Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bailey Begins Her PAC Phase of Life...

Our youngest grandmonster is now in 4th Grade. At Buckner Elementary when you reach that age of life, you are now invited to perform with the Performing Arts Club (PAC) for your final two years at Buckner Elementary School. Hayden totally enjoyed this his 4th and 5th grade years performing in each PAC program so Bailey naturally has looked forward to this day. 

Wednesday, December 7th was her turn to shine. The program was entitled "Twas One Crazy Night Before Christmas". These are always delightful performances and every student that wants to participate has a part to play in the production. Bailey was in the chorus part of it and filled it with all the expression she can exude.

Claude had meetings in Lexington with Kentucky League of Cities, but he raced away at the end and met me at Papa's apartment and we drove like a bat out of Hades to LaGrange to get there on time. Then we would hurry back to Papa's right after so Claude could drive to Morehead, Kentucky for another meeting and I could get Papa to the nursing home to take music for the residents. Bailey was so happy he was able to be there. At one point I caught our little dear making goo-goo eyes at her Grampa...much to his delight. Oh how I would love to have caught that with my camera. It was between songs and speaking parts and I just wasn't camera ready at that point. They do have a cute relationship. She is in control and he believes he is letting her think she is in control. So fun.

As always, I focus on my grandmonsters when we attend these things. So these are Bailey expressions I loved the most for your enjoyment.
And there you have it, Miss Bailey at her best. Was it worth the 1 1/2 hour drive each way just for a 40 minute performance? Why, yes, yes it was. And, I would repeat the drive on Thursday for Hayden. It is what Grandmothers do for Grandmonsters.

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