Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Then Christmas happened...

The Marx family arrived Christmas eve in time for smoked brisket sandwiches and pasta salad for dinner.  Bailey immediately headed for the Bubba Gump glasses because they have flashing lights in the bottom.  I believe her added touch of a little umbrella was truly classy. 
After dinner we began the preparation of cookies for Santa.  This year's offering would be in the form of reindeer and in the flavor of peanut butter cookies.
When all was ready, Andie looked out the window and, lo and behold, Bailey was already out there putting out treats.  She had not waited for the camera.  And, she used her flashing Bubba Gump glass for Santa.  Only the best for Santa.  She was happy to pose for us to try and get a few pictures.  These Mini's were moving fast because it was very cold outside and the ground was a little wet.  Hayden took care of the reindeer treats. 
A good night's rest was had by all.  I was awake at 6am and out the door by 6:20am to go get Papa. Before leaving I checked the Mini's and they were awake and obediently watching the television in the basement until everyone was there and ready for the family photo on the stairs.  I alerted Andie that they were awake before I left.  Then I hurried to bring Papa back to the house.  We made it back by about 7am. Such logistics.  I always feel like my red Buick IS Santa's red sleigh!!

When I got home with Papa, Andie was in the basement with her off-spring.
We all gathered for the traditional family picture on the stairs before the Mini's were allowed up where the tree is in the living room.  They take this 'having to stay in the basement' fairly well.  However, on Christmas eve this year as Andie explained the plans for Christmas morning and the need to stay in the basement till an adult told them it was okay to go upstairs, Hayden simply looked at her and said something like, "I understand, but I don't have to like it."  I think our boy is growing up.
The Mini's even waited long enough for me to get their pictures in front of the tree. Then they dug into their stockings.  
I love this picture of Hayden scoping out the presents.  
Gifts are always an interesting process.  I've seen them bring tears of tender memories, laughter from getting the joke behind the gift, joy in the eyes of the little child who made their gift a school or church, so many levels of emotion.  This year I had a theme of a pair of socks for each family member. There were Bazinga socks, Soft Kitty socks, super hero socks, leopard tights for Bailey. 

Then there was this fun gift I found for Michael.  He loves sports.  While strolling through the Half-price Bookstore in Lexington I found the perfect book for Michael.  It was bright green and caught my attention just by it's color.  When I went down the aisle to look at it. It turned out to be a book about all kinds of sports and their rules.  Lots of nice illustrations.  And that great turf cover.  Had to be done.  I bought it for Michael.  He thought it was just great.  He never had a book with a green turf cover bound on it.
One of Bailey's gifts was the set of Benji movies. These I also found at the Half-priced Bookstore.  Bailey loves pretending she is a dog.  Hope she enjoys the cute movies about a dog. 
This is the Marx family after we opened presents.
Hayden received a big Lego set from us.  He immediately set to work putting it together.  He climbed up on the sofa so Papa could watch his nimble fingers and quick brain at work.  It is fascinating to watch how quickly he does these projects.   
After breakfast and cleaning the kitchen, I set out the things needed for each of the Mini's to make a snowman cake for Christmas dinner dessert.  They each had all the items they would need on their section of the counter.  They were each shown the picture of what they had supplies for and told to use it as a guide but be as creative as they wanted. Hayden stayed close to task and finished efficiently and quickly.  Bailey set her little Frozen snowman character, Olaf, on the counter and worked to come close to him.  She took a bit longer to finish her snowman.  At one point she said, "Ma, do you have any gloves?"  Then she headed to the drawer where she knew they were.  The rest of her decorating project was done with blue rubber gloves on her hands. Such a character.
 We ate a great ham dinner.  Then, out of the blue, I started to feel very bad.  Andie and I started the puzzle and the ucky feeling started to increase.  I never pulled out the Lindt truffles, I never ate a piece of candy or a slice of cake. I just kept feeling worse. Finally I left my beloved puzzle making part of Christmas and headed to our bedroom.  Got ready to lay down on the bed.  Claude laid down beside me and the bed collapsed.  Goodness.  Claude took the side of the frame downstairs and fixed it.  I sat in the chair and waited.  Then I went to the bathroom and hurled my Christmas dinner.  By the time I got back to the bedroom the bed was fixed and I simply curled up and went to sleep.  That was about 8pm and I stayed there until 9am the next morning.  Sleeping is not my strong suit.  I must have been very sick.  It just left me with chills every now and then and so very tired.  All day Friday I was up for an hour or so and then back to bed for a nice nap.  Friday night I went back to bed in the early evening and stayed until late Saturday morning.  I can't tell you what happened during this time.  I do know my family kept up with their celebrations. They followed the grid and knew what there was in the house to eat.  The Mini's played the WiiU in my bedroom but it never stopped the naps.  When I was awake, I tried to work on the puzzle with Andie. I didn't eat because it just didn't even sound good.  By Saturday mid day I was feeling better.  Good thing, the next wave of company was on its way to Sadieville.

The puzzle was finished.  I was feeling better, not great but so much better.  I may have just been worn completely out. Not sure but ever so grateful it was a bug and not the flu. Christmas is never dull. 

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