Sunday, June 7, 2020

We Made It Into June...

Monday, June 1, 2020
And just like that we are in the month of June. Goodness. 

This day was Michael and Andie's Anniversary. I started my day by posting on Facebook about their anniversary. This picture came up that I used 5 years ago. I really liked these pictures so I just reposted these pictures. It was a happy day.
Then it was time to get back to a little of what life was like before the virus. I had an appointment with my dentist, Dr. Hollen, for my semi-annual cleaning. She would also make impressions of my mouth for the three crowns to be made into a bridge to replace the three teeth I had pulled after falling last August. Again, this appointment was done with me sitting in the car until time for my appointment. Then going directly to the chair for the work to be done. Then pay and out of the office. The cost of the implant bridge was given to me. It was $5150. Yike. The person giving me the detail of the cost looked at me and said, "Is that okay?" I looked at her with my toothless grin and said, "No, it is not okay. But we can't do anything about it." We both laughed. It felt good to get my teeth cleaned. They made about 3 impressions of my gums so hopefully when the crowns come in on June 22nd they will fit perfectly and you won't be able to tell what had happened in this poor mouth. 

I then treated myself to Bojangles for a biscuit and Mountain Dew. Yum. Next to the church to drop off the Georgetown NewsGraphic to a friend. Since this is such an unusual graduation time for the seniors with the corona virus and no normal graduation ceremony, the local paper made an extra section of all the seniors in the two high school. One of our friends does not get the newspaper but wanted a copy for her daughter to have. We saved ours for them. They were very happy to receive this newspaper.

Next on to Dr. Fine, my podiatrist. All is well there. Happy with the fact I bought the new sneakers at the store he recommended and special socks for when we walk. Dr. Fine asked me what kind of sneakers they were. All I could tell him was purple!! No idea the brand name. 

After Dr. Fine, I stopped at Burger King and got a chocolate shake and left that at the nursing home for Papa with the AARP Magazine for him to read.

In the evening Andie sent this picture of Bailey with her friend, Baylee. We gave our Bailey the ukulele to learn to play while she is quarantined. She has enjoyed this. She and Bailey were allowed some time outside on the porch a nice distance from each other. Bailey chose to take the ukulele out and play it for her friend. Very cute. Shared this picture with Papa who is always happy when anyone in the family does anything with music. And I shared it with Uncle Jake. We bought the ukulele in Hawaii and brought it back and gave it to Jake to learn to play. He tried but he is a big guy and it is a small ukulele. I should have purchased a bigger model. So Jake eventually returned it. Now Bailey gets to enjoy this Hawaiian treasure.
When I sent this picture of Bailey to Jake he let me know he had just finished a phone interview with Hayden, Bailey's brother, to qualify for his communication merit badge in Boy Scouts. Jake said they had a nice chat. Hayden had a set of questions and he stuck to them and did a good job. I love this interaction within our family.

In the evening I finished another baby afghan. Slowly working thru that baby yarn to clean out cabinets. I really liked this one. 
While Claude and I were watching Wheel of Fortune together, they gave away a stay at a Margaritaville resort in Florida. In the past they have actually given away a home. I decided to check out the homes and what they are like. We have no intention of moving to Florida. But these would be retirement type homes so they were worth a look. I found this particular one that I liked the layout of. I shared it with Claude and he liked it also. I will save it and when we get ready to look for another home, I will give a copy to the realtor to show what kinds of things we hope to find in the next home. Claude also gave me a copy of the floor plan of our current home. We love it and would be very happy with another like it but on flat ground. We could actually do fine with only two bedrooms if there was a den for Claude's office. I would use the guest bedroom as a combination guest bedroom/sewing room. We liked the idea of the three or 2 1/2 car garage. That would give us space we could set up for storage of the Christmas tree and that kind of things as well as a place Claude could put a work bench area. It feels good to really think about these things and be sure we are on the same page and ready for what may lie ahead.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020
This day I was online ordering a birthday gift to be shipped to Bonnie, Claude's mother. I had determined what I would get and called the week before. They suggested I just order on line. I had looked at that and learned it would get there in two days so I waited until this day to place the order. Went fine. Then spent a lot of my day crocheting baby yarn.

I did go into Georgetown with Claude. He wanted to pick up some groceries. He keeps finding recipes he wants to try. While I sat in the car the lady parked next to us came out and realized she locked her keys in her car. This nice police officer came and rescued her. We have lots of unrest these days. I spoke of it at the end of my Blog last Sunday. It is civil unrest and there a lots of 'Black Lives Matter' protests taking place. This black man was pinned to the ground by a police officer in Minnesota and he couldn't breathe and died. This is horrible and very wrong. But has brought a lot of feelings to the surface again and people are demonstrating. They have had a protest demonstration in Lexington every night for the last eight nights. These have been peaceful for the most part. Some places this has not been the case. Riots and looting have taken over peace protests in many cities. They are even protesting this in London, England. Whenever these things happen, Facebook lights up with all the opinions you could ever expect to find. I posted this picture on Facebook to be sure people knew that there are policemen out there who do good things for people. Not all are bad. 

