Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Silly Me... I thought I had most of today to myself. What I forgot was...I told Claude I would go to the City Commission meeting and take minutes today since our City Clerk is in training all week and can't attend. Oops...there goes the morning. After taking the minutes I got a few things done before time to head to Lexington. Claude promised me a meal for helping this morning so we went to Schlotzky's in Lexington. This is a favorite of mine and the restaurant was closed for a time. Joyfully, they have reopened and we ate wonderful sandwiches there. Then it was off to the doctor for Claude. Several weeks ago he was back at the dermatologist to have some places checked. They did scrapings of 2 of them. Then, when the doctor got the results he called to say the one on Claude's face was bad and needed to come out. It was definitely skin cancer. Today was the appointment. It was only a few months ago that I took Papa to the hospital to have surgery to remove skin cancer from his ear. They took a portion of Papa's ear out and the doctor did a great job of stitching it back up so it looks great now. Today Claude came out with an inch long incision just above his mustache. It is covered with a bandage which we are not to remove until tomorrow. He is taking his pain medicine and resting on the sofa. Not a fun thing but the doctor kept saying, "This is going just great!" as he performed the surgery. Claude said they actually cauterize the blood vessels. That means burn them. I said, "Did it smell like burning flesh?" He chuckled and said,"Well, it actually had a familiar odor to it." It smelled like branding cattle when he was younger and Evan and Bonnie were raising beef cattle. So having skin cancer removed brought back lots of cowboy memories for my Kentucky Colonel. My day is really off kilter. It's 9:30pm now and I'm just now getting to my treadmill. But it has been a good day and full of interesting things.

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