Sunday, October 30, 2022

Halloween is Coming!!

Had a nice week this week. No hectic schedule things to keep up with. Let's take a picture journey through my week.

Monday, October 24th, Pratt Lawn & Landscape came out in the morning and aerated and strip (power) seeded our lawn. To illustrate how lacking in moisture our soil is, I took these pictures. First is the aeration and second is the seeding. There were clouds of dirt in each of these operations. We would spend everyday out watering the grass to see if we can get the grass seed to take off and grow over the winter. Pray for us!!
Paul and Rachel posted this picture of them on Facebook. Good picture of them.
Tuesday, October 25th, Claude went to physical therapy for his shoulder. This day, at the end of the therapy, the nice lady massaged his shoulder and Claude was very happy with that part of the PT. I am not sure pulling around the water hose is good for his must be done.

Wednesday, October 26th, we went to the Courthouse in Georgetown to do in-person absentee voting. We will not be able to vote on election day. We have done this before. I think it was when we went to Alaska the last time. We got there just before the rush. We each got our ballots and I noted, as the line formed in the hallway, that everyone was at least our age or older. This was another gray-haired experience. Everyone of these couples was headed to Florida for the winter. Hmmmm...

Thursday, October 27th, Claude participated in his CFCRB. Now, I cannot for the life of me tell you what that acronym stands for. Claude has told me but, alas, it simply does not stick. However, it is a video conference call having to do with foster care. Claude wanted something to do to contribute. He looked into this and took the training. Now, once a month, he participates in a video conference call and they review foster care cases and make decisions about how these cases should proceed. I sat in the living room embroidering while he took this call. It can be up to two hours. I marveled that they take the case workers notes and make life-altering decisions for a young persons life but those brief notes. The families may be on the call if they so desire. None were this day. Happy Claude finds these things to do that are of great service. 

The Roper family did some trick-or-treating on Thursday. Don't know who the person is in the background of the first picture. But, in the foreground is Raelyn as a policewoman, Emelia as a princess and Joel as Mr. Potato Head. Drew is holding Joel's hand, or trying too. This was Joel's first real foray into the trick-or-treating scene. I asked Katelyn how he handled it. She assured me once he knew food was involved, he was willing to push someone aside to get his turn. 
Friday, October 28th, Raelyn had her Halloween Parade at school. Katelyn works at the middle school and the high school right there by Raelyn's elementary school. Katelyn was able to go and watch Raelyn. It seems Joel tried on the policeman hat that was part of Raelyn's costume. Such a sweet face.
Saturday, October 29th, the Roper's attended Trunk-or-Treat at the Grand Haven Ward building. A good time was had by all. Top to bottom: Joel, Emelia and Raelyn.
We also attend our Elkhorn Creek Trunk-or-Treat here in Georgetown, Kentucky. I took only one picture. This is our Primary president and her hubby. They dressed as a circus family. Their three boys were also well dressed in this theme. I took Josh and Jessie at their trunk display. Halloween is Jessie's favorite holiday. She goes all out with family themed costumes and trunk decorations. She and I decorated the cultural hall for the party and set up a photo booth. It was a great party and very well attended.
Halloween Funnies. I enjoy the season memes and things. There are two from this week that are Halloween based. The first is simply funny. The second is an amazing pumpkin carving.
I enjoyed finishing my last book to read about the Amazon this week. I believe I am on-track for Christmas shopping. A few more items to get when we get back. I had a good week and am looking forward to this coming week.

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