Sunday, April 14, 2024

Limping Along...

We continue to fill our lives even with some body problems. 

Sunday, April 7th, was our son-in-law's birthday. I posted this on Facebook. "I am very slow today...but I get there. Join me in wishing our son-in-law, Todd Tyler, a very happy birthday!! Green Bay all the way for Todd. The second picture is Todd with his sons, Derrick and Mitchell. We are sure hoping you received your birthday t-shirt we sent with Katelyn. Happy Birthday Young Man. Here's to many more. Love Ya Bunches!!"
During that evening, our 6th great grandmonster was born. Rachel was admitted to the hospital Thursday to be induced. By Sunday, she still had not had the baby so a C-Section was performed to bring Phoebe into the world. Here is Phoebe Thompson and her mom, Rachel.
On April 11th we got these pictures. 
Nissa, Phoebe's grandmother through Paul, got to hold her newest grandchild on April 13th. Nissa wears grandmotherhood well.
And today, Sunday, April 14th, Rachel posted this picture of Phoebe ready for church.
She looks like a very healthy baby and we look forward to meeting her this week. 

Monday, April 8th, my day started great with a call from Dr. Lyons office. He had the MRI results and was referring me to Dr. Sajadi, the surgeon. I now needed to wait for Dr. Sajadi's office to call and set and appointment for the consult visit. Progress but still waiting.

This day the United States was set for a Solar Eclipse. This doesn't happen often. When it does, it only covers part of the United States. Kentucky was in the path for a viewing of the Total Eclipse, not a part. Well parts of Kentucky were in the path. Someone posted before the 8th where there would be a possible viewing of the Eclipse in all the United States. I saved the ones for where our family currently lives (Kentucky and Michigan) and for the states in which Claude and I were born (Utah and Louisiana). 
Just about everyone was looking for the special glass you are to wear to look at a Total Eclipse. We were not part of just about everyone. However we were outside when it happened. As it turns out, Georgetown and surrounding areas were covered by clouds making a good viewing almost impossible. We were outside because we were trying once again to work in our yard. We both agreed not to look up. When we first went out, it was in the 70's and the sun was shining. This felt very warm to us. Claude set to work cutting the front lawn and I went to the front and one side of the house to weed. With Claude's sprained ankle and my torn rotator cuff, it is almost comical to watch us. Claude got the grass cut and I got the weeding done with only my left hand. Then we went inside for a break. When Claude was revived, we went outside again. I started on the back yard and Claude edged the front yard. When he finished, we stopped to rest again. When rested, Claude cut the back yard while I weeded some more in the back yard. Then we stopped to rest again. When Claude was ready, he went to edge the back yard while I finished weeding the back yard. As our good fortune would have it, The edger ran out of the plastic that actually cuts the weeds. Now, this is where I am verklempt. He has a roll of this plastic string but it has to be 'manually' loaded onto his edger. I cannot understand why anyone would make an edger without a cartridge of this plastic string that could be just popped into the edger. It takes a ridiculous amount of patience to manually rewind the plastic string from the spool he buys to inside of his edger. He decided not to edge and reload his edger another time. I finished weeding and we went to Burger King for dinner. That's how you roll when you are in your 70's and have limbs that are worn out.

I did have two friends that posted pictures they took of the eclipse. Below are two pictures from each of these friends. Way cool. 
We did notice as we moved to work in the back yard and the hour came for the actual eclipse that the sky was darker and the temperature did drop. For us, working in the yard, this was a HUGE blessing.

Tuesday, April 9th, I was scheduled for a haircut with Jenna Thacker. Claude was to go with me and get his hair cut as well. Alas, Claude was up in the early hours hurling. In the morning, I gave him a pill to help with that. It was only minutes before he hurled again. Ugh. I am not driving as I can't lift my right arm very far. I decided to drive myself to Jenna's. Claude stayed home sleeping off whatever bug he had. I did okay with the driving. It was at 2pm and the roads are not full of traffic. I was able to only have to make a few turns to get to her home and all went well. I got a great haircut which will, hopefully, be easier to blow dry with my impaired limb. I will not drive though unless I truly have to. In the evening, Claude threw up one more time before ceasing that nonsense. Since I am Claude's barber, we will need to find another time for him to get a haircut. 

