Monday, November 23, 2015


Okay...that is not the sound you make when you fall. Well, Orff could be that sound. But in this case it is not that sound. It is the name of a man. He did something to bring all kinds of instruments into the class room for the kids to learn to play. And, the brand new first year music teacher at Buckner Elementary decided to have the third grade classes perform a program titled "May the Orff be With You!" Bailey is third grade. We were invited. We are grandparents that love our grandmonsters and are close enough to be able to attend. We went.

Thursday night, November 19th, was the performance. Hayden had a doctor's appointment so Claude and I timed our arrival so we could pick up Bailey from Bear Care while Andie took Hayden to the doctor. We scooped up Bailey and headed to McDonald's. Timing was brief between school and the time she needed to be at the school early before the performance.

McDonald's was an interesting experience. We were going to go through the drive-thru, get dinner for her and Hayden and take it back to the house. As we approached McDonald's Bailey started to talk about this big hamburger she saw advertised for McDonald's. It has three buns and two burger patties on it.  She described how they layered them and how fascinated she was at the size of this burger. She really wanted to see one. We told her they would have a picture of one on the menu inside the store. Grampa decided he would go in to order and Bailey would come so she could see the picture of a Big Mac. Bailey was happy. We went in, placed our order for two Happy Meals and looked at the picture of a Big Mac. Then we hurried home with Bailey thanking Grampa for taking her in to see this picture. Grampa telling Bailey she could order one some time if she wanted. Bailey saying it was too big. Me saying she could cut it in half and share one with Grampa. Bailey then using that vivid imagination saying she could take one bun and half of the burger and Grampa could have the other buns and the bottom of the burger. Who knew a Big Mac would bring such lively conversation!!

We got to the Marx home and Bailey ate her dinner and did a bit of homework with my help. Andie got home just as it was time for Bailey to go to school. So I got Bailey out the front door and into the van and shuttled Hayden in and sat him down for his dinner. He wanted to watch a show and  I told him he could IF he would eat his dinner while he watched it. That was agreed upon and he watched that and then a bit of America's Funniest Video's with us. Then it was time to go to the school for "May the Orff be With You!" 

Here are some pictures of the very interesting Bailey and her dynamic personality during the performance. I have video of her pointing to where her parents should be taking their video as the turkey's march in. The child is definitely NOT inhibited in any way, shape or form.
And here are two of Hayden.
It was a lovely very short program. We were treating the Mini's and Andie to ice cream after. Michael headed home. He gets up way before the rest of the family to run every morning. As Claude and I got in our car to head to Dairy Queen, I said, "That was a very short program. Only grandparents would drive an hour and a half each way for a 15 minute program!" Claude laughed because he was about to say the same thing. Wouldn't have done it any differently but it was sure fun to think of it from that perspective.

I want to share an Baileyism from the week. The best way to do that is just to share Andie's Facebook post:

From the mouth of Bailey..."I'm so glad God invented winking because it's really fun!" I suggested she mention this gratitude in a future prayer. She then got right to it but winked afterwards which ironically made her prayer seem disingenuous. ‪#‎aMENTAL‬

Love my grandmonsters.

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