Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Magic...

Tonight Santa arrived in Sadieville in the Sadieville Patrol Car. Lights were flashing, sirens were blaring, and Santa was happy.

The Scott County Public Library provided this excellent evening of Christmas magic for the kids. They only asked that all the kids get a ticket during the two weeks prior. Tickets were free. They were given to add to the fun of the event and to regulate the number of kids in each of the readings of the Polar Express which were done in Sadieville's caboose. The Library requested and Eagle Creek Baptist Church agreed to let us use their building for Santa, a craft activity and a place to serve hot chocolate and cookies.  
Santa would spend most of his time inside the Eagle Creek Baptist Church where they had a room set up for him to sit and talk with the kids.
The kids were able to visit with Santa before their time to go to the caboose for their reading of The Polar Express. He would give each one of them a candy cane.

The conductor was there to lead the kids to the caboose and take their tickets for their reading of The Polar Express.
The caboose had been decorated with some lights outside. Inside there were lots of blankets on the coal bins and storage areas for the kids to sit on.
This is actually the toilet in the caboose. We wrapped it like a present to conceal it and so none of the kids would sit on it. Claude had the idea to make it look like a package.
There would be a man, Brad Hadaway, who would actually read The Polar Express and Mary Lou White, from the library, to hold a second book and show the pictures so all the kids could see it.  
After their turn hearing the story, Santa would meet them outside the caboose and give each child a silver bell.
The kids would go back to Eagle Creek Baptish Church to have cookies & hot chocolate and make a craft. If they had not had a chance to sit on Santa's lap and talk with him, they could visit with him then.
This was just a fun event. However, it did not come off without a hitch. The caboose has electricity going into it. That had been tested prior to this event to be sure all would come off well. When the library got to the caboose this evening, the lights outside the caboose were fine but lights. Not good. Fortunately we have a good citizen, Brian Reese, who came down and fixed the electicity inside the caboose.
Here are a few fun pictures of cute moments from the evening.
One little girl leaving the craft room was showing me her bell. She was so happy. Then she said, "But we're not going to the liberry." The ladies at the refreshment tables told her to come to the library and her mom told her they were not going tonight. So cute.

This picture was taken at the moment of my favorite quote of the night.
These adorable little guys were sitting on Santa's lap. As I snapped this picture the little guy on the right was saying to Santa, "Are you watching me?" Music popped in my mind to the song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" The verse says, 
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake
I wondered if this cute little guy was bad and worried or good and just wanted to be sure Santa knew that. I left the room with a chuckle and a grin.

What a wonderful event for the kids. Thank you Scott County Public Library for making this Christmas Magic happen. Thank you Eagle Creek Baptist Church for opening your home and hearts so Christmas Magic could happen. Thank you Santa for helping each child feel that Christmas Magic. Thank you City of Sadieville for restoring that lovely caboose so it could be open for such wonderful events.

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