Monday, February 24, 2020

Filling in the Spaces...

Now let's fill in the other things that have happened during the last month.

On Tuesday, January 21st, Claude and I was asked to go to the Stake President's office for an interview. Claude was called to be the first counselor in the Elder's Quorum presidency. He will continue to serve as the Stake Director of Welfare/Self-Reliance Services until someone else is called to fill that position. This will be an interesting calling for Claude.

January 22nd was Raelyn's 4th Birthday. Such a fun and beautiful little Lady!
Also on the 22nd Claude got new duals on his Jeep. He is a very happy man. I do not understand this but I am not a guy and that is not my Jeep. It does make me happy when he is happy though. He has struggled with getting this for a while. Not really an impulse decision.
Friday, January 24th, I had some parking moments of interest. They were both at the nursing home when I visited Papa. When I pulled into my parking spot, the car next to me caught my attention. Their parking prowess is only rivaled by mine at times. But this was a little off the mark and gave me a chuckle. Can you see the problem?
I went into the nursing home to visit Papa. They were working on something and I stood in the hallway. Then I noticed the wheelchairs in the hall. I again had to chuckle and took this picture. It reminded me of the neighborhoods with narrow streets. They have signs that say you can only park on one side of the street. If you park on the other side, you can be ticketed and towed. I found myself wondering if the nursing home was going to need to do that!
Saturday, January 25th, Katelyn shared this picture of Raelyn. They were watching a sporting event on television. They started to sing the National Anthem. Raelyn told everyone they needed to bow their heads and fold their arms and be reverent. She is learning that from Primary at Church I imagine. Love that she takes these things seriously.
Monday, January 27th, while I was dealing with my implant surgery, Raelyn was being Betty Crocker!
Wednesday, January 29th, Aubrey shared these pictures of our Nelson. So happy to get these pictures of our little man in sunglasses.
Thursday, January 30th, I went to the church to practice the organ. I took this picture to remember how high-tech our lives have become. No more printed programs for Sacrament Meeting for us. When you enter the building and also inside the cover of the hymnals is this QR Code. You scan it with your cell phone and the program comes up on your device. Saving lots of paper this way. Welcome to 2020.
Tuesday, February 4th, Claude finished his furniture project for the Ropers. It is a shoe cabinet to collect all their shoes as they enter their home. 
Wednesday, February 5th, found us up and out of the house way too early. It was to be the Bluegrass Tomorrow Vision Awards Breakfast. This was held at the Marriott. It is an annual event. This would be the last Bluegrass function for Claude to attend. He would finish his term as Chairman. He would also be honored with the Robert N. Clay President's Award for Outstanding Service. 
On the way home I had one of those 'now that's something you don't see every day' moments. Can you spy what I saw? If you lived in Texas, you might see this more frequently. Not so much in Georgetown, Kentucky.
Friday, February 7th we had a little bit of snow. We really haven't had hardly any this year and so even a little bit brings out the excitement in everyone.
By the afternoon this was all melted. But we woke up on Saturday, February 8th, to a new coating of snow. And by that afternoon that snow was also all melted. Please note in the picture how they are all now taken from the porches of our home. I used to hike the hill and up and down the street taking picture. I am aging...
Sunday, February 9th was our Ward Conference. Claude had to get to the Church early for meetings. As he left, he got this cool picture.
Katelyn shared this picture of Emelia in her blanket I crocheted. Just love this. Does my great Gramma heart good.
Friday, February 14th, was Valentine's Day. What better way to observe this than with pictures of great grandmonsters. First is Katelyn with Emelia. Second is Katelyn with Raelyn. Third is our little man, Nelson. Nelson is wearing the Christmas pajamas I made for him. 
Sunday, February 16th, Katelyn shared this picture of Drew reading to their girls, Emelia and Raelyn. Love this also.
While Claude and I were on a little trip, the youth from the Church visited the nursing home to take them an evening of fun. Papa is in the middle in a black shirt sitting on his walker. A good time was had by all. Sorry I missed this one. 
That fills in all the spaces until our little trip which I will post about next.

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