Monday, July 11, 2022

Fireworks, Rain and Crocheting...

Monday, July 4, 2022, was a lazy day to ourselves. We didn't invite anyone over. We didn't get invited anywhere. So we simply filled our day with things we wanted to do. Claude grilled pork chops for dinner. About 9pm, we drove to Hwy 32 going away from Georgetown and parked along the side of the highway to watch the Scott County Fireworks from the fairgrounds. I took these pictures. It is interesting to take pictures at night. Takes the shutter a different bit of time to take the picture. Then, there is always my shaking hands. I tried to group the pictures I took so they flow from one kind of firework to the other kinds. We were treated to some fireworks with shapes. I got a picture one with the smiley face. Can you find it? I loved a few of the ones where my hand moved a bit. The sparkles look like colorful fish hooks. I love the very last picture. It was one explosion inside another explosion. When I zoomed it, it reminds me of those pictures that you see of space from the Hubble telescope. Claude and I always reflect on our trip to Tahara, Japan and the wonderful fireworks we enjoyed our last night there. We took watermelon Claude had cut up and ate it while we watched the fireworks. Lovely evening.
Tuesday, July 5th, we started our day by reading our scriptures. I finished drying the final load of laundry and did the ironing. Claude had a dental cleaning appointment in the afternoon. I went with him and waited in the car. When he finished we had an early dinner at Applebee's. Then we did our Walmart errands before we headed home for the evening. This evening we enjoyed a documentary on the history of the telescope. It went all the way back to the making of glass in Venice and the Murano Glassworks. The Marx family brought me a pendant from the Murano Glassworks. I had to text Andie to tell her about it. We really enjoy these documentary pieces. Nice way to spend an evening learning things together. 

Wednesday, July 6th, we again started our day by reading our scriptures. We made more refrigerator pickles. This time we did six pints. We did this last year and wanted to try it again this year. I was able to get some other little things done in the morning like a hotel reservation for our trip driving to Myrtle Beach, verifying our room was in order at Myrtle Beach, purchasing tickets for Hayden, Bailey, Claude and me to see the Louisville Orchestra play Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, etc. I received notarized letters from my sisters on Tuesday and was able to go in the afternoon and begin the probate process for Papa at the Circuit Court. Nicely filled day. The evening would be taco salads for dinner followed by watching a very interesting series Claude recorded. It is titled "The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen" and focuses on a few key men. The first was Daniel Boone. We watched the second and third episode on Wednesday evening. They were about Tecumseh, Davy Crockett, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Lewis and Clark. Very interesting. We have one more to watch. 

Andie sent us this picture of Hayden getting his senior pictures taken. I cut a lot of his hair the last time he visited. I get a huge chuckle at the fact he is wearing a tuxedo top and his shorts and hairy legs show underneath. Cracks me up!
Katelyn sent this picture of the Dynamic Duo, Raelyn and Emelia. They are a force to be reckoned with. They are dressed in their soccer shirts.
Thursday, July 7th, we again started our day by reading. Claude moved his car from the garage and went to the back yard to pick up all the twigs and branches. I took the opportunity to detail the inside of my car. When Claude finished, we sat and rehydrated. Then we piled in my car and went to the car wash. We stopped at Burger King on the way home for a light snack. My afternoon was working on my Blog. In the afternoon, we found another branch from our fairy tree down in the yard. Hope the guys call soon to have that tree cut down. Concerned now about our safety. In the evening, we finished watching the fourth and probably last of The Men Who Made America: Frontiersmen. This has been a very good series. So many connections and putting timing of history right in both Claude and my minds. 

I received this sweet Memoriam in the mail. Phillip Pratt is our Kentucky State Representative. A Memoriam was sent by Ryan Quarles when Mimi passed and Ryan was our State Representative. It is a very nice thing to do for families. There is one glaring error. The Memoriam states Papa was survived by Mimi. Since she passed away in 2012, that is hardly possible. I went back and reviewed the obituary that went in the newspaper. It read that Papa is the spouse of Virginia. Guess that may sound like Mimi is still alive. I probably should have had the obituary in the paper read Vernon was predeceased by Virginia. Oops! This is still a nice gesture. I am including the Memoriam and the Obituary from the Georgetown NewsGraphic for historical purposes.
Friday, July 8th, started our day reading scriptures. I sent out an eMail to our team regarding our turn to clean the Church building. Then I curled up on the loveseat in the living room to try and crochet. My poor thumb on my right hand is not my friend in this effort. I did take a meloxicam in the morning to help with that. I do love to crochet but that arthritis in my thumb is truly not my friend in this effort. Claude was trying to get the television set up in the guest bedroom so he could walk the treadmill and watch DVD's while doing so. We had a lovely rain all morning long. Our ground needs this so very much. After the rain, I was helping Claude with things in the shed and I noticed we had mushrooms growing in the hosta bed and we had a bloom on the clematis. 
Claude made BLT's and pasta salad for dinner. Then we watched a play about Aaron Burr. Very interesting perspective on that particular incident in time. Claude recorded it thinking it was a documentary. Not so. It was a play on a stage with minimal props and staging. There were only six actors playing all the part, five men and one woman. It was very well done and we enjoyed it very much.

Saturday, July 9, 2022, we started our day with a biscuit run. Since we were having another rainy day, Claude decided to make soup and rolls for dinner. While he was preparing the soup to cook through the day, I did some chores on my laptop, then crocheted for the rest of the day. While crocheting, I watch the Dan Brown stories that have been made into movies "Angels & Demons" and "The DaVinci Code". When they were finished, I watched the extra disk with background information on the making of "The DaVinci Code". In the evening we opt to watch "Out of Africa". I love this movie and the music that accompanies it. We also watched the extra DVD with background information. They showed pictures of the real Isak Dinesen. Very interesting.

Sunday, July 10, 2022, I was asked to substitute in a Primary class at the last minute. The teacher went on a business trip and was kept longer that originally planned. We are studying the Old Testament. I played the little video about Naaman and Elisha healing him. The kids answered questions so they really understood the story. Then I read them what Pres. Nelson asked us to do in the last general conference. He asked us to share the gospel with others. Then I gave each of the kids a piece of typing paper and had them fold it in half. They drew a pictures of Naaman bathing in the River Jordan on one half. On the other half they drew a picture of how they would follow Pres. Nelson's counsel on the other half. They were really well-behaved and everyone participated. 

We had to hurry home from church as Claude had a Zoom meeting regarding his calling at church in Public Relations. I finished off some things on my lap top and then sat down to crochet. This time I would listen to Linda Ronstadt. We have a DVR'd history of her life. I watched that. Then I watched a concert we recorded off Public Television. Claude finished up and joined me for the last half of the concert. Then we drove to Frankfort for lunch/dinner at Cook Out Burgers. We actually went inside. Never had done that because of the pandemic. After eating our burgers, we tried one of their shakes. We each opted for a peach shake. Very, very good. The little chunks of peach wanted to lodge themselves in our straws! 

Home for the evening. Claude had a special on Appalachian music that we enjoyed. I crocheted again. By the end of the evening, I finally finished the bodies of the four turtles. Yeah me!! 

It was a good week. 

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