Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Band, Football, Baseball & Labor Day...

Time to update the Blog. I must confess that a good bit of my time has been spent making Christmas presents. I cannot post any of that as someone in the family may see and their Christmas surprise will be ruined. I will just post non-Christmas gift things.

Wednesday, August 31st, that insidious disease, cancer, has struck our family. My little sister, Neffie, has breast cancer. They have done the lumpectomy. This day she started radiation. She will not have chemotherapy as they feel they caught it early enough and removed all margins with the surgery. So, sweet Neffie had the first of 20 radiation treatments this day. Hang in there Neffie. You have got this!!

Thursday, September 1st, the biggy for Claude and me this day was attending the Oldham County High School football game so we could watch our Mini's perform in the band. We made sure we were early enough to watch them march to the stadium from the band room. Hayden is playing the euphonium and is on the end of the row. Bailey is in the next picture playing the mellophone. She is third from the left on the first row in the picture. I can never find her when the band marches. So, I took a picture of the mellophones and the trumpets hoping she was somewhere in there. Sure enough, I got her with the first mellophone picture. I got each of them as they sat with the band in the stand. They are sounding really good again this year. So much enthusiasm as a group. 

The cheerleaders have big flags. Each flag has a letter spelling COLONELS (as in Kentucky Colonels). This is the high school mascot. Before the game, the cheerleaders will get the flags and randomly wave one at a time in no particular order. When they do this, the band calls out the letter in a loud voice. If the cheerleader slowly waves the flag, the band drags out saying the letter. If the cheerleaders wave the flags quickly, the band calls out the letters quickly. They all have lots of fun doing this as they get ready for the game to begin. 

Hayden is a senior this year. The seniors all get to wear a red beret on senior night. They taken nice pictures of the band members, the football team, and the cheerleaders who are seniors. They make big posters of these pictures with their names and hang them on the fence at the football stadium. This year they gave Andie and Michael buttons with Hayden's senior band picture on them. Way cool! 

Also, the band gets the third quarter to buy their treats and take a break. Bailey brought Jake, her boyfriend of three months, to meet us. I sent her a text that even to thank her for that gesture and letting us get to meet Jake.
Friday, September 2nd, we attended the Florence Ya'lls baseball game and fireworks. This is the end of their season. The game was awful. The Ya'lls just couldn't get it together. But, the weather was perfect for being outside. We ate and after the game watched the fireworks. Seemed the perfect way to being the Labor Day weekend.
Saturday, September 3rd, found us getting ready for a nice Labor Day. Once the house was clean and I was caught up with my Christmas crafting, I pulled out the puzzle Andie and Michael finished and then gave to me. I posted this on our family Facebook page. "Now everyone find at least one fun thing to do this Labor Day weekend. I found mine! Thanks Marx family for sharing with this puzzle addict."
Our little Raelyn has been taking her cheerleading classes. She participated at their first football game. She is a cutie.
Sunday, September 4th, was a good Sabbath Day. It was Fast and Testimony Sunday. Claude bore his testimony about the love of our Savior. He shared his tender experiences about the Helping Hands service in Hazard, Kentucky. 

This was the first time Andie and Michael left the Mini's alone overnight. Andie asked that we keep in contact with them. I sent an eMail on Sunday morning to the Mini's. "Okay Mini's. You are being given the gift of trust by your parents. They are trusting you to be able to stay without them overnight. Grampa and I are proud of you for earning that trust. We will be here if you need anything. Please feel free to call. Let us know how your time goes tonight and tomorrow. Love Ya Bunches!"

In an effort not to drive them crazy, I didn't text again until the evening. I simply sent a text asking how they were doing. Bailey responded, "Good". Hayden didn't even respond to any of the text. But that is what I expected. Bailey and I started a train of texts. She asked how we were. I explained we were watching a documentary about Anne Boleyn. She thought that was cool. I asked if she knew about Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She assured me there was a musical about his six wives. I responded with a link to the song "I'm Henry VIII I Am, I Am" by Herman's Hermits explaining this was a very popular song when Grampa and I were young. Bailey was impressed. I asked if they had eaten dinner. She assured me they had pizza. I told her we had Burger King. Bailey said she had a friend that worked at one. Then I shared how Claude worked at one after we were married. He was in the Air Force and I was pregnant with Nissa. I would drive at midnight to pick him up from work at Burger King. He would have worked grilling burgers. Then he had to clean the grill with Clorox. When he got in the car, he smelled of sweat, grill and Clorox. It would make me nauseated. Bailey enjoyed that story from our past. Then she suggested we all go to Burger King. We agreed the next time we did a meal together, it would be Burger King. I asked about Hayden. She assured me he was in the basement and okay. 

It was completed! 
Monday, September 5th, was Labor Day. I sent the Mini's a text suggesting they wear red, white and blue!

I would actually cook something. I saw a cherry cheesecake on Facebook. I showed the picture to Claude and asked him if it looked good to him. Claude does not have the sweet tooth in this family. That is mine. But there are a few desserts that he really does have a weakness for, and this is one of them. I make a cherry dessert that is like cheese cake. We got the ingredient I was missing and I made us one for Labor Day. 
Someone posted this hilarious Halloween costume on Facebook. I shared with with our family. My soda would have to be Mello Yellow or Dr. Pepper. What would yours be?
In the morning we went for a biscuit to start our day. Then stopped at Kroger to get that ingredient I needed for the Cherry dessert. Claude went in and I stayed in the car working with text messages. I looked up and saw this man. His cart only had soda pop in it. He was filling the back of his truck with soda. I'm thinking there was a party going on in his life. I hope someone else was bringing the food because that much soda is very expensive.
We had a lovely, quiet Labor Day. We got out our DVD set of Northern Exposure and started to watch them. Great way to spend the afternoon and evening. 

I did post this on our family Facebook page about Labor Day: "A fun fact for this day: Why can't you wear all white after Labor Day? Wearing white represented that you could afford to get out of the city and vacation elsewhere when summer ended. Since Labor Day typically represents the end of summer, a 'rule' was established that you shouldn't wear white after Labor Day if you didn't have the money to take fall and winter vacations. (I wear white whenever I want...)

Tuesday, September 6th, felt like a Monday. All day long it felt like it was Monday. I even texted Nissa about how she would use her day off. That is when I realized it was Tuesday and not Monday. She was at work!!

Andie posted this great quote. I Love It!!
That finishes a quick look at our week. Life is good. 

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