Thursday, July 2, 2020

Part of a Week...

Monday, June 29, 2020
I called Signature Health Care and learned that Papa is back in his regular room. They have also taken the stitches out of his nose and you can't tell where he cut it. This is all good news. I assured them I would come on Tuesday and fill the bird feeder. They said they would move it around to his real room window. 

I received a phone call this day from Julie. She is Cordell, Claude's brother's, wife. This was a highlight of this day. Julie has terminal pancreatic cancer. I just love her and Cordell so much. I sent a text message last week asking to speak with her when she felt up to it. Then Monday I called and left a voice message. She returned that call. It was delightful to talk with her. A true blessing for me this day.

Claude and I sat on the front porch for a bit this day. We had a bit of rain early. I noticed that one of the plants in our front flower bed had captured rain on some of its leaves. It was just pretty to me as it sparkled in the light. 
This has to be one of the cutest pictures of all time. Little Emelia must have played hard and eaten a great meal and then just fell asleep. This just makes all the joints in my aging body hurt. But a little one is much more flexible and she is probably very, very comfortable.
I did a bit of cleaning out this day. I focused on some dresser drawers in our guest bedroom and the drawers in the guest bathroom. I came across this very worn out and definitely not pristine bandello from my years in Primary when I was 9-11 years of age. There were goals to achieve each year. When you achieved those goals, you received something to add to your bandello. Some of the items glued on mine have fallen off over the years. The green felt has holes where critters have eaten some of it. The three classes we were in were called Gaynotes, Firelights and Merrihands. Those names probably wouldn't fly in today's culture but we were very happy with them when I was little. I learned to do cross stitch and some cooking during these classes. I posted this picture on a Facebook page I follow from the Shreveport 1st and 2nd Wards in the 1970's. This bandello was prior to those years as I graduated high school in 1968. However, after this picture appeared on this Facebook page, others of the girls I grew up with commented that they still have their bandellos as well. I will keep this picture but I have thrown this item away now. 
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Drew Roper, our grand son-in-law, celebrated his birthday. I posted these pictures on Facebook to wish him a Happy Birthday and commented on how happy we were with his fathering role for these two precious little girls.

I posted this and then realized it was also Julie's birthday!! I should have sung Happy Birthday on the phone with her on Monday. Silly Moi!! I was so very happy I remembered and got Drew his presents before his birthday that I didn't even notice it was Julie's birthday. 

This was the day I got my new 'teef'. Last August I fell and hit my front teeth on the curb outside a Dairy Queen. Jammed the teeth into my jaw bone. Shattered the bone. The three front teeth were pulled and something was added to the bone and it was stitched to heal. A 'flipper' was made that I could wear until my mouth healed, the implant could be completed and the bridge made with three crowns to attach to the implants. Just shy of 11 months I would have my new implant bridge set into my mouth. On Sunday I took two pictures of my mouth. The first one is without teeth, the second picture is with the flipper in. The third picture I took Tuesday after I left the dentist office with my new implant bridge in place. Gramma had her new teef!! I am very happy with them. Claude pronounced them beautiful.
Now I just need to get used to them. I have crowns in a lot of my back teeth. I even have two bridges made out of crowns in the back of my mouth. So I remember that at first they feel different. I sat in my car after taking the picture of my new teef and realized that I don't even register those are crowns in the back of my mouth. I am sure that, with time, I will not remember these are crowns attached to implants. But for now, I keep thinking I need to take them out when I get home like I did the flipper. I can feel the back of them with my tongue and know they are not real teeth. The dentist tighten the screws into the implants as tight as they can get them. I believe I felt what people with braces feel like when they get them tightened. A dull ache that leads to a bit of a headache. Today I have not felt that but Tuesday and Wednesday I truly did. Not complaining. Just stating facts. Dr. King, who did the implant part of this process, has asked that I come and let him see the finished product. I will do that. I am happy with the end results. It takes a lot of time and a lot of money but the results are worth all of that.

Claude and I spent the early evening cleaning out another part of our home. While he napped I started the process. There is a little bit of the workshop room in our home in which we store boxes. It is a narrow strip between the wall to the closet under the stairs and the wall for the room. I pulled all those boxes out and determined some that I would dispose of and others that we would save. Claude is going to install some shelving in the back end and along the wall that is the outside of the closet under the stairs. I also have smaller boxes stored in the back storage on shelves there. I went through all of those also and really pared them down. Claude also asked about giving away a drying rack we purchased when we bought our home and we really don't use. I posted on our neighborhood Facebook and Char Williams wants it. She is a master gardener and wants it to dry flowers on it. This just makes me very happy. And...our home feels a little lighter.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
One of the things we are doing is preparing for sleepovers. That is right. We are finally going to have our Mini's over for their sleep overs. This started when Hayden called to see about our t-shirt sizes. They were purchasing Oldham County High School band t-shirts for Claude and me. I shared with him that Claude and I had decided to watch all the Star Wars movies while quarantined. I asked if he wanted to join us. He assured me his mother could have him to Shelbyville in 40 minutes and we could pick him up there. He also reminded us that on July 8th he would get his braces off. We decided to wait on watching the Star Wars movies and celebrate Hayden having no braces with him coming to watch the movie with us. This morphed into us have Bailey come Sunday, July 5th, and us trading her for Hayden on Wednesday, July 8th. We will return Hayden on Sunday July 12th. With dates set, we requested each of the Mini's send us any suggestions for meals or treats they might want during their visits. This is a little trickier as Claude is doing all the grocery shopping since only one of us is to enter Walmart at the same time. So Tuesday after my dentist visit, I went to Walmart and purchased fabric and a pattern because Bailey is on board with me teaching her some sewing skills during her visit. Hayden wanted to celebrate no braces by reenacting what he did just before he got his braces. Andie took him to the store and he picked out the movie theater size containers of each of the candies he liked but would not be allowed to each for several years. Hayden sent a list of those candies and Claude purchased them so he can enjoy them as he watches Star Wars with us. I sent Hayden a picture of the DVD's we own and he assured me I was missing one. I found it on my quick stop to get fabric for Bailey and purchased it. I leave it to you to figure out which one I was missing!! I think we are ready. I have also asked Hayden if he has any Boy Scout badges we might help him with when he visits. He has sent me an eMail with four possibilities. This visit will be different. Usually when the Mini's come, we have places to take them to visit that are touristy or out in nature. Not doing that with the virus. So we hopefully have prepared for time at home. 
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Claude and I went out this morning and worked in the yard. I was weeding flower beds in the back yard. Claude was pulling up Johnson grass in the yard. It is very, very hot and very, very humid now. We met on the front porch to rehydrate. I noticed that my Lucifer plant is beginning to blossom. I love the rich red color of this plant. It will be amazing when all those blossoms open.
This afternoon I am working on our trip to Ireland scrapbook making it into a PowerPoint presentation. Tonight we are going to drive somewhere, anywhere, to get some dinner at a drive-thru. Life is good.

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