
Hayden found a movie that we all agreed would be fun to watch and we snuggled under blankets and watched a movie with Bailey under my left arm and Hayden under my right arm. That is just were any Gramma loves to be. Snuggling with her grandmonsters.

Eventually Michael, then Andie and, much later, Claude joined us.  Andie decided it was a good morning to make banana-chocolate chip mini cupcakes. This would be a great snack for the kids plus she would have a jump on the lunch packing for the next week.
Claude is the perfect Grampa for climbing and snuggling on.
Bailey and I also headed upstairs to the guest bedroom where she entertained me and I videoed to prove it. She sang along with the theme to Frozen and Tangled while standing in the middle of the bed. Pink head phones in place and drama you cannot fathom. With two front teeth missing this video is one of the keepers for when she dates and intends to marry.

Bailey showed me how she practices her eye therapy and I also got that on video.

We fit hair cuts for Bailey and Andie into our morning. Before it was time to go to Hayden's Blue and Gold event for Cub Scouts.

Hayden would advance from Bear to Webelo Cub Scout. He was very happy we were able to go to this with his family. 
We left from the school to return home.  It was so good to see these precious grandmonsters again and watch the fun things they are learning and doing in their lives. Kudo's Andie and Michael for getting the parenting job right!!

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