Wednesday, April 10th, Claude was feeling better. I knew this because he really wanted to go in the afternoon to get a smoothie. It rained a lot this day. Other than our smoothie run, we stayed inside and I did work on my laptop.

Thursday, April 11th, while working in Sandiland, I looked out my window to see our resident bunny. This is a picture through the screen but I didn't want to scare him away. Or her. How does one know? I have since seen our bunny one other time. 
One of my projects in Sandiland was to update my plaque with family birthdays and anniversaries. I needed to add Phoebe. It felt good to get this done. This was a gift from Nissa and I have loved having it over my desk to keep me straight about these dates.
In the afternoon, I went to get my shower. I have religiously carried my cellphone in case the surgeon calls about my shoulder. Wouldn't you know when I was in the shower with my hair full of shampoo my cellphone rings. Later, when I got out, I checked my phone and it was the surgeon. Murphy's Law!! I called the office back and set up an appointment for April 30th. This was the earliest one he had. By the time I have this consult, it will be two months since I fell. Ugh!

In the evening, the Elkhorn Creek Ward Relief Society held its monthly activity. The theme was "Bloom Where You are Planted". We had great fun sharing how we Bloom Where We Are Planted. Then we made flower wall hanging and filled a little vase with flowers. 
Great activity and lots of fun enjoying these 'sisters' company.

Friday, April 12th,  I was so productive in Sandiland getting things done. I even stopped for a while and read my novel. 

Claude was looking at a repair project on the shutters in the front of our home. The wind got under one and blew till the vibration took the top screws out of that shutter. The middle and lower screws were loose. Claude tightened them and put a bit of duct tape on them so they wouldn't blow anymore till he could figure out the best way to repair them. As we sat in our living room in the evening, Claude said, "If I have the right stuff..." and I interrupted with "You always have the Right Stuff!". This is a phrase from a movie. Claude looked up and grinned. It made him so happy to hear that little phrase. These are the moments in life that bind you together in happy ways.

Katelyn sent us pictures of Raelyn performing in her school program. She is in the white dress at the right end of the front row.
Saturday, April 13th, Claude felt impressed we needed to start our day with a biscuit. We hopped in the Jeep and did just that. Watched Pratt Landscape mow the lawn of the Georgetown Community Hospital. Good start to our day.

When we got home, our neighbor, Catherine was outside. Claude pulled into the driveway, and I went over to visit with Catherine. One knows these will be long visits as Catherine lives alone and really appreciates the time to talk to others. We had lots of catching up to do. While we were talking, we heard sirens. They turned into Ward Hall Estates. Hmmm.... Soon the fire truck was also coming into the neighborhood. We looked across the neighborhood and could see smoke rising from a house a couple of blocks over. They were fortunate and got it out really quickly. 
Our Bailey was able to go on the Oldham County High School Band Trip over Spring Break, April 2nd - April 9th. When she was returning home, Bailey made and album of her pictures and shared it with us. Gotta love technology! They marched at Disneyland and took a very short cruise. Bailey is a seasoned cruiser so she enjoyed that as well. These are a few of my favorite pictures from her album.
Claude got his 'right stuff' and repaired the shutter. I must say it is great to have a handyman for a husband. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024, has been a good Sabbath Day so far. Excellent Sacrament Meeting and Relief Society lesson taught by Elizabeth Christensen. Elizabeth shared her favorite quote from the play "Camelot". It is: "We are less that a drop in the great blue motion of the sunset sea. But it seems some of the drops sparkle." Cool. I think I want to be a sparkly drop.

The lesson I am learning as the week progressed is how grateful I am that Claude and I have stuck it out through our marriage. With both of us a bit lame, it is nice to see us helping each other, being patient with our slowness but still working together to try and get things done. I will state firmly that being married for a long time gives you many blessings in your relationship. It saddens me that so many can't because of situation or just don't even try because it is easier to quit. But I am particularly grateful this week as we work together to care for ourselves. It is a good thing.

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