Sunday, November 1, 2009

Moon Over Sadieville...

Well, we made it to November. Can't believe it got here so fast!!!
Tonight my dear friend Laura called and told me to go outside and look at the moon. I took this picture. It was just a beautiful sight. The sun was getting ready to go down on the front side of our home and this full moon was reflecting the sun's light on the back side of our home. I know this picture does not do the sight justice but it will help me remember this beautiful moon, Cosmos moon (for those of you who saw Moonstruck).
Claude and I were prepared for the trick-or-treaters to come Saturday night. I had on my Halloween sweater. I had my pumpkin plate full of candy. The time in Sadieville for trick-or-treating was 6pm to 8pm. Little Zachary from next door came close to 6pm. Then no one came. Finally at 8:30pm we had one last little guy about 7 years old. I just looked at my hubby and said, "It is a shame we have to eat all this candy by ourselves." I miss the little kids coming in their costumes. We've never had many kids show up on Halloween night. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact we are way out in the country and the houses are set far apart and you have to go up and down hills to get to them. If I were a parent, I'd think seriously about heading to Georgetown where there are a lot of homes close together. But it was still disappointing to have only 2 kids show up. If Claude and I can be good, we'll have some Halloween candy for the grandmonsters when they come for Thanksgiving. However, in all honesty, that is a long way off for us to be that good. We'll see... This morning the alarm clock went off at 7am. Claude has meetings at the Church on Sunday mornings at 8:30am. I go in with him and have a chance to sit quietly in the chapel and read my scriptures. I truly enjoy this quiet moment to read and reflect. We usually are up at 7am and out the door by 8am. It was getting close to 8am and I was in front of the mirror in our bedroom when Claude walked up behind me and put his arms around me and said, "Happy November 1st." I was a little puzzled and said, "Happy November 1st to you too." Then he said, "Happy Daylight Savings Time." I just stood there and tried to digest what the Big Guy was telling me. After a few seconds it registered and I said, "Do you mean this was fall back in time and we would have gotten and extra hours sleep?" "Yep!" was the reply. I determined to take a glass half full approach and headed to my craft room in the basement to find my computer puzzle for today and do it before Church. Silly us. Claude took the opportunity to reset clocks through our abode. I think the thing that made it register for Claude was when he checked his Blackberry and it gave a message that the time was changed due to Day Light Savings Time. So, there you have it, 2 trick-or-treaters, up an hour too early and a great moon to end the day. Life is good in Sadieville!

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