Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Week...

This week I just let life happen. Didn't keep a neat record of everything. I can report that each night as we went to bed, Claude and I reviewed each day and counted them each as good and well-lived. That is always a good feeling. So, to reconstruct this week for my Blog, I will use my eMails, my texts, my phone records, Facebook for me, our family and Claude, and my calendar and pictures. Whew! That is how easy it is to put together a basic outline of one's life. Here goes...

Sunday, June 19th, as we sat together in the evening, I brought my laptop into the study. We opened the tours page of our favorite travel agency and began to peruse it. We really wanted this to be the year we started traveling outside the United States again. We receive eMail's from our favorite tour group anytime they get a new tour together. We had several we were interested in. So, we sat together and read them. Well, most of them were already booked. We wouldn't be going to Iceland, Italy, or India this year. However, there was one more that tripped our trigger. We booked a trip in Manaus, Brazil. It felt good to finally have that one on the books.

Monday, June 20th, Claude started out early to build a tiny deck over a tree stump in our back yard. This has been a tricky thing for him. Our tree guy, John Zimmerman, was kind enough to level the top of this tree stump (which was really in multiple sections) last fall. Claude had gone out weeks ago and measured again and purchased the lumber he thought he would need. He had a newspaper diagram drawn and was ready to tackle this project. It was supposed to be a pentagram shape with uneven sides. When he finished, he had a trapezoid shape. When one does one of these things, one must be very flexible. You have to work with the lay of the ground, the shape of the tree stump, and the tree at the back of where you want this little deck. Claude spent almost all day on this project and did a masterful job. 
We wanted this to be a little feature in the backyard that grandmonsters would use for a little table or we might find the right decorative items to sit on it. Just to add another bit of uniqueness to our outdoor living room. This will do just that.

During the day I worked with Blake at the travel agency signing paperwork and getting the basic things ready for our Amazon trip.

At 5pm, the pest control company we have made a new contract with came out to do their first spreading of whatever it is they do. They sprayed inside at the doorways and in the bathroom and kitchen areas. Then outside he went and laid pellets and sprayed around the outside of the house and the shed. We were told to anticipate an increase in any insects we might have as they come for what they think is something tasty. Then it should settle down. 
Tuesday, June 21st, I made the flight arrangements for the Amazon trip and secured the travel insurance. Then I set to work making my Amazon grid. This really helps me get the details of the trip in my head. This trip is a little different. The travel agency gets us from the United States to Panama and then to Brazil. There we have a day in the port city. Then we have a cruise on the river where the ship sets the itinerary. Then we go back to the travel agency for the finish of the trip and the return home. It felt good to get all of that in one document for us to work from. 

Wednesday, June 22nd, our Bishop sent me a text asking me to speak in sacrament meeting. I asked him about the topic and he sent me a link to a talk by Elder David Bednar, one of the 12 Apostles. I love hearing Elder Bednar speak. His talk was about the spiritual gift of being Quick to Observe and and the spiritual gift of Discernment. Oh how happy I was to get this talk. I'll share some of it in the Sunday part of the Blog entry.

Thursday, June 23, I had an appointment with Dr. Hollen, my dentist, for a cleaning. All went very well. I did have one concern. My big front tooth that has an implant and is the base of one end of the implant bridge has felt different. I was a tiny bit concerned. We spent about a year getting these three teeth in the front of my mouth fixed and a LOT of money as we have no dental insurance. Dr. Hollen took x-rays and found that all looks good with the tooth. Thank Heavens!!

While I visited Dr. Hollen, Claude did errands. When I finished with Dr. Hollen, he was just pulling into the parking lot with a Mello Yello at the ready for his wife. Such a good hubby. We drove to Kroger and I actually went grocery shopping with Claude. During the pandemic, you were only allowed one family member to do the shopping. In our family, that was Claude. I would go and sit in the car but not go in. Claude had long before taken over the cooking. The result of all this is that Claude has done the grocery shopping. Often he would go while I visited Papa. That isn't happening now. So, I might just be grocery shopping with Claude again. When we finished, I asked him to tell me honestly if my being there slowed him down or if it helped. He was sure it was helpful. Now, I am sure it was helpful as I would walk back to the other side of the store to pick up something we missed when on that far side of the store. I am sure I got my walk in that day just doing the grocery shopping!!

In the afternoon, I downloaded the Myrtle Beach Travel Guide. We purchased 5-days at a friends condo in Myrtle Beach. Claude's brother and his wife are going to fly out and enjoy it with us. I wanted to go through the guide and get familiar with Myrtle Beach. I made a word document and started making notes on it of things I found in the guide. The plan was to get it to all four of us and we could each pick and choose what looked like fun. Then we could plot our trip with everyone getting a little of something they find fun. We are all about the same age. We are all very flexible. It will be so fun to enjoy this time with Cordell and Kris.

In the evening, Claude and I drove to watch the Florence Ya'lls play a ball game. Bless their hearts. The boys were not on their game. It turned out to be a very flat game. Beautiful night. Loved the fresh air and the food. It was a good evening but the game was a bit flat this time. Claude took these pictures.
Friday, June 24th, I woke up and checked my phone to find a message from Chase stating they thought someone got our credit card...again!! This happened last November. It seems like every six months this happens to us. Ugh!! Card was canceled. We identified two charges that were not us. Those were canceled. A new card will be on its way. Oh My, how I wish people used all that ingenuity to do good things instead of trying to steal from us. Ugh! Just ugh!!

