Monday, January 15, 2018



I have a wonderful car. Love it. Grateful for it on many levels. It lets me take Papa for car rides, a friend to doctor appointments, do my visiting teaching, taking one of the Young Adults that I teach to activities as she will never drive and the list goes on. Yep, I am grateful for a nice car. However, cars come with things that must be taken care of. 

The end of December the air in the driver's side front tire started to be low. One morning I received a warning from OnStar that the tire pressure was at 13psi. It should be 35psi. Yes, that is way low. Now, it has been extremely cold here in Kentucky. In the teens during the day and single digits at night. There have been a couple of days that went into the 50's. But for the most part, very, very cold. That can affect air pressure in a tire but not that much. While the Roper's visited over New Year's it was at 24psi when Katelyn and I went out to visit Papa. 

After that one, Claude suggested, and I totally agreed, that tire needed to be checked. I called Frank Shoop and made an appointment for Saturday, January 6th in the afternoon. The result of that was I had a small slice on the inside of that tire causing it to leak slowly. The a new tire. It had to be ordered. Kim did that for us. Thursday the 11th they put on my new tire. 

Car is not even a year old and we had to have a new tire. Yuck!! The only thing Claude and I can imagine that would cut the inside of the tire is getting it into the track at the car wash. We both had that as our first guess. Makes me concerned about getting the car through the car wash. Oh bother!!

Medical Update...

Had my first check-up with my Primary Care Doctor regarding my blood pressure. I have taken my blood pressure every morning and made a chart to record that data on. I have taken the medicine he prescribed every morning with a baby aspirin. My blood pressure is still high. Not as high as December 3rd. But much higher than it should be. Dr. Lyon has now prescribed a new medicine that combines two drugs. One is in the same family as what I was taking and it has another drug in it that helps it work better. So, I will try that and go back in 6 months to have him check it again. 

Okay, for the funny part of this change of meds. Dr. Lyon told me not to be alarmed if I have some swelling in my ankles as my body adjusts to the med. I looked my very nice doctor in the eye and said, "You mean I will have cankles?" He grinned and said he wouldn't call it that but they might swell up. I assured him Claude would get a kick out of knowing I might have cankles and use it to his benefit. Sure enough, I told Claude I might get cankles and he enjoyed that with laughter. Goodness, aging is silly.

Civic Duty...

Thursday, January 11th, Claude had a meeting at City Hall in the morning. He asked if I was going to go and take the Christmas tree down. I was supposed to be out visiting teaching but that had been cancelled so I started laundry instead. I told Claude I didn't think I would and he left for his meeting. Then, while doing laundry and other things, I felt like I should go ahead and get that tree down. So I put on my grubbies and headed to City Hall in the rain. Managed to get it down and stowed in the shed in an hour's time. Happy it was done before the snow forecast for Friday into Saturday. We are in a very, very small town and these chores fall to the citizens. 

Filling a Child's Request...

Our oldest child, Nissa, and her hubby, Todd, purchased a home and moved in just before Thanksgiving. Claude went up to help them move. He came home with a task my dear Daughter wanted me to accomplish. It seems when Claude's father passed away Nissa inherited his red plaid flannel bathrobe. She has kept it all these years. She gave it to her dad and asked that I make a pillow out of it for their sofa. Saturday, January 13th, while I was home bound with a driveway covered in ice, I put that time to good use and made this fun pillow. Nissa and Todd have brown leather furniture in their living room so I put it on Claude's big chair to take a picture for Nissa. I am so very happy with this pillow. I used the back of the robe to make the front and back pieces for the pillow. I cut out the lapels of the robe and carefully removed a pocket. These I stitched to the front with a bit of white T-shirt at the top. I left the pocket open so Nissa's grandmonsters could hide stuff in the pocket. Nissa and Todd were both pleased with it also. Now, Claude has to finish his refinish job on an end table for them and then we are ready to get them to Michigan.

Worshiping in the 21st Century...

Tuesday, January 9th, Claude and I made our first trip to the Louisville Kentucky Temple for 2018. I was blessed to have a brother-in-law who is doing lots of research on my Mother's family line. He sent me three names to take to the temple. One of these was a cousin of my mother. What a tender experience to take her name through the temple. Thank you Steve for preparing this name for me.

Thursday, January 11th, was the Kick-off Event to being this semester of Institute. I was able to drive Nikki there. I was given a few minutes to talk about our course of study in the Georgetown Institute class. We will be studying "The Eternal Family" this semester. Prepared the first two lessons to teach this Wednesday. These are going to be great lessons. Looking forward to this semester.

Sunday, the 14th, was a very 21st Century worshiping experience. Sunday morning we had a South East Area Regional Conference Broadcast. Congregations meet in their buildings and a satellite broadcast goes out from Utah to 109 Stakes and their congregations. How cool is that.  A few thoughts that touched me:

  • The Temple is a place to elevate us from the world to eternity.
  • Because of covenants we have made we shall be called the children of God.
  • We should establish a pattern of reading the Book of Mormon to gain understanding. 
  • We cannot conquer without prayer. 
  • Faith is a principle of action. Action and power arise from faith in the Lord.
  • The children of Israel, when crossing the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land, had wet feet until they acted on faith and took a step into the Jordan River.
  • Repentance is turning away from sin and turning to God. When we read repentance we should insert these words, "turn ye unto the Lord".
  • The Savior is the 'Great Physician'.
  • Pain is to our body as guilt is to our spirit.
  • There is great power in personal purity.
Sunday evening I drove Nikki to the Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults. They enjoyed a dinner together at 7pm followed by a broadcast via satellite from Utah. The speakers were Elder Dieter Uchtdorf and his wife, Harriet. These lovely people are from Germany. While I have heard Elder Uchtdorf speak often, it occurred to me I have only seen pictures of Harriet and never heard her voice. Her accent is much thicker that her hubbies. She is just cute and fun. Their talks were great. So uplifting. Here are a few thoughts that touched me:

  • You have the potential to be angels of glory to those sitting next to you.
  • You pass through the adventure of mortal life only once.
  • Agency gives us many directions to choose. 
My Poor Old Hand...

Thought I would include an update on my right hand. In October, while cleaning out Papa's apartment, I managed to close the garage door on the middle three fingers of my right hand. Hurt like heck. The finger nails have continued to grow. The pointer finger had a blood spot under it and is slowly growing out. The middle long finger appears to have another new nail growing under it. The long finger next to the pinky finger was the one I was most concerned about. Appears that concern was justified. At first the skin under that nail looked like a pink Jello someone stirred up. Not good. As it has grown out it became loose and began to lift up on the right side of the nail but stayed firmly attached to the right side of the nail. I just kept it trimmed so it wouldn't lift off while still firmly attached on that right side. Yesterday morning the base separated from the new nail. I got the clippers and clipped off as much as I could. Hope the new nail will eventually grow out and hoping the piece of the old nail will not pull away until the new nail is out. Isn't my hand pretty? Not!!
Well, that updates me to today. Snow is coming down. Expecting only 1-3 inches. Had about a inch last night. Claude got the ice off the driving that was there Saturday morning. A few more days of bitter cold and then a warm up for the weekend. Groceries are bought and we are prepared to stay inside as needed. 

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