Sunday, March 4, 2012


Usually on the first Sunday of each month we have Fast Sunday at Church. This doesn't mean the day goes faster. It means we are encouraged to fast from eating for 24 hours or at least two full meals. The money we would have spent on that food is donated to the Church and is called 'fast offering'.  It is used to assisted those in financial need. The fasting is intended to provide a time to approach in prayer and fasting something that you might want an answer to, or need help with, or family concerns, or any other need where a little extra humility and prayer would be helpful.

Our Sacrament Meeting (Worship Service) on this Sunday is an opportunity for the members, who feel impressed to do so, to stand and bear their testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Today a young girl, probably 10 years old, holding her father's hand came to the stand. There were already several people waiting their turn. She and her father sat to wait their turn.

When it was their turn, the father remained seated and this young girl walked to the podium and lowered the microphone to her mouth. Then she calmly and quietly shared her feelings. There was no silliness in her manner. There were only complete sentences with no ands, uhs, likes or any of those words with which we fill our speech. I don't know that I have ever watched a young child like that speak in such a well thought out and deliberate adult manner.

To paraphrase her story, her family was traveling from Michigan to Florida on a trip and stopped in Georgetown, Kentucky to go to Church on Sunday. They would have had her little brother with them but he died. It was very difficult for her when she heard her brother died. She did not know how to handle this. Then she remembered learning in Primary (the children's organization) that she should pray when she had a problem that she didn't know how to handle. She knelt down and said a prayer. After she finished her prayer, she started to sing some Primary songs. As she sang one of them she had a feeling of peace come to her and she felt happy again. She knew that she and her family were sealed in the temple. She knew this meant they would be together for eternity. That meant she would be with her brother again some day. That she said was her testimony.

I had long before reached for my tissue. It was just such a tender and totally honest moment. The Spirit was strong in the chapel and among the congregation. I am ever so grateful for that beautiful experience and don't want to ever forget it and the feeling I felt.

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