Thursday, August 27, 2020

A Short Week...

This is a short week for posting because we are leaving tomorrow morning for a quick trip to Michigan. Our Aubrey has decided to marry and we will go to attend her very small wedding in a friend's back yard.

Monday, August 17, 2020
This has been a full week. Monday we started out with a full agenda. I had an opthamalogist appoint with Dr. Richardson at 1:15pm. We thought Claude would drive in with me and get some errands accomplished while I was in for my appointment. However, after we learned that Aubrey wanted us to come to her wedding, we decided my car needed another oil change before going. I called Dan Cummins and they could take me at 3:40pm. That meant an alteration in our plan for the afternoon.

Now I went in early and dropped a treat off for Papa. I was able to talk with Kathy Jones and Kevin (the maintenance man) at the nursing home about any talk of reopening. They are not in any hurry to open the nursing home for visitors. Dover Manor in Georgetown now has a good number of their residents with Covid-19. This is not a good things and truly does not encourage a similar type of nursing home to open. Right now Kentucky is over the 5% threshold for cases. That is the place where it is a concern that a full surge in numbers will happen. I really feel that, until Kentucky's percentage goes below 5% for a good period of time and there are no positive cases of the virus in residents and/or staff at Signature Health Care, they will not attempt to open up to visitors. There are other Signature Health Care facilities in Lexington. They also are seeing an up-tick in numbers and this adds to the need to not open up for visitors. So...we wait.

I then went to Dr. Richardson's office for my appointment. Waited in my car until they were ready for me inside. Dr. Richardson is still concerned about a spot on each of my eyes. This is pre-glaucoma. He has prescribed another kind of eye drop for me to use in the morning to get the eye pressure under control. I go back in 4 weeks to see if these drops are making a difference.

I went to Dr. Richardson's office armed with the hope to get Papa a new pair of glasses. A good while back Papa lost his glasses. All Glen could find in Papa's room after a thorough search was one lens. All optometry offices were closed because of the virus. I called Dr. Richardson's office who did his last eye exam and had his most recent prescription from December 2016. They did not make him glasses at that time as his prescription was the same. I was told they couldn't do anything. I called Walmart where he purchased his last new glasses. They could do nothing and were under different ownership. I called one other office in Georgetown and explained my situation and they also could do nothing. I can't get Papa out of the nursing home and no one can go into the nursing home. So, I have been buying Papa readers in the strongest prescription I can get. I explained to Dr. Richardson what I had done. I showed him the lens I had as well as pictures of Papa in his glasses. Dr. Richardson found Papa's prescription and walked me over to the part of their office where they get the glasses for people. I gave the prescription, the lens and the pictures of Papa to the lady. I explained Papa's need for something to give him relief from the pressure pads on the nose part of glasses. She found frames that were like the ones Papa had before. She is going to get glasses made and they will be ready in about 2 weeks. Hope they work. At least I will know I have done all I could to take care of Papa.

From Dr. Richardson's I went to the car wash and got my poor car a much needed bath. Then I waited till time for the oil change appointment. They would also rotated my tires. Claude met me at Dan Cummins. I left my car and hopped in the Jeep with him and we headed to the park for a walk. Then over to Jimmy John's for sandwiches for dinner. While eating, Dan Cummins called and said my car was ready.  We finished eating and did our Lowe's run before going to pick up my car.

I received a text from the Georgetown NewsGraphic that Scott County had its first Covid-19 death. He was 84 years old. It felt like this is getting much closer to home.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
We experienced September like weather for a few days. This is what I wait for to do flower bed weeding. I just don't do the heat very well anymore. So to have a cooler day with no humidity, that means it is time for me to get out of the house early and weed the flower beds. I was out at 7:30am this day. I would weed until 11:30am. Claude would join me and and trim the trees on the hill. When he finished he helped me finish the flower beds I was working on. We were two worn out 70 year olds when we stopped. Time to sit on the front porch and down a bottle of water. After a shower, we went to Hardee's and got a Mello Yello for me and a ham sandwich. My afternoon was spent working on repairing a quilt my mother made. The goal was to have it completed so I could get it back to Michigan. Takes too much time and will not happen. But I would keep working on it each day.

This day we received a picture from Andie. They were the proud owner of a 2019 Dodge Caravan SXT. So very happy for them. Andie has been driving the same van for almost all of Hayden's 15 years of life. It was time and they have chosen a great car. The car they are replacing was a Dodge Caravan so they know they are getting quality.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Another beautiful day in store. I was outside by 8:30am this day and decided to work the front flower beds. Claude joined me a little later to pull crab grass and Johnson grass out of the south side yard of our home. When I finished weeding, I helped him finish the area he wanted to finish. Again, we finished close to noon and our 70 year old bodies were definitely worn out. More rehydration. Off to Hardee's for more rehydration in the soda pop line.

The afternoon was spent getting laundry done while working on the quilt. My friend, Katie Werner, is going to homeschool her children. I went through things I had on hand that might help her with this process. Katie has 7 children and at least 5 of them will need to be home schooled. Claude was on board and found things in his office that might help as well. We made a big box full of papers of all kinds and folders and notebooks. I even found an extra dictionary and a book that the kids might read. Katie picked up this box off my front porch while I was working in the basement. So happy these things found a good home and hope they are helpful to this really sweet family.

A request to do a survey popped up on my Facebook feed. I ignored it just because I don't do those surveys. Then on the evening news they reported that this survey is legitimate. It is being done for Scott County and is a broad band speed test. It was something Scott County was working on. A LOT of the county is very rural. There are hills and valleys and lots of our rural homes do not have internet access and the kids need it for the NTI (Non-traditional Instruction) for the first month of school. This happens in the winter when we have ice and they close the schools. So getting lots of responses with people taking this test is really needed to help prove the need so grants can be applied for. I posted the link on my Facebook newsfeed and affirmed this was a legitimate test and would help our county and the people living here. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020
Today has also been a full day. I started my day doing two weeks worth of ironing. Then Claude and I packed for our trip tomorrow. We were just too worn out to weed another day. But we filled the early morning with good efforts.

Claude had errands in town and wanted me to go with him. We have given these outing the title of 'a date'. My only request was that we do our walk first. It is another day with less humidity but the earlier we walked the better it would be for me with the heat. So Claude took us to the park and we did our walk first. Then I told Claude the rest of what we did was up to him. He had a container of coins he wants to turn in to the bank. However, Whitaker Banks lobby was closed and that is where the machine that rolls your coins is located. Claude had other things to take care of at the drive-thru so we went through it and they said they would take his coins through the window and roll them for him. Usually that is not the case but with the virus this is the way it has to be done. Our next stop was at CVS to see if they had a gift card for us to give Aubrey and Jack for their wedding. Nope. They did not have what we wanted. Next to get the Jeep washed. Then to Bojangles for lunch. Claude learned he loves their sandwich made with chicken tenders. This is a good thing. Around to Walmart to get the wedding gift taken care of. Then we pulled in to fill up the Jeep. Then back to Sadieville. We had a good date!!

I have spent this afternoon getting letters ready for Papa for while we travel. I put a letter in the mail to him each day. I got letters for each day we are gone done and a letter to our missionaries done. Also stopped our mail delivery for while we are gone. Now getting this Blog entry done but will not post it until we get home. Don't want to alert the world we are not in our home.

We got another text that the second death from Covid-19 was reported in Scott County. Another man. This time he was 81 years old. Ugh!!

We have filled this week to the best of our ability. It feels good to know that we are doing good things even while being mostly at home.

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