Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Sunday, May 28th thru Tuesday, June 6th...

Sunday, May 28th, was an excellent Sunday. This day our current bishopric was released. Our bishop, Brian Fairbanks, is moving to Jonesboro, Arkansas with his work. His first counselor, Cameron Stephenson, was released earlier as his family moved to Rexburg, Idaho. Our new bishop is Bart Barber. Claude and I hold Bart Barber is high esteem. We are both very happy he will be our bishop. His first counselor will be David Bennett, Jr. and his second counselor will be Ryan Barney. They will be an excellent bishopric. 

The chorister for Sacrament Meeting was not feeling well, so I was able to direct the singing in Sacrament Meeting. I was amused when singing the opening hymn "Count Your Blessings". My old brain was returning to how the hymn was written in the old blue hymnals. It has places in the verse and the chorus where the sopranos sing a phrase and the altos, tenors and basses echo that phrase in harmonies. I loved singing that alto as a child. Today, when not leading music or playing, I might even sing the tenor. While leading, I found myself trying to sing that way again. In the newer hymnals, the verses no long have this alternating of phrases. The chorus does have it but it is much more simplified. Man, I have been around a long time!!

I was able to play the piano for Primary again. How I love doing that. 

Claude wanted to eat at Arby's so we went there for lunch. A nap for Claude and time for me to label pictures and Blog. Lots of pictures because I had taken a lot and added to it some taken by Michael and Andie of Hayden's graduation. Getting them all in the order and labeling was a lot of fun! Once they were in order and labeled, it was a lot easier Blogging about Hayden's graduation on Saturday. 

Monday, May 29th, was Memorial Day. We had no plans. Absolutely none. Claude was still trying to fight not feeling well. We did go out for a bit to pick up my prescriptions at CVS. Then to the car wash for my car. This left us knowing we want to only use the car wash on Broadway and not the big one by Walmart. Then to Dairy Queen for a Memorial Day treat. On to Kroger to fill my car with gas. And, fortunately, the nice man was barbequing ribs at Kroger. Claude got himself some ribs. 

We enjoyed sitting on our patio near the grill for Memorial Day. Claude enjoyed his ribs. Nice afternoon. 

In the evening, we watched a new documentary on President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It has multiple episodes. So, there will be more watching of this documentary.

Katelyn and family went to the zoo. Someone was kind enough to take a picture of their family for them. Left to right: Julia Carvalho (exchange student from Brazil, Joel, Raelyn, Drew holding Kennedi, and Katelyn holding Emelia.  
Tuesday, May 30th, when I woke up, I looked out the door to the patio. I counted 3 chipmunks, 2 doves and 1 robin. The rabbit ran across our yard two time the day before. I know my father would have loved sitting on this patio watching all the animals and enjoying the lovely breeze. 

We went for a biscuit to get our day started. Then home to pack up for a trip to Michigan. We loaded the car with the things we are going to deliver. The back of my car was full. But, we got everything in there. 

One more quiet evening at home before heading to Michigan on Wednesday.

I found something really cute on Facebook and posted it on our family Facebook page with this thought: "Let's just love each other bunches!" I love turtles and I always sign letters and cards with 'Love Ya Bunches'. Had a class in school where they taught us about writing letters. The teacher suggested we each find a unique way to sign our letters at the bottom. Love Ya Bunches became my signature and I have used it since I was a kid. 
Wednesday, May 31st, we spent our morning mowing the lawn and closing up our home. We would hit the road about 12:15 for our drive to Chelsea, Michigan. We did stop in Dry Ridge for McDonald's. As we passed a few landmarks, I posted pictures of them on our family Facebook page. 
We stopped again for gasoline at Exit 135. Then the next landmark outside of Toledo.
I sent this picture of the water tower in Chelsea so the kids would know we arrived safe. We went to Jimmy John's to pick up a sandwich for dinner. They were closed at 6pm. Go figure? So, we went to Subway and bought sandwiches for dinner. Then we checked into the Baymont Inn for the evening. 
Katelyn sent a picture of Raelyn at bat in t-ball. 
Thursday, June 1st, we met Jake at his apartment about 10:30am. We had some of his furniture items to deliver. Once those were in place, we realized a bottle of dish liquid spilled onto the back seat of my car while we were driving. Jake brought out paper towels and a wet cloth and we cleaned it as best we could. The end result was we had to leave a lot of it. Now, my car smells lovely when you get in it. We went to Valiant for lunch with Jake. They were kind enough to let us sit and visit for a good while. Then we walked to the Family and Farm store to purchase a bucket for Jake's apartment. We thought we would stop at the ice cream place, but a school bus full of kids was just dropped off. We opted to wait for ice cream another time. 