Someone posted this meme that helps sum up all the varying sides of the coin. 
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
This day Signature Health Care was supposed to call me and let me be a part of the doctor report with the nursing home staff about Papa. Claude had two doctor appointments and wanted to take me to dinner. I told him I wanted to stay home and take the call at home. So Claude headed into Georgetown to visit with Dr. Lyon about his diabetes and with Miracle Ear about his hearing aids. I stayed home and crocheted and waited, and waited, and waited and never received a phone call. I know Papa is okay. Not sure why they didn't call. Or at least let me know why they didn't call. I thought they might get behind as they were visiting with several residents families and some can take a good bit of time. All is okay though. I just missed a meal out with my hubby. 

In the morning I finished a baby boys afghan. In the evening I finished the baby girls afghan. The girls is made up of squares left over from the other afghans and bits of yard left that would make a square. 
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Time to take a break from crocheting for a few hours. This day I opted to clean the family room in the basement. I went through all the multitude of videos and made a nice dent in the books stored on those shelves. I was able to find home for a lot of the books. It just feels so good to lighten the amount of stuff we have. When I think of moving to something smaller, things will have to be given away to donated or something. We just won't be able to take all this with us. So lessening the load in bits sure feels good.

Friday, June 5, 2020
This day was Bonnie's 91st birthday. Bonnie is Claude's mother. I started my day finding pictures and posting on Facebook to wish her a happy birthday. These are the pictures I chose this time. The first two were taken last year when we went to Utah to celebrate Bonnie turning 90 years old. The first one is Bonnie with her six children. LR: Jo, Lynette, Claude, Cordell, Tami and Kayla. The second picture we just added the in-laws.
In the next picture we have Bonnie with members of our immediate family. In order they are Emelia, Paul, Aubrey holding Nelson, Nissa's children and grandchildren, Aubrey, Katelyn, Hayden, Bailey, Raelyn, Nissa, Andie, Jake, Claude and Bonnie and Papa as Hear No Evil and See No Evil and Speak No Evil, Nissa and Claude with her kids, Jake and Claude, the Marx family, Claude, our kids and grandmonsters, and finally Claude and Bonnie in Jerusalem. 
Bonnie received her gift of a box of chocolates from My Old Kentucky Chocolates. She was happy. Claude called her in the evening and they had a very nice conversation.  
When Claude got the mail Friday morning, our ballots for the Primary Election were in the mailbox. We immediately opened them and filled them out. They would go out in the Saturday mail. I am not in favor of doing voting by mail unless there is a special circumstance. We have voted as absentee voters before by going to the County Clerk's office and casting our absentee ballot there. With this corona virus, voting this way seems to be the safest for everyone. Some are in a huge uproar about mail in voting and the possibility of fraud with it. In Scott County they have set up a polling place that will open tomorrow though the 22nd and only be closed on Sunday so that people can come in person if they so choose. This is so very fair. I really believe they are trying to have it be so everyone can vote while encouraging us to use the mail in ballot to curb the corona virus. We have voted and mailed in our ballots and feel good about it being done this way this time.
Claude received a most welcome phone call from Katelyn regarding Emelia. She was born with a heart murmur and the doctors were very concerned about it. They have watched her closely during this first year of her life. She had another appoint on Friday and was pronounced a well baby at this time. Such a great answer to prayer. 

We also received notice that Aubrey will have to have surgery on her spine in a few months. According to her the doctors say if she doesn't have the surgery she will be paralyzed from the waist down. That could happen with the surgery but the hope is that she will be able to recover to some degree. Not good news for the single mother of a very active two year old. More prayers for this grandmonster.

And...I finished the last of the baby yarn. The final baby afghan is complete. Now I must finish one last big adult afghan with the last of the big yarn. Then I will quit for a long while as my hand is not well at all. This laid out all kittywhompus but it really is a huge granny square built on one remaining white granny square I had left from all the other baby afghans. So happy to have used this yarn to good fashion and will now have baby gifts for the future. 
Saturday, June 8, 2020
Woke up this morning with the need to clean something else out. I opted to clean out my night stand and the last portion of my dresser. Yeah me!! Those drawers are so much lighter now. Makes my happy.

Then I determined I would finish the Gramma Journal that Katelyn gave me to write in. This is a book full of questions that you answer giving the grandchild some history about you and the family. So it is a full book of handwritten entries. I have a hard time writing with my thumb. My friend, who is a registered nurse, is pretty sure I have carpal tunnel from the way my hand hurts. So my writing is atrocious. But I finished it at 2am this morning. Yeah me...again!! 

Katelyn posted these pictures of her girls, Emelia and Raelyn, saying 'cheese' for the camera in their bathing suits. Oh still my heart!
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Welcome, welcome, Sabbath a hymn I always enjoy playing on the organ with the congregation singing along. Today is the Sabbath day. When I check my phone first thing each morning, the Georgetown NewGraphic has posted a blurb about the weather for the day. Today it simply said, "Abundant Sunshine H83 L59". I have never seen them say, "Abundant Sunshine". I was amused.

We had our scripture reading, sacrament, Worship Service via Zoom, and then watched the Darin show on the scripture block we have been studying. Good Sunday morning. Claude laid down for a nap and I came down to work on this Blog and other things on my lap top. Claude interrupted this when he woke from his nap and we sat on the front porch each eating a small dish of tuna salad. So pleasant to be outside in the fresh air for a bit. Now I'll finish my laptop work and then we'll meet upstairs for our evening of television. I am going to work on this big afghan I want to finish so that yarn is done. Good day for us.

And we are off to see how we fill another week...

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