Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm Happy About...

As I drove home from Georgetown yesterday afternoon, I noticed that all the candidates I voted for (whether they won or not) have removed their signs from the sides of streets and highways.  I like that. That is a responsible citizen. I did notice one other who was out picking up their signs. Now, I know that signs are expensive and it might just be a financial thing. But I truly appreciate them clearing up after themselves.

The entrance to Eagle Bend has been chock full of political signage. We have 3 homes for sale on our block right now. You really just couldn't tell they had 'For Sale' signs because they were the same size and shape of the 'political candidate' signs. Kind of ached for these home owners a bit. It is not an easy thing to sell a home this far out in the country. So for several weeks their 'For Sale' signs have not really helped advertize for them very much. Now you can tell there are 'For Sale' signs at the entrance again.

I remember us helping Andie and Michael get ready for a yard sale before they moved from Maryland to Kentucky. We made the signs to put up and covered them in plastic because of a rain concern. Then we placed them at specific intersections. But we made a map and knew where we put them. As soon as the yard sale was over, we were able to retrace our steps and pick up each of those signs in their neighborhood. I'm sure others appreciated this cleaning up after ourselves.

Claude and I are headed to a training class about 'social networking' today. It is a lunch training at Georgetown College. This after watching a new 'Criminal Minds' last night where the killer used 'social networking' as the premise for his murders. I hope they teach us things that are responsible and don't teach of to fear this type of end to our 'social networking'. I stayed away from Facebook and Blogs for a long time. Now I'm grateful for keeping a better journal with my Blog and for finding lots of friends from way back in our past history on Facebook. We've shared marriages, births, deaths, and just catching up on Facebook. For all of it's possibilities of negative things, there is a lot of good that can happen by a quick note to friends. If I learn some really new and interesting facts, I'll share them on my Blog.

One last thought...a quote in a talk we heard at the Scott Education & Community Foundation on May 4th: "A life without dreams is a nightmare."

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