After dropping Jake off, we drove to Muskegon with a stop in Grand Rapids at the Krispy Kreme store. We bought a dozen mini-donuts for the Ropers and four glazed donuts for Claude and I to eat as we drove. 

We visited the Ropers briefly. I had mended a blanket for Emelia and I had framed pictures of their kids for them. But, the real reason was to meet Kennedi Claudette Roper, our newest and fifth great grandmonster. She was smitten with Claude and talked to him for the longest time. She was a month old and will now smile while you talk with her. In these pictures are Claude, Kennedi, Emelia, Joel and Sandi with bits of Raelyn.
Katelyn shared this picture. Like father, Like son. Joel and Drew. Love this.
We visited Nissa briefly at her work. Then drove to Lee's to get chicken for our dinner. On to Holton to the Tyler home for this evening. We would stay with them through Sunday evening.

Friday, June 2nd, we were able to sleep in a bit. Then showered and headed to Fremont. We bought gasoline. Stopped at Burger King for a quick light lunch. Then on to Meijer's to purchase the non-perishable food for Saturday when we would have a family day at the Tyler's. Once back at the Tyler home, Claude napped for about an hour. 

We were to be at Paul and Rachel's anniversary party at the Anchor of Hope Church in North Muskegon at 4:30pm. Paul was out front waiting for us to arrive. He introduced us to Rachel's two grandmothers. This is the church where Rachel's father is the pastor. They grilled burgers and hot dogs and we had a bit to eat. Paul sat with us and we visited. It was very nice. As we left, I got this picture of Paul and Rachel after a year of marriage. 
Rachel posted this picture of her family. Tami (her mother), Rachel, Paul and Cory (her father).
We left the party at 6:30pm to see some of Raelyn's t-ball game. Raelyn was the pitcher. She is giving her coach a high-5 in the second picture. The third picture is Raelyn as pitcher. Then there are pictures of Joel, Raelyn, and Nissa holding Emelia with Claude talking to her. Our little Emelia had eaten all of her dad's cherries in the fridge and also consumed their pits. She was one sick little puppy for several days as her body tried to deal with all those cherries and their pits. 
Raelyn at bat. She got a hit. Then Joel's fascination with the tree. He even tried to get Julia to look at the tree. Grampa Claude helped Joel get a drink from his water bottle. Kennedi slept through it all. And, Katelyn got her hugs from her grampa like she needed and wanted. 
We left about 7:30 to go to Pita Place to buy dinner for Nissa, Todd, Claude and me. This sign was on the wall. 
Dinner purchased, we zoomed to Holton to enjoy the remainder of the evening with Nissa and Todd.

Saturday, June 3rd, was family time at the Tyler's. Nissa and I shopped in the morning for the perishable foods. Then we set up for everyone to arrive at 1pm. Todd and Claude moved our cars to their front yard so all the concrete was available for the kids. He set up a table in the garage for the beverages to be placed. Inside on the island we placed the sandwich makings, and salads. On their table in the kitchen we set up chips and dips. All was in order and family started to arrive at 1pm. Derrick (Todd's son) and Suzie with their three children, Arthur, Theo and Savannah. The Ropers were next with Drew, Katelyn, Raelyn, Emelia, Joel and Kennedi and Julia (their Brazilian exchange student). Aubrey came next with Nelson. Paul and Rachel sent a message they could not make it. This meant we had all our Michigan grandmonsters except Paul and all our Michigan great grandmonsters. Of course, these are Nissa and Todd's grandchildren. It was a good afternoon. 

Nelson was so happy Nissa had purchased a nerf gun. There were actually two of them and the kids took turns with them. Nelson played with his the most. His father is in the National Guard and you could tell he is very aware of guns. He kept his little bullet holder full and strapped to his arm. Then he would say to me, "I'm locked and loaded!" Yep, he has a dad in the military.
There were plenty of folding chairs in the garage for seating. It was nice to have a place out of the sun. Emelia, Katelyn holding Kennedi and Drew.
Susie pulled out the chalk and the bubbles from the toy storage cabinet in the garage. Joel and Savannah are playing with the chalk. Suzie got the kids going with bubbles. Somehow, catching bubbles never gets old.
Joel is going to be a plumber...don't you agree!
Nissa started the kids playing in the yard. While those of us that were older sat in the garage.
She had them run races around the tree in the yard.
Emelia didn't feel like racing. She did fit in the truck though!
Then there was a round of football. Nissa throws the ball. The kids run to catch it. The one who catches tries to get back to Nissa without being tackled. A lot of tackling went on with this game.
Joel's birthday would be on Tuesday. Katelyn baked cupcakes and we all sang Happy Birthday to Joel. Then we enjoyed birthday cupcakes for dessert. 
Poor Baby, Nissa and Todd's dog, was in her pen for all of this. Near 5pm, Nissa put Baby on a leash and brought her out for a bit. 
We loaded up the kids with left overs as they left for their various homes about 5pm. Aubrey had us take some pictures of her and Nelson.
It was a great family afternoon. I totally enjoyed watching the little ones playing with each other. Good family time. 

