Saturday, January 18, 2020

Posting Again... last post was December 18th. Today is January 18th. To say I am a little behind is, well, it's ridiculous. I believe I will just start right in and post away, pausing when I am tired or need to go sit with Papa, taking a break when it feels right. 

December 19th I had my annual wellness check with Dr. Lyon. This is a requirement of old age (Medicare). I would not do these if it weren't for that requirement. I went to this appointment at 1:15 in the afternoon fasting so that all blood tests taken would get the best reading. And, I passed with flying colors on all blood tests. Yippee!! I get to keep taking my same dosage of blood pressure medication. But everything seems to be in good working order. I did get a referral to a podiatrist. More on that later. 

At 2pm that day, Signature Health Care was hosting their annual Christmas party for the residents. I hurried to be late for that. They have a wonderful man with a great real beard that plays Santa for the residents every year. A local business donates a bag of gifts for each resident. They have refreshments and cram every resident who can get out of their beds into the dining room with one or two of their relatives. They sing Christmas songs and have a lovely time. Papa was really unsure of what in the world was going on and why he was there. I was able to fill him in when I got there and he even tried to sing along with the music a time or two. It is so very hard when you don't hear and you miss any explanations and what others say to you. But he had a nice time and we went back to his room for a while to visit when it was over. 

Also on this date we also received a picture of our Raelyn in her glasses. She got them on December 10th. I just think they fit her perfectly. The first picture is when she first got her glasses and the second picture is the one received on December 19th. 
Saturday, December 21st, the Tyler's hosted their family Christmas gathering at their home. It took several attempts to get everybody looking at the camera, but this great picture was finally achieved. This is all of Nissa and Todd's children and grandchildren. I love this picture of all their family. 
We had a special choir practice this day in preparation for Sunday's Christmas Sacrament Meeting program. We also received two packages from Amazon. Claude and I had recently commented that all the packages we ordered had arrived and we didn't need to worry about that anymore. Then we heard from Katelyn and she was having her Amazon packages sent to our home so they would haven't have to pack them. This is a clever and wise choice on her part. Then we heard from Andie and she was having Michael's gift sent by Amazon to our home. So, we were still watching for Amazon packages to be delivered. The arrival of these two packages meant we now were only waiting for Andie's. 

Sunday was the Christmas program at the Church. It turned our really well. We had some concerns. It seems with Christmas falling in the middle of the week everyone left on Friday for family things in other parts of the United States. This was the smallest group of people for a Christmas choir I have seen since we moved to Kentucky 15 years ago. But it was really a nice program. I followed that by visiting Papa and facilitating our Self-reliance group. Good Sunday.

Now I will begin another post that has Christmas in it. It could be very long...

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