Monday, February 8, 2010

A Chuckle...

Sometimes silly things happen... Last Wednesday when I went to the nursing home I was going to play the piano for an hour in lieu of Papa singing. He had an awful cold and he basically just stayed in his apartment all week. I fed mom each day and played the piano on Wednesday afternoon instead of him coming and singing. I have a binder that I have copied, from the many books I own, lots of kinds of music. It has everything from bits of classical music to popular type songs from musicals and plays, etc. I made the notebook so I don't have to carry armloads of books of music when I need to do this. So I carried this notebook and then a big book of Church hymns to the nursing home. Papa usually plays and sings from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. By then they have the residents all gathered for dinner at 5pm. I got to the multi-purpose room and the residents were asking how Papa was. They really missed him being there and were truly concerned about his health. They are really like a family to him and he is really a part of their family. I announced that he was sick and had laryngitis and that I would play the piano for them today since he couldn't come and sing. They were okay with that change of plans. Just wanted some music 'Lawrence Music' on Wednesday afternoon. I sat down at the piano and opened my notebook and started to play. The little lady behind me kept saying really loud, "Play something we know!" However, the lady at the table to my left who is fairly new at the nursing home was singing every song I played that would have had words to it. It was amusing. Sometimes they would sing the melody notes and then ask me what the song was when I finished. It was familiar but they just could not remember what it was. The staff was enjoying walking through and listening to the music. One of the pieces was 'Moon River'. We got stuck on Katherine Hepburn as the star of 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and couldn't come up with Audrey Hepburn who was the real star. The worker went on about her work and sent a runner back when she came up with the name Audrey Hepburn. This was just very relaxed and enjoyable. I kept on playing and watching the clock as it got closer to 4:30. But that minute hand just wasn't moving very fast. I began to think the clock was broken. I finished the notebook of music and picked up the hymnbook from Church. Hymns from the LDS Hymnbook are a little different from a Protestant hymnbook. We have a few of the same but most are entirely different. JoAnn gave me this beautiful hymnbook. It sits on my piano. It doesn't have all the hymns but the ones it has are beautifully illustrated with great works of art depicting the Savior's life and work. It is a truly beautiful book. I played in this lovely book for so long. I looked up and the clock still didn't have the long hand on the six for 4:30pm. But they were beginning to serve people their food. Hmmm...something was not right. Then I stopped playing and looked really closely at that clock on the wall. The hand was still not on the 6. But the long hand was just past the twelve. I had been watching the short hand (there was a plant under the clock kind of covering it a bit) and it was not going to be at the 6 for another hour. It was now 5pm and they were beginning to serve dinner. I had played for 1 1/2 hours. I just laughed at the silliness of it all. I closed up my books and went to Mimi's table to feed her dinner. She smiled at me when I came up to her. As she was eating her dinner she paused and looked right at me. She doesn't do that a lot anymore. But she stopped and looked right into my eyes. Then, surprise of surprises, she winked at me. I couldn't believe it. It was just really funny. I asked her if she could do that again. Of course that wasn't going to happen. But it was really a fun and very cute moment with my mom. So when you read my post that is two posts back about 'movin' bags', just know that in the middle of all that silliness was this really cute moment in time.

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