Sunday, June 4th, was the day Claude would give a name and blessing of Kennedi. We all met at the church in Spring Lake and took a few pictures before. The Roper family. The Roper family with Julia. Katelyn and Drew with Kennedi. Claude with Kennedi. Claude holding Kennedi and Sandi. And the effort to get Claude and Sandi with the Roper children. 
Claude gave Kennedi a beautiful blessing. I born my testimony. After Sacrament Meeting, we got a 4-generation picture. Since I am the photographer, this was with Claude representing our generation. Claude, Kennedi, Nissa and Katelyn.
Claude and I took Raelyn and Emelia to Primary. Katelyn toook Kennedi who needed a diaper change. She also took Joel to nursery. Raelyn said the Article of Faith. I helped her with it. The girls did great with being reverent and singing well. At the end, Millie was getting a little restless. The Ropers gave me an early birthday gift and Emelia was carrying the bag. She decided it needed to be on her head like a hat. Her teacher was kind enough to adjust it for her. Oh My!!
After church, Claude and I took Katelyn and kids to McDonald's for lunch. It took all three of us to herd the four kids through ordering and eating. It was fun to do this with the little people. 

Claude and I went to the Tyler's for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening the four of us went to Hobo's for dinner. We ate there once before and Claude and I loved it. It was great to go back and enjoy it again. Then back to Holton for one last quiet evening together.

Monday, June 5th, was time to make the return journey home. We got up and out of the Tyler home for the drive to Chelsea. I totally loved seeing the red barns in Michigan. In Kentucky we have lots and lots of black burley barns. These are to hang tobacco in when it is harvested so it can dry. They are painted black to absorb the heat. In Michigan, you see lots of the traditional red barns. I was able to get one picture as we drove past one. 
In Chelsea, we picked up Jake and headed to Ann Arbor to Lowe's to look for an air-conditioner. We were fortunate and found all that Jake needed to put an air-conditioner in the window of his apartment. Now, when the nights get hot, he can sleep well. We enjoyed lunch at Arby's before heading back to Chelsea. It was so fun to be with our son again. 
We stopped at a car wash before leaving Chelsea. I had little drops that had hardened all over my car. We had the car washed before we made this trip. These little drops were probably sap from the tree we had the car parked under. If left, I was afraid it would take the paint off my car. I was so happy when the regular quickie car wash took all of it off the car. Yeah!!

We made one stop on the way home for gasoline. Didn't even buy treats. Just kept on moving down the road. I did send this picture to the kids as we cross the Ohio River into Kentucky. This day was hazy from Holton to Cincinnati. It tried to clear a bit in Cincinnati but not completely. Not sure why the haze. It reminded us of living in Southern California during the smog era. 
We got home tired but happy. We had such a good trip. Saw everyone and had a good visit with them. Got Kennedi blessed. It was delightful. 

Tuesday, June 6th, the first thing I did was put a little water on my new plants. The daisies were really suffering. Clearly there had been no rain while we were gone and the temperatures were in the high 80's. I noted flowers coming on our lavender and little flowers on our Palace Purple Coral Bells. 
I heard a noise in my neighbors yard. I thought Catherine was out in her yard. Turns out they were cutting down a tree in her neighbor's yard. This tree has bothered Catherine the entire time we have lived here and surely before we moved in. It has been covered with vines and hanging into her yard and the yard of the neighbors behind them. That tree is now a goner!
I decided to make a quick run to Walmart. Raelyn has a loose tooth and will soon need a tooth fairy to come. I made Katelyn a tooth fairy pillow when she was that age. She wants her kids to experience that. Walmart is the only place in Georgetown to purchase any kind of fabric. I knew the little bundles of quilting fabric would be just right. I purchase this bundle and will make tooth fairy pillows for each of Katelyn's kids. Raelyn's will be purple. Emelia's will be pink. Joel's will be blue. Then we'll make Kennedi's out of the green or yellow. Will make those some time this week and get them in the mail. 
I also picked up groceries and some shorts for Claude to wear as he heals from his surgery. Home I came to finish laundry, label pictures from our trip and get this Blog up-to-date once again. 

Today was Joel's birthday. I posted this picture and comment on our family Facebook page: "Guess what? Today our Joel turns 2 years  old! Happy Birthday to the kid Claude says is always in search of a mud puddle! Love ya bunches!!"
Katelyn also posted pictures of Joel. He is such a cutie. I find him totally fascinating.
Looking forward to a quiet evening at home with my honey. Life is good.

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