Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Tour of Two Cemeteries

In a continuing effort to get Papa out and about, Tuesday, April 9th, I picked Papa up at the nursing home and off we went. I told him things were blooming as it was spring in Kentucky. I explained we would do a cemetery tour to enjoy all these pretty flowers. He was happy to do that.

Our first cemetery was Calvary Cemetery in Lexington. We just happened on to this one as it is across the street from the Lexington Cemetery which was our destination goal. This was a smaller cemetery. But the blossoms were great and we enjoyed it very much. 

Then it was across the street to the Lexington Cemetery. This is a very old and very large cemetery. The ground was covered with all these tiny flowers. It truly looked like a layer of snow was covering the ground in many places. I told Papa we were very fortunate to be there that day. It would not be long before someone would come along with a lawn mower and all these pretty little flowers would be gone. Papa's favorite color is pink and there were so many trees full of blossoms in many shades of pink. He was happy.
Then we were off to the Frankfort Cemetery. Again, a very old cemetery an quite large. We had lovely views of Kentucky's capitol across the Kentucky River from the cemetery. I was able to point out Daniel Boone's grave. We didn't get out of the car. Too hard for Papa to walk on these uneven paths. He was fascinated with the grave markers.
I posted these two pictures on Facebook. One friend commented that they have a baby buried in Calvary Cemetery. I shared with her that, as we drove through Lexington Cemetery, there is an area with lots of tulip beds. These were all in bloom. Out among these tulips was a young mother with her two little kids dressed in spring outfits. The mother had a very nice camera and was taking lots of pictures of her little ones playing among the tulips. I pulled my car to the side of the road and Papa and watched this mother and her little ones for a bit. Papa loves little ones. At one point the mother looked up and caught my eye. We grinned at each other. I couldn't help but note that we were at opposite ends of a life journey and drawing memories and peace from that beautiful place at those opposite ends of life. 

This was a great afternoon. I must confess that prior to taking Papa out for any ride, I say a little prayer to Heavenly Father to confirm the route or place we should travel to that day. The prompting came to do a cemetery tour. I give Heavenly Father full credit for this very positive outing with my earthly father. I am grateful both my Heavenly Father and my earthly father love and care about me.

Another great day.

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