Tuesday, December 24, 2024

One More Week Till Christmas...

Monday, December 16th, I had hoped to finish making 25 Moravian stars as Christmas ornament gifts for the employees at Scott County Physical Therapy. I set aside the daytime hours to do this. When I had to finish, I only had 22 made. It would have to wait a day. 

In the evening, we went to LaGrange. On the way, we stopped at Wendy's for a bit of chili on a cold, rainy day. Yum!! This would be Bailey's final Holiday Concert at Oldham County High School. This is her senior year so a lot of finals for this part of her life journey. So enjoyed hearing these kids play. Their final number was some holiday classics played in a minor key. Very interesting and I really enjoyed it. Bailey was acknowledged for three things: 1) Being in the University of Louisville Invitational Honor Band, 2) Being in the All District Symphonic Band and 3) Play for Louisville Youth Orchestra. She had a huge smile on her face when asked to stand for these things. 

I often think of Papa when attending these musical events. Others in our extended family of Papa's descendants participate in and play musical instruments. Papa would have loved this legacy he left in his descendants. I hope he allowed some time to enjoy these kids using and developing their talents in such a productive way. 
We came home and enjoyed a small glass of eggnog before hitting the hay.

Tuesday, December 17th, I did not finish making all my Moravian stars until later in the day. But I did make them and put gold string in them for them to hand on a tree. 

I mailed Hayden a little package before going to office PT. He will not be home for Christmas. Michael, Andie and Bailey are planning a quick trip to Chicago after Christmas to pick him up. He will be here over New Year's to watch Lord of the Rings with us on New Year's Eve. I sent him the package so he would have a little something to open on Christmas Day. The Mini's have always been with us on Christmas. Well, Hayden's was born in November and spent that Thanksgiving with us and not that Christmas. But every other Christmas has been spent in our home. We knew this day would come eventually. Well, it is here. Bailey is a senior and soon will spread her wings and be off as well. 

At office PT I was back with Tina. She showed me some new exercises to help strengthen this anterior deltoid muscle. It is my weak link in recovery. I purchased a yellow elastic band to try these at home with my other exercises each day. 

After icing my shoulder upon returning home, I did some more things in Sandiland. Claude and I knew that Wednesday was going to be rainy and cold. We decided to get things done on Tuesday so we could have a do-nothing Wednesday. 

In the evening, we watched the two Home Alone movies. 

Wednesday, December 18th, our do-nothing day started with a run by Scott County Physical Therapy to leave off the Moravian stars for all the employees. The a stop at Bojangles for a biscuit breakfast. On the way home, Claude filled my car with gasoline. We had one of those silly moments in the morning about filling my car with gasoline. I turned to Claude and said, "I have to figure out how to get gasoline in my car. The tank is half-empty." At this point, Claude started to laugh. We both know I know how to fill my car with gasoline. Claude knew this was a ploy to get him to drive my car and fill it with gasoline. It was one of those fun moments with a couple who have been married for 54 years and laugh at the silly things we do and say. I love these moments. Good belly laughs for both of us.

The day would be spent watching the Hobbit movies. This is in preparation for New Year's Eve viewing of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy with Hayden. We enjoyed a pizza in the evening. Love a DiGorno Pizza. Topped it off with a little egg nog.

Great Day!!  We may aim to do this again on Saturday!!

Thursday, December 19th, the biggy for us this day was attending a musical concert for our 11th Date of Christmas. 

Emerson Colcord was a little one in Primary years ago when I served as Primary president. He holds a special place in my heart for his love and care of Papa. Now he is in college with a lot of musical talent. He and Taylor Poe want to participate in a study abroad program in Salzburg, Austria in 2025. In order to raise funds, they held this Benefit Recital. The music was excellent. Such great talent. I appreciated their desire to provide this for others to raise funds for their trip. There is a QR Code in one of the pictures, if you would like to make a contribution to this great opportunity. 

The only video clip I took was the final number on the program, "Christmas Fantasy, which was arranged by Emerson. It is too long to share in Blogger.
Friday, December 20th, we had a forecast for snow. Not a lot. I had office PT and was not excited about driving on slick roads. As it turns out, it was snowing with rain mixed in when I left for PT at 11:30am. When I returned home at 1pm it was done. Nothing stuck. No ice. 

Claude and I decided to get as much done on our to-do lists as we could. Then, we would take Saturday off. I find that amusing. Off from retirement!!

Saturday, December 21st, we started our day with a donut run to Frank's. They are such good donuts. 

When we got home, we snuggled in our recliners for the day and Claude opted for binge watching Psyche. With the Christmas tree lights on, it was a magical kind of day. Claude would fix pork tenderloin for dinner. It was a great day. After this day, it would be time to buckle down and finish getting ready for Christmas.

Sunday, December 22nd, was an absolutely wonderful day. I awoke early and did my home PT and iced my shoulder. Then we got ready for church.