On Thursday, I received a phone call as we were driving to the ball park reminding me I had an appointment with a doctor at my ophthalmologist office that I have never seen. I asked the person if it wasn't Dr. Richardson. Nope, it was this other doctor. Okay... Friday morning as I was waking up, Dr. Richardson's office called and asked if I didn't really see Dr. Richardson all the time. I assured them this was correct. They told me that if I could be there a half-hour earlier, they would get me in to see Dr. Richardson. Why yes! I could do that. So, I did. My eyes are doing well.  I can keep using my readers. Hallelujah! My left eye is a bit dry and I can handle that okay. And...the bonus was I didn't have to do that little test with the dots of light that I totally despise. Yippee!! I did get my eyes dilated. That is always a bit of fun.

I went home after this doctor appointment. My vision was fuzzy so I made my way back home to let my eyes go back to normal a bit. I found Claude in the garage detailing the Jeep in my parking spot.

I went inside and finished the novel I was reading.

When Claude finished, we sat on the patio while he rehydrated and rested a bit. Then he went to move the Jeep to his side of the garage and I headed out to do some errands. The grocery store did not have my face cream which necessitated a trip to Walmart to see if they had any. I picked up the things I needed in Walmart and also checked for clothing. Claude and figure we need light long pants and light long-sleeved shirts for walking in the Amazon forest. I found NO clothing at Walmart. I went to Kohl's and was able to find two pair of pants and a pair of capris. Then I went to Bon Worth and found a black dress I liked. It was fun to get this shopping done and have a measure of success.

When I returned home, Kris called to give me their flight information for the Myrtle Beach trip. We will be picking them up at the airport in Myrtle Beach. The most wonderful news was they plan on riding back to Kentucky with us and leaving from Kentucky to return home after a few days visit. So very happy about this. 

In the late afternoon I finished my notes from the Myrtle Beach Travel Guide. I eMailed those notes to Kris and printed them out for Claude and me. Then I set to work to prepare a Primary lesson and to finish my talk preparation. 

Saturday, June 25th, Claude chose the morning. When we went to bed the night before, he was very happy to tell me he had a plan for Saturday morning if it was alright with me. I woke up knowing I didn't have to think of anything. We got ready and Claude drove us to get a biscuit at Bojangles. Then off to Lexington. We went to Cabela's to shop for Claude some clothes for the Amazon trip. We wanted to get warm weather clothes now before they start putting out winter clothes for Kentucky. That is why all this clothes shopping now. We found shirts for us both and socks for Claude. Success!! Then Claude took us to Chipotle's for lunch. Yum!! Home again.

Claude took his nap and I set to work getting things ready for the next step in closing out Papa's finances. Then I finished up my Primary lesson and my talk. 

In the evening we decided to start an Indiana Jones Fest. We watched the first two of those movies. 
Sunday, June 26th, I gave my talk in sacrament meeting about the spiritual gift of being Quick to Observe and the spiritual gift of Discernment. Elder Bednar did a masterful job with his talk. He first explained that being Quick to Observe means looking and then obeying. Then he explained that being Quick to Observe is the antecedent to and is linked to the Spirit of Discernment. 

I will share two quotes by Apostles who served as counselors to presidents of the Church that Elder Bednar used in this talk. These quotes are about discernment. Most excellent.

QUOTE: Pres. George Q. Cannon. 
        “One of the gifts of the Gospel which the Lord has promised to those who enter into covenant with Him is the gift of discerning of spirits—a gift which is not much thought of by many and probably seldom prayed for; yet it is a gift that is of exceeding value and one that should be enjoyed by every Latter-day Saint. …
        “Now, the gift of discerning of spirits not only gives men and women who have it the power to discern the spirit with which others may be possessed or influenced, but it gives them the power to discern the spirit which influences themselves. They are able to detect a false spirit and also to know when the Spirit of God reigns within them. In private life this gift is of great importance to the Latter-day Saints. Possessing and exercising this gift they will not allow any evil influence to enter into their hearts or to prompt them in their thoughts, their words or their acts. They will repel it; and if perchance such a spirit should get possession of them, as soon as they witness its effects they will expel it or, in other words, refuse to be led or prompted by it.”

QUOTE: Pres. Stephen L Richards 
“First, I mention the gift of discernment, embodying the power to discriminate … between right and wrong. I believe that this gift when highly developed arises largely out of an acute sensitivity to impressions—spiritual impressions, if you will—to read under the surface as it were, to detect hidden evil, and more importantly to find the good that may be concealed. The highest type of discernment is that which perceives in others and uncovers for them their better natures, the good inherent within them. …
        “… Every member in the restored Church of Christ could have this gift if he willed to do so. He could not be deceived with the sophistries of the world. He could not be led astray by pseudo-prophets and subversive cults. Even the inexperienced would recognize false teachings, in a measure at least. … We ought to be grateful every day of our lives for this sense which keeps alive a conscience which constantly alerts us to the dangers inherent in wrongdoers and sin.”

How important it is for us to understand and seek after these two gifts in the world in which we now live. I loved this talk and appreciated the insight it gave to me for my life. Thanks Bishop Fairbanks for giving me this opportunity to study this talk and then share it with others.

I then taught the Primary class. These are the oldest kids in Primary. They are our rowdiest class. They are on that portion of their life journey where they want to be with the teenagers but they are really still kids. These kids are all very good kids. Some just like to push the envelope a bit. I was ready and Claude was there as my helper. I gave him a question to address for the kids the day before. He shared his answer and it was perfect. The kids lesson focused on praying to Heavenly Father constantly and letting the temple help us to walk uprightly before God. 

Claude took us to lunch at Jimmy John's. Then home so he could nap and I could Blog. 

Wow! I had more to say than I thought I would for this past week.

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