Friday, May 19, 2017

The Day Got Worse...Then It Got Better...

Well, what can I say, life happens...

I reveled in the goodness of the morning yesterday. In the afternoon I called Papa to remind him of our visit to the nursing home. He assured me he was cleaned up and ready. I got to his apartment and found him asleep in his chair and he had not cleaned up and was not ready. Clearly in the hour after I called he forgot and went to sleep. Goodness. And, since he told me he was ready, I had not left enough time for him to change clothes. Frustration.

We made it through the nursing home visit. Poor Papa can't hear and I can't turn the nursing home television up to 100. There weren't as many residents as usual to listen. Papa did have a bit of a conversation with the man at the table but he was playing Scrabble as he listened to the music and I'm sure Papa wanted him to just listen to the music. Then, when we left, I asked Papa if he wanted to walk to the car as it was near the front of the lot and only across a bit. He asked if I would bring the car around. This is not a good thing. My concern about him not being able to walk that far is great. But, I brought the car and got him in it. He was quiet all the way home. 

When I got in front of his apartment my frustration level just jumped right up there. In Papa's neighborhood you can only park on the side of the street on which he lives. Across his driveway and the driveway of the lady in the unit next to him was a car with a trailer attached. I couldn't get into Papa's driveway and his neighbor on the other side had his driveway full of their two cars. Papa couldn't walk from inside the nursing home to my car and it was easily that distance from the street up his driveway to his door. My first thought was to lay on the horn till someone came out. I didn't do that but pulled in as close behind the trailer as I could and close to Papa's mailbox on the street. Then I put on my emergency flasher so, hopefully, no car would hit me coming around the corner. All the time Papa is say, "I can walk. Don't worry, I can walk!" and I'm thinking, "But you couldn't walk at the nursing home?" I had purchased more bananas for Papa and they were in my back seat on the driver's side. I opened my door and then the back driver's side door to get the bananas for Papa. When I did that, the back door fell closed on my thumb after I got the bananas out. I said, "Ouch!" and immediately felt nauseous. I gave Papa the bag and watched him carefully walk to his front door. Once I was sure he was okay, I got back in my car and looked at my thumb. It was already turning blue and was throbbing with each heartbeat. I knew I wouldn't die or anything but it really hurt.
I went to Arby's for my dinner. The lady at the counter recognized me. I placed my order and we talked about my thumb. I told her I was going to check my purse for some aspirin or something like that to help with the pain. She assured me she had Motrin and gave me two. The rest of the staff seemed stunned and confused at her giving a person dining there some medication. She explained by saying, "She is one of my regulars." Did my heart good. There are some good things in going to a place often and ordering the same thing each time. By the time I left the Motrin was helping. It still throbbed and hurt but not as bad. I thanked my friend for her kindness and headed to teach institute.

In the process of setting up my classroom and getting ready to teach, one of my clipboard fell off the shelf I set them on and broke and I also dropped all my papers and scattered them on the floor. This did not bode well for a good night. But, wonder of wonders, the streak of bad karma left and we had an absolutely wonderful class. Everyone participated and we had a great lesson together. The evening ended well.

What an emotional up and down day Wednesday was. Life can be a roller coaster.

FYI...Today, Thursday, my thumb is swollen, a little more blue on the top and around the base of the nail and on the back of my thumb. I told my hubby it will be interesting watching it change colors as it heals. 

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