Saturday, October 2, 2021

Rainy and Slower...

Monday, September 20thClaude treated me to a biscuit. Then we took a treat to Papa. Then off to Lowe's to get some more materials for the French drain project by the other gate in the back yard. It was important to do this when we did as we expected rain for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Needed to get this done before we had to hunker down inside.

Katelyn sent this cute picture of her having breakfast with her first-born child, Raelyn. Looks like they are enjoying their quiet breakfast time together. When you add more children, it is a treat to have one-on-one time with them as it comes up. 
When we got home I set to work. We had a community within our stake, the Lexington North Stake, that experienced a horrid surprise flood. Many lost their homes and all their belongings. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has sent several trucks loaded with things for this community. Our members have gone and helped unload these trucks with food and clothing. In addition, the members have gone over when other groups sent in things to be distributed to the families in Carlisle, Kentucky. One of the ideas now is to make Christmas ornaments to donate to the families. The goal is to make 1000 Christmas ornaments to donate. I have white crochet thread and a pattern for a snowflake that I could make and donate. So Monday, I crocheted 10 of these ornaments. With my bad thumb, I crochet a bit and then let my thumb rest. I did manage to get 10 ornaments done on Monday. I will do some each day. After I finish all I will be able to do, I will put them in starch, stretch them and pin them on a piece of corrugated cardboard and let them dry. The loops at each point of the snowflake will then be a point instead of rounded. It is a nice project and a good use for those bits of white crochet thread I have saved. 
Tuesday, September 21st, was our Nelson's birthday. I posted this picture with this comment on Facebook. "This little guy is Nelson. He is named after my father's middle name. Nelson is our great grandmonster. We love him with all our heart. Today we celebrate his 4th birthday. Happy Birthday Nelson. Grampa Claude Christensen and I Love Ya Bunches!!" 
Wednesday, September 22nd, it was still raining. We had a couple of people lined up to do things at our home. They came, rain and all. 

The first was the man with the concrete company. We want to enlarge our patio on each side so that it extends to the ends of the house and meets up with the bricks going to the gates on each side of the house. We don't feel we can do this ourselves. We mailed a diagram of what we wanted done to the company. They sent a guy out to check the measurements and answer any of our questions. In a couple of weeks, they will schedule to come out and lay the groundwork and pour the concrete. They think it will take a couple of days. It felt good to actually talk with someone. All these guys have been super busy this summer. We had to wait until things slowed down for them to find a spot to do our work. The pouring of the concrete was the major thing for us to get done before winter sets in. 
A little later the garage door repair person came. I had tried to program my car's garage door opener and ended up with the garage door on my side of the garage not working with the button on the wall or the handheld opener. Claude purchased new batteries and that didn't help either. We determined this repair project was above our pay grade and Claude called the company that made the door. This guy was from that company. It took him about two minutes to let us know the capacitor was not working. For a bit there I thought we were in the movie "Back to the Future". If he had said flux capacitor, I would have really lost it. He had the part needed. He told us they replaced the one on Claude's garage door a few years ago. When he finished that he got in my car and programmed the garage door opener in my car. Yippee!! Then he oiled all the hinges on both the garage doors.

I just want to state right here that we have had to have a number of people come into this new home of ours to do work. Every one of them has been cheerful, friendly, helpful, polite, just good down-to-earth people. It definitely restores ones faith in the human family.

Our son, Jake flew to Pennsylvania again. He will work there until October 1st. 

Thursday, September 23rd, Claude told me he thought his big leather chair was broken. This was not good news. He said the right arm when you were sitting in the chair was loose and he thought he heard something rolling around in it. That is not right. This is a much loved chair and has a lot of history with our family. 

In 2002 we lived in Montgomery Village, Maryland. Claude had his first colonoscopy. I took him and planned to wait until he was finished to take him home. When we got to the office where this procedure was to be performed, the doctor was way, way behind. There was a puffy leather loveseat in a corner behind a bit of a wall. We curled up on that next to each other and both promptly fell asleep. Not an issue as we had 1 1/2 hours at least to wait. After all was complete and we were headed home, we both commented about how comfortable that chair was. I determined that was what Claude needed for Father's Day that year, a big, puffy leather chair. Claude road the Metro home from Washington, DC and got off at the stop nearest the office where I worked. I picked him up and we stopped at furniture stores between that Metro stop and home. We found the perfect chair and purchased it. It has been a fixture in our home ever since. When we moved to Kentucky, we set it up in the basement with a great view of the big television. I have pictures of our Hayden curled up in it sound asleep under a blanket. You can't tell Hayden is even there. It is a wonderful chair.

