Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mini Fun...

After our family left, I felt the need to play with my grandmonsters. Andie's birthday was on Saturday and I wanted to take her gift to her. I called her and asked her if they would be around and it be okay if I came and spent Friday night at their home. Andie and Michael could have dinner together and I volunteered to watch the Mini's. Andie checked with Michael and he agreed that would be a good idea. So I headed into Georgetown in the afternoon for my physical therapy and then on to the Marx home when I was finished there.

Bailey didn't know I was coming and she was delighted to see me. Lots of hugs and kisses.

Hayden was across the street playing with friends. He must have seen my car because he came running in after a bit and again I enjoyed that adoration that grandmonsters share so freely with grandparents.

The Mini's have a new dancing game for their Wii. They put on quite a show for me that evening.

I finished reading the last Harry Potter book so it was time for Hayden and me to watch the first of the final two Harry Potter movies that cover that book. Bailey is not a big fan of the Harry Potter movies. We assured her we would set her up another movie to watch if she wanted to leave the room. Amazingly our little darlin' stayed through the entire movie. She played around me and only watched bits. I complimented her after the movie on being so agreeable. Hayden did as well.

I told the kids it was time for them to head to bed. Bailey started to cry. I think she understood she would get to watch something after Hayden's movie. Broke my poor Gramma heart. I asked Hayden if he could find a really short show that Bailey might want to watch. He set up the TV and Bailey was watching her quick show when Michael and Andie returned. Michael mentioned to Andie as they drove up the street that he thought he saw us running up the stairs to turn off the lights. They were having a good chuckle at my inability to get the kids to bed on time when I watch them.

We got the kids to bed quickly after Bailey's show was over. Then I headed to bed close to 10pm. I had very poor sleep the previous two nights and I was ready to go to bed.

The next morning I heard that familiar tap on the wall. This is my cue that Hayden is awake and wants me to come in and snuggle. This is a particularly lovely tradition we have created with Hayden. I got up and quietly went into this room.

We were laying on his bed having a good chat when I noticed he had something green on his cheek. I knew he didn't go to bed with anything on his face. Then I noticed a little green on his other cheek. Pretty quickly Bailey heard us and was at Hayden's door to join in the fun. Hayden and I noticed she had green on her cheeks as well. It took a moment for it to register in my brain that it was St. Patrick's Day. Hmmmm...  Bailey said something about that naughty 'yep'rechan. In a bit Andie heard us and came down to check on the morning antics. Amazingly she had green lip prints on her cheek. Double Hmmmm.... The discussion was of whether daddy knew that naughty 'yep'rechan was kissing his honey. It was great fun. Andie had quietly gone into the kids rooms while they were asleep the night before and painted lips on their cheeks. What St. Patrick's Day fun.

Hayden LOVES cinnamon rolls. Andie set to making them for the kids. We would ice them with green icing. Yummy. Andie is a good cook.

Michael and I had a great conversation about setting up brackets for tournaments. I needed some training so we could have some games at a Sadieville event we are planning for this summer. Then our conversation continued as he explained the SEC in basketball and the NCAA tournament and then how the bowl games work in football. He did a great job of explaining and I understand it a bit more.

Andie was able to go to a consignment sale while we were doing this.

Soon the morning was gone. Andie was going to take Bailey to her art class. I was going to head back to Sadieville. It was a quick visit but full of fun. Again, I love my grandmonsters, all 5 of them, and love having any opportunity to be with them. Thanks Marx family for giving me that opportunity again.

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