Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back In The Game...

I have not Blogged since July 13th.

Truthfully, I just have not had it in me. Sometimes the desire was there as a flicker but just not big enough to do anything about. While I firmly believe I've handled my mother's passing very well, there is still a lot of paperwork to get done, the change in schedule (I still tend to think I should turn in at the nursing home for a visit), and just processing feelings. I did maintain a list (yes, Laura, I kept a.n.o.t.h.e.r. list!) I titled it (yes, Laura, I gave it a title this time!!) 'Observations'. So tonight I'll begin with that list and Blog a bit. I have lots of catching up to do.

While at times I felt a little bad about not keeping up with my Blogging as it happened, I found myself spending a few hours today typing up some more of my mother's hand-written journal. I noted she also had lapses in her journal entries. I heartened me in my less that stellar Blogging over the past few weeks.

I'll try to be better at Blogging as things happen. However, I'll not beat myself up if that happens. I'll just pick myself up, dust myself off, and give it another go.

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