Claude and I turned it over and Claude set to work taking the staples out of the bottom in just the back corner and along the side that was loose. We never found the piece rolling around. But we found a hole that went through two pieces of wood and determined that was where a bolt of some kind was that held the side framing for the chair with the back framing for the chair. Claude found an extra bolt with a wing nut in the garage and we fixed our lovely chair. Yeah!! The reality is that we both agreed a new chair would have to be purchased if we couldn't fix this original. So very happy it was fixed. 
Friday, September 24th, I took a treat to Papa and filled that bird feeder. Then I came home and started the next step of refurbishing the milk can. This milk can has been in Claude family for years. Bonnie and Evan gave it to us when we lived in our little home on March Air Force Base. At that time, the colors for decorating were green and orange. I painted that milk can orange and painted our name and some decoration on it. We put it out as part of room decor. The milk can has been with us all our marriage. In Sadieville, it occupied a place in the storage. 
When we got ready to move to Georgetown, I told Claude I wanted to keep it, paint it and put it on the patio. My plan is to use paint that won't rust. Then put a top on it that is a square of tile about a foot square which will be held down by caulking so water cannot get inside the can. On that, I will place a plant. I'm envisioning a fern that is big and hangs over the edges. Last week I cleaned the inside and outside of the can and let it dry really well. We put the can in the shed. This week we have had rain every day. Today, no rain. The can will now get at least its first coat of primer on it and dry really well. We have a forecast for rain tomorrow. Ugh! But I plan to put the actual paint color on after the primer. Then Claude will help me get that tile in place. Next spring, this milk can will be ready to sit on our new patio. I have even picked out some stencils I already had to put on it. 
Claude spent his Friday during the day working on the French drain for the other gate area to our backyard while I attended a Primary presidency meeting. 
We met back at the house by 5pm ready for an evening in the open air. Hayden and Bailey had an Oldham County High School Band Concert on the football field. So many schools are having to cancel their football games due to Covid-19 in their school. This night's football game was canceled for that reason. However, the band decided to use the field for a friends and family concert. The band marched from the band room to the football field and began their program at 7pm. The family and friends were invited to sit in the stadium seating. The band did their entire half-time performance plus some additonal numbers, to our delight. This is so good to give the kids a chance to share what they have learned, to learn marching and playing in front of an audience. It is also great for family and friends to see the fruits of all their work. They were in full uniform for the very first time. This was a great evening.
After the performance, we drove to the Marx home. Bailey has been invited to Homecoming. She had a new dress we wanted to see. Honestly, this was very hard on Claude. Can't believe his little buddy is old enough to do this kind of thing. Alas, she is growing up. 

Papa fell again this day. He didn't hurt or bruise anything. The nursing home called to tell me. Evidently, someone was in the hall when he fell and heard it. They rushed in and found him on all fours trying to get up. He was helped up and quickly checked. He bolted for the bathroom. They figure that he was getting out of bed to go to the bathroom and that is when he fell. He is okay. 

Saturday, September 25th, it would appear nothing happened on this day. This is what happens when one gets behind with Blogging. I know that Jake was in Pennsylvania and we called him in the evening. But, apparently, I have nothing to remind me of what we did on Saturday!!

Sunday, September 26th, was a nice Sunday. We enjoyed Church. We had a nice lunch. Claude tried to nap and it didn't work well. We picked up our friends and took them to our Emotional Resilience Group. Then home for a quiet evening at home. 

Claude and I have been reading our Book of Mormon each day. We are using our Kindles and reading from the Gospel Library App. When we open our Book of Mormon, the last tab is "Reference Guide to the Book of Mormon. The first section is links to the Savior. Every day we read one of the sections. We are really enjoying this focused reading on passages specifically about the Savior and his life. I really believe that little bit of time in the morning has created a wonderful spirit in our home. We are both enjoying this time each morning. 

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