Friday, December 28, 2012

We're Shot...

During my mother's last few months in the nursing home, she had shingles. We were not allowed to visit her during this time. This was when I learned that, if you have had chicken pox, you can get the shingles. I also learned there is a vaccine which can possibly prevent you from getting shingles or have them be less intensive if you get them. This is available to those over 60 years of age.

Claude and I each went to our doctor in November and got a blood test that determines if you have ever had chicken pox. We both found out we have had chicken pox. Therefore we both were susceptible shingles. Next step, getting the vaccine.

Our doctor wrote prescriptions for each of us in November.  We were told the vaccine was live and we would need to basically stay away from babies, pregnant women and people with low immune systems for whatever reason for about two weeks. I don't know about the world in which others move but for Claude and me we can't go anywhere that you might not run into those groups of people, especially at church. So we tried to find a time when we would have minimal interaction with others. Hmmm...

We figured once everyone left after Christmas would be the best timing. I called CVS Pharmacy yesterday and they do not administer the shot. I called Kroger Pharmacy and they did give the shot. Today was the day.

We plotted a trip to Georgetown. First to the dry cleaners, next lunch at Jimmie Johns, followed by a stop at Papa's, picked up Claude's prescription, to the movie theater to see The Hobbit and finally to Kroger for shots.

We use CVS Pharmacy so there was extra paperwork to fill out because we've never filled a prescription there before and because the shot requires extra paperwork. The entire process took about 45 minutes start to finish.

As the young man administers our shots, I asked him about staying away from people for two weeks. He told us that was not necessary. We were amazed. We left determined to be careful who we are around just to be safe. But we don't have to be locked down for two weeks. Although, two weeks being assigned to my home and not allowed to leave while I felt healthy would not be bad thing by any stretch of the imagination. I believe I could fill those two weeks with things I want to accomplish in my home just fine.

So...we are shot!!

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