Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let's Go Trippin'

What a great weekend we had. Saturday we left around 8am headed to Chelsea, Michigan. We were taking Katelyn back after spending her spring break with Claude and I. We checked into the Holiday Inn Express in Chelsea and found that I was once again the 'guest of the day'. We called Jake to tell him we had arrived and he could join us. We spoke with Nissa and their van arrived shortly thereafter. We had 2 rooms. One was the 'Kid's Suite'. This is a great room when you have a lot of family. It has a huge sitting area with a TV and a kitchen area with a table and chairs. This provides lots of seating for the adults. There is a portion of the room sectioned off as a little fort with bunkbeds and a TV with Play Station attached to it for the kids. Then there is a sleeping area for the adults. We used this same room about 2 1/2 years when Jake was in the Escanaba in Love play at the Purple Rose Theater. We had another room for Claude and I so I could go rest when needed. It didn't take long for Aubrey and Paul to want to head to the swimming pool. Nissa and I took them and Katelyn joined us. We all met back in the Kid's Suite at 5pm and ordered pizzas. After a great dinner we opened birthday presents and had cake for Jake and Todd. Then we made 'Pitter Fudge'. I truly wish I could remember all the great jokes made while making this fudge treat. Then I took the kids back for another swim until 9pm. Sunday morning Katelyn gave Paul and Aubrey Easter bags we made for them. Then we had breakfast together at the hotels breakfast buffet. We waddled back to the Kid's Suite and visited until lunch time. Then we went to a nice little Chinese Garden restaurant and all ate from the lunch buffet. Then before the Thompson/Tyler contingent loaded up and headed to Muskegon, I was able to snap a few pictures of them.

Jake spent the afternoon with Claude and I visiting. I wanted to go for a walk so Jake directed Claude and we drove to the Chelsea cemetary. I really enjoy strolling through a cemetary and checking out all the headstones. I think the oldest death I found on a gravestone this time was 1864. We did find an above-ground tomb that had 'James Taylor' carved on the side in big letters. Claude took a picture with his Blackberry and eMailed it to Andie. She responded saying how nice it was to share that on Easter Sunday but she saw him the day before on Oprah. Dinner for Claude, Jake and me was Kentucky Fried Chicken and a stroll over to Big Boy for a piece of pie. Jake stayed until later and visited.

This was just a really nice, laid back visit with family. What a blessing we can see each other a little more often than when we worked full time. Claude and I commented several times on the drive home Monday what a nice weekend it was. We had a great family!!

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