Thursday, March 5, 2009

Claude just came in with a picture sent to him by his mom. Marie Roche from his home ward in Thatcher, Utah gave her a picture that she thought Claude might enjoy. It is of his Church basketball team when they were the Junior Champions of the South Bear River Stake. Claude is on the back row and to his right on the end of the row is Stacy Little, Claude's best friend. Claude would have been about 15 years old (if he remembers right) when this was taken. The guy on the back row peeking his head around from #8's head is Monte Andreason. Monte lived across the road from Claude and his mom is Mim. She gave us a white dress when Nissa was born and we used it to bless Nissa in. Monte passed away in a motorcycle crash. Stacy still lives in Utah. Claude remembers Barry Roche as being a great coach for the boys. He was really good with them. He was a brick layer by profession and was extremely strong. Claude said people loved to hire him to load hay because he could toss a bale of hay really high to the next layer. Those bails can weigh about 100 lbs at times. Claude particularly remembers getting a bad charlie horse in his leg during one practice. Barry, his coach, had him sit on the edge of the stage and show him exactly where the charlie horse was in his leg. Then Claude remembers him getting those big hands around it in a vice like grip and squeezing it so that it hurt more than the charlie horse. The question I wanted to know this where he got the name "Tank"? He thinks it was. When we were first married he had tank written on the side of a pair of sneakers (if I remember it right). He was nicknamed "Tank" because of how he moved up and down a basketball court. There wasn't a lot of grace in the movement but he got the job done. He always told me he was "built for comfort, not for speed". I always thought he was built pretty good. But, I digress. So there you have hubby, the basketball player. Note: he has no beard or mustache. He does remember that they went to the All Church Tournament the year before this picture was taken.

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