We would only have a Christmas centered Sacrament Meeting. Claude is responsible for creating this program. He used a talk by Elder David Bednar as his resource. It speaks of the symbols of Christmas and how they relate to the Savior. It contained scriptures and quotes from Elder Bednar interspersed with special musical numbers and congregational hymns. It was very moving. 

During the program, I watched Lee Majakey sitting with his wife, Melinda Gay, to help her lead the singing. She has Alzheimer's but is still a bit functional. She has been the chorister for years. When she comes to church, she goes to the stand to lead the music. She can't remember when to stand, so Lee gently reminds her to stand and opens the book to the page she is leading. The organist, Elizabeth Christensen, is her ministering sisters and knows how to work with her to help her lead while Elizabeth plays. I watched Lee and thought of all the years Papa carefully guided Mimi as she went thru this stage of Alzheimer's. I thought of the long road ahead for Lee and Melinda. Then I thought of the Savior's Atonement and remembered that Lee may have the enabling power of the Atonement help him through this journey. Melinda can feel the tender mercies provided by the Atonement as she goes through this journey. My eyes filled with tears. Good tears. 

I watched the Aaronic Priesthood prepare, bless and pass the sacrament. Again, I remembered the purpose for the Savior's birth and how important his Atoning Sacrifice is to my everyday life. As the sacrament was passed, I thought of how many times during the week I have tried to repent and do better and how that works because of the Atonement. I thought of all the times I felt the tender mercy of the Savior during my week. I thought of all the times I felt the enabling power of the Atonement in my life during the week. My heart was full and the tears came to the surface. 

I watched Olivia Dunford who is 10 years old play a piano solo for the first time in Sacrament Meeting. She played "What Child is This?". I remembered learning to play the piano and playing for so many things at church. I watched Whitney Garret play "Still, Still, Still" on her flute and her mother accompanied her on the piano, I remembered Nissa playing her flute and me accompanying her. I watched Jenny Squires and three of her daughters, Bella, Katie and Juliana, play their violins and cello while Jenny accompanied on the piano. I remembered Papa singing "O Holy Night" every Christmas and me accompanying him on the piano. All these things brought tears to my eyes. Good tears. 

I was asked to say the closing prayer. I got to the pulpit and my heart was so very full. The tears flowed as I struggled to say the words my heart and the Spirit guided me to say. There may have been a time when this would have made me a bit embarrassed. No more. I am old and comfortable in my faith. I love those times when the Spirit touches me and I remember or learn. The tears are a part of that for me and I am comfortable with these feelings. It was a very good Christmas Sacrament Meeting.

We hurried home and got into a bit more comfortable clothes but still nicely dressed and headed to Louisville. Along the way we stopped at Burger King for something to eat. As we ate, the young man from behind the counter came out to wipe down the soda dispensing area. There was an older lady sitting next to it. Claude was facing this situation. My back was turned. Claude started to grin. I asked him what was going on. He told me that the older lady told the young man what he needed to clean. Then she showed him how to do it right. Then cheered him on as he cleaned as she instructed. He was very patient and cheerful with her. It was a cute moment-in-time.
I had purchased tickets to the Bombard Theater in the Kentucky Center for the Arts to see "Christmas with C.S. Lewis". On my was it a great event and built on my previous feelings from Sacrament Meeting. The play is a one man affair. It was written by David Payne and was acted by his son, Daniel Payne. The play consists of a 45-minute dialog, a 15-minute intermission, and a final 45-minute dialog. It was so well done I completely forgot it was an actor and not C.S. Lewis. It was the story of C.S. Lewis' life intertwined with Christmas moments. There were moments with audience laughed and others were we felt the strain that life can be on him and by extension each of us. Claude and I both totally enjoyed this experience. We marveled as we drove home that this was our 11th Date of Christmas. How different our 1st Date of Christmas was with Trans Siberian Orchestra playing Christmas music to a rock beat with laser light and fire bursts to this beautiful telling of the ups and downs of one man's life in an absolutely quiet theater with everyone listening to hear the next part of his story. Such different situations. Yet both brought us the good feelings of Christmas. 
We hurried home and enjoyed a light snack for dinner and curled up to watch more Psyche. It occurs to me I have used that phrase "we hurried home" a lot in my Blog. I like that phrase. It clearly shows how safe and comfortable our home is to us. That is a good thing.

Monday, December 23, 2024, I arose early started my to do list for this day. I thought I might get a start then, after office PT and icing, I could finish it. I was amazed I got it all done before I left for office PT. Whew. Well, I did have our bed linens in the dryer and would put them on the bed when I returned home. My shoulder was so sore upon returning home, I sat with ice and then rested that shoulder. Grateful to have the chores in order.

We are really ready for Christmas. Claude did the final grocery shopping while I was at office PT. If we don't do anything else, we can have Christmas as it is. Yeah Us!! 

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