Monday, August 22, 2011

Flunkies Are The Best...

Today is 'flunky' day.

We are taking Aubrey and Paul on a two day road trip Tuesday and Wednesday. We thought they might want some money for souvenirs. We also thought they should earn the money for this instead of just doling out cash to them. Claude pondered the possibilities and determined they could help him stain the decks. This is easy enough to learn to do, so they could be successful, and it is also something that will be a great help to Claude.

This morning after a muffin and juice breakfast, Claude assembled his two 'flunkies' and they headed out to do their chores. I filled my washer with my first load of laundry and headed to the treadmill. Best if I stayed out of the way.

After my walk, I grabbed my camera to get some pictures.  As I rounded the corner of the house I could hear Aubrey say, "See, I told ya. Ma would be out her with her camera!!" Here are the 'flunkies' doing their chore.

Claude did a great job of having them work and then take breaks to rehydrate. It was a perfect day to do this, low humidity and lower temperatures. But it was still in the sun and work. They took separate breaks so that someone was working all the time. It kept them going and filled the morning.

After they were inside and out of stained old clothing, I chopped up the left over fried chicken from dinner last night, Paul sliced the last loaf of home-baked bread, Claude sliced some tomatoes and Paul picked out a bag of chips to compliment our meal. Then we each made our own sandwich and sat down to rest while eating a little lunch. Hostess cupcakes and Moon Pies made an easy dessert.

Bodies rested and refreshed, Aubrey informed Grampa it was time to make jewelry. Off they trudged to Claude's office to make some jewelry.
Aubrey was particulary happy with this pair of ear rings she made.
Claude had Mayoral responsibilities and left us for a bit. Paul and Aubrey raided the toy shelves and came up with their own brand of fun. Michael Jackson singing in the background while they played Twister on the family room floor. Aubrey turned the dial first. When it was Paul's turn to spin the dial he used his nose.

Claude had Paul & Aubrey join him in the back yard to finish up their staining project. They had a few spots that the kids missed so they touched up the places they could and put one more coat on the lower deck.

Papa came over to join us for the evening. We sat on the deck enjoying a nearly perfect day. No humidity and a very  pleasant temperature. Paul just kept say, "I love it here." Papa kept agreeing.  I can't blame them and totally understand their feelings. This is just a very pleasant and homey place to live.

Aubrey helped me fix a quick dinner for everyone but Papa. He ate before he came.

Then Aubrey conned Papa into a walk on the hill. Paul was invited to join them. Of course, Tiny went also.

This gave time for Claude to tell me he had a splinter in his foot that needed extracting. I went for alcohol, cotton pads and a needle. As I worked to make a hole to get the splinter out, Claude shared his amusement at the difference in how he would have done this job. He said he would have looked for his knife, not sterilized it, and not worried about where that knife had been used last. He found it very interesting that I headed for alcohol and sterile pads, cleaned the needle, cleaned his foot and then proceeded to dig for the splinter. Venus and Mars at their best.

When the hikers returned, they came bearing flowers. Papa and Aubrey enjoy this part of a hike. There were lots of beautiful flowers in the woods. They are all really weeds but they are gorgeous.

I helped Aubrey find a vase she liked and she set to arranging them. 
Dessert time for the mighty hikers was root beer floats. Then a bit more visit and it was time for Papa to head back to Georgetown. He doesn't like to drive at night.

Aubrey chose the "Phantom of the Opera" for tonight's movie. She and Claude are about at the end of the movie. Paul has headed to bed. We may have worn him out today.

A bit of history...Claude's Gramma Chris lived near him as a kid. There were six children in his family. His Aunt had three more kids living on the other side of her. Gramma Chris was quite lame. She walked with a cane and later with two canes. But she loved her flowers in her gardens. She would get outside and, while holding on to her cane with one hand, she would dig at weeds with the other hand. Then work with a rake to get them in piles. Then she would call Claude's home or Aunt Lou's home and say, "I need a 'flunky'." One of the grandkids would come running to help with picking up those weeds and disposing of them.

As we finished up the staining this morning and the kids were finding their own things to do, Claude and I commented how nice it was to have 'flunkies' to help. Sure would be nice if they were around all the time. We are so grateful for their work this time. Claude will give them their pocket money tomorrow and we'll be off on our grand two day adventure.

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