Thursday, April 25, 2019

Finishing March 2019...

Saturday, March 23rd was a pretty busy day. 

I took these two picture of a rock and board that Claude has painted. This rock and board were picked up by Jake when he lived in Utah. He brought them with him when he moved to Michigan and they have been stored in our basement ever since. When Jake was home at Christmas, he went through his things that are stored here to pare them down a bit. He gave two items to his Dad and Claude went to work. He researched the place they came from and the years and found accurate information. Then he painted the rock and the board with that family history information. We will  keep the rock in our yard. Jake wants the board back to hang in his apartment. So happy to have these two bits of Claude's family history that Jake found and kept.
Both items are from Uncle Joe's cabin on property that is now owned by Thiokol. The building that the wood came from is now gone. Such treasures. Here is the bush by our driveway that we have put the rock under. I took these pictures of the bush this week when I noticed it produced little yellow flowers. I found it interesting that the flowers grow on the underside of the branches. 
Also this day, Claude added a luggage rack to the Jeep. We use this Jeep like a little truck. Claude has several projects that require long pieces of lumber. With this rack he can now strap them to the top of the Jeep to bring them home from Lowe's in Georgetown. I think they look very nice.
Claude has finished one other really nice project. Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Sadieville had a nice bell on top. In an effort to protect this historic building, the bell was removed and a new roof put on. Claude brought the bell home to clean it up and restore it. He has now finished that work. He made a sturdy wooden frame for it and ordered a plaque with a description of the bell and where it came from. The Georgetown Scott County Museum would love to have it. Claude is waiting for the new Mayor and City Commission from Sadieville to determine if they want to keep it or to give it to the Museum. Claude worked very hard and did an excellent job on this project.
This Saturday morning I drove to Lexington to attend the Lexington North Stake Relief Society Service Project. The project was to make fun hats for young children in hospitals. These were pre-crocheted caps. We took a kit with the hat and yarn. We attached the yarn to the hat and then styled the yarn hair. I was able to get the yarn attached to one of the caps before I needed to leave to spend time with Papa at the nursing home. It was a very fun activity.

After a nice visit with Papa, I returned home to change clothes. Claude and I were headed to Georgetown for the wedding reception of Victoria Alexander and Brandon Holt. It was a very nice finish to a very full day.

Debated whether to post this one or just keep it to myself. I have decided to record it in this Blog. I visit Papa everyday in the nursing home. On Monday, March 25th, I found Papa curled up under his blanket sound asleep. He is often asleep when I get there. I usually quietly sit beside him or put away his laundry or clear up around his bed till he wakes up. This day I just stood there for a good long while watching him all curled up in what is truly his only corner of the world. It is so hard to watch this. We spend our lives accumulating and building our own nests full of the things we like, want, need, enjoy, treasure, etc. When it comes to the end of our lives, we will take none of those 'things' with us. Our experience and learning, the type of person we have become, covenants we have made and kept with our Heavenly Father, those are the kinds of these that will go with us. Papa had all those things. Now he has this little space, pictures of family, a few books, a television and a few clothes in a closet. He treasures his walker that still lets him get around some. As I watched my father sleep, I was reminded of the reality of what is most important in life and what is really just to make life a little nicer for us to live. I will continue to visit him every day and try to fill his world with a little of those nice things until he takes the things that are really important from living his life with him when he graduates to the next step. This is real life folks, real life.
Okay, I'm headed into Kroger. As I left my car to walk across the parking lot, this is a car I past. I had to pause and take a quick picture. Sent it to my kids labeled "the worlds most awful job". Goodness. I could see parents using this as a poster for why one needs a good education!!
That same day was Nissa's birthday. This year I posted pictures of her when she was the ages her kids are now. In the first picture Nissa is Aubrey's age (her youngest), in the second picture she is Paul's age (her middle child) and in the last picture she is the same age as Katelyn (her firstborn). 
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, baby and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, child and closeup
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor
The next day was Paul's birthday. I just posted on Facebook these fun pictures from our Paul's life. In the second one I happened to catch his very first steps. In the third one he really wanted a donut but he didn't want to be sticky. Andie, his aunt and Nissa's sister, got some baggies and covered his hands. He was one really, really happy little boy with that donut he wanted so badly. Paul is on the sofa with a headache. Michael, Andie's hubby and Paul's uncle is sitting with him. We got him a baseball mitt for a birthday in the next picture. Then he is having a moment with Bo, the Marx family cat. Finally is a picture of Paul today with his beloved dog, Molly. Cute kid!
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, stripes and baby
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, child
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, sleeping and sitting
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, child and indoor
Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
Image may contain: Jesse Orla-David Thompson, smiling
On Thursday, March 28th I was asked to help judge an activity at the nursing home. It was called 'Chopped'. Three of the residents with the help of three of the staff prepared desserts. There were a few mandatory ingredients and the rest was up to them. We judged them in three areas and each contestant won a trophy for one of those areas. The first two pictures are for Best Presentation. The second two pictures are for Best Flavor. The last two pictures are for Best Texture. This was a fun activity and well attended by other residents. 
Whew! We made it through March. So many other things happened but these are the ones I chose for this Blog entry.

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