Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Life's Whirlwind is Back...

The lull of Christmas and New Year's is over. The pace is back to frenetic again. Here is my sample.

Monday, Papa had an appointment last Friday but I moved it to Monday due to bad walks and roads. So Monday morning found me at Papa's apartment to take him to see Dr. Weckman. This was his three month check. He did fine but had to talk with Dr. Weckman about the pain in his hip and leg. Dr. Weckman told him he needed to get an X-ray to know for sure what they were dealing with. He gave us the paperwork to have that done at our 'leisure' at the hospital. They did blood work on him as well.

Normally, my Monday is buying Papa's groceries and cleaning his apartment. My plan was to do that after the doctor. But we had a little sunshine and I decided to pay attention to that since rain was in the forecast and get Papa out for a drive. While waiting for Dr. Weckman, I checked my Google Maps and made us a route to take. So our afternoon was spent driving Kentucky roads. I assured Papa the really back roads we often take was something I would not do as all were not clear but we took some we haven't ever driven before and had a great drive. We stopped along the way and had something to eat at a Dairy Queen.

I took Papa back to his apartment at about 4:30pm. I told him I would get his groceries Tuesday. Then I fought Walmart to get my groceries before heading back to Sadieville.

Tuesday I was to have visited a lady that lives further out in the country. She had a sick son and couldn't visit so I did 'Plan B' and went to City Hall and took down the Christmas decorations and carried them down the stairs to the shed. Glad that little chore is done for this year.

Then I drove to Georgetown, made a deposit and then went to get Papa. I would take him to Georgetown Hospital for his X-ray. I ached for him. I knew they would put him in all kinds of uncomfortable positions to get just the right pictures for Dr. Weckman and I knew Papa was hurting already. He took it like a trooper but was really ready to go back to his apartment. I left him there and then went to Kroger and got his groceries. I put them away and then headed to Lexington to have dinner with Claude and help him pass time between meetings. City Barbeque was our dining adventure. Love their food. Then it was back to Sadieville for an evening of chores.

This morning I am getting some things off my 'to do' list while fielding calls from people who want to add to that list. NOOOO!!

I did get a call from Ashleigh at Dr. Weckman's office. They had the X-ray from Georgetown Hospital. Papa has chronic arthritis in his back and it is pinching his spine causing the severe pain down his hip and leg. Because he takes a blood thinning medication, he shouldn't take the powerful arthritis medications unless there is no other choice. So I get to go in and tell Papa to get moving to keep his joints limber. Oh my!!

This afternoon Papa and I will take music to the residents at the nursing home. I'll post something on my Institute Class bulletin board. Stop at CVS to pick up my prescription. Then I hope to come home and work on all the things I wanted to accomplish today. In the meantime, Claude just sent me a text and he forgot his name badge for his meetings in Lexington today. Goodness.

Ain't real life just grand. Nothing monumental or earth shaking. Just grand none-the-less.

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