Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sweet Moment with Papa...

On my birthday I had this strong impression of a request to make of my father.  I knew he would have no clue it was my birthday. I told him the day before it was Neffie's birthday, but it didn't register at all that my birthday would be the next day. 

I came upstairs to get ready for Claude and me to go to dinner. I picked up my cell phone and called Papa. I told him I wanted to ask him to do something for me and would that be okay. He said, "Is this an order or a request?" He was teasing and laughed after.  I assured him he could take it in whatever light he wanted but I did have a request.

Then I told Papa it was my birthday. He said, "Really? I thought your birthday was in July."  That is a sample of how he is just not engaged most of the time. I assured him it was July 30th. He was surprised. 

Then I gave him my request. I wanted him to sing "Happy Birthday" to me. He asked if I wanted him to get his guitar. I assured him I just wanted to hear his voice singing "Happy Birthday" to me one more time. 

Papa started to sing. His voice broke as it filled with emotion. But he got through the whole song.  I thanked him profusely.  He said, "You know that came from my heart, don't you?"  I assured him I did.

It wasn't a big thing but it was a HUGE thing for me. It is so hard to find things that make Papa feel good about himself. This was one of those moments and it was precious.  So happy I listened to that prompting.  Love those tender times. They really are